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30 replies
  1. Heidi H says:

    There is no such thing as ‘hate speech’ per the Supreme Court. There should be no ‘hate crimes’ as it gives preferences to certain groups. A crime is a crime no matter whom commits it or those who are the victims of it.

  2. bg Studio says:

    Why not stagger the clips you release instead of dropping five at a time or so? I check subscribed content and then have nothing, then five. Staggered out instead of clusters makes each one stand out on its own. Just a suggestion.

  3. Walt P says:

    Trump will win in a historical landslide. That will give Trump a mandate to change this country and move it back away from Liberal Progressive Democrats!

  4. GDPops says:

    How could a single American Jew vote democrat considering the left's anti Israel policies and actions. Wise up my Jewish friends. SUPPORT MIDDLE EAST PEACE NOT WAR. – Re-Elect President Trump & vote ALL democrats out of the House, Senate & Governors

  5. Ron B says:

    I will stand by my Jewish Brothers. If anyone attacks my brothers, you attack me. I am black and this makes me tearful at the thought that anyone would target our citizens because of their faith. I will refrain from expressing the depth of my anger at these incidents.

  6. Johnny X says:

    You want to talk anti Jewish?
    What about the Dem "squad".
    You know, the ones who will be pulling the party even father left once Joe is "retired" in a few months.

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