
New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz just released his latest book, which details his predictions for the 2020 presidential race. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair caught up with him and has the latest.

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36 replies
  1. Ellie R says:

    Obama stole the 2012 election so
    Be on your guard, they may have
    Big Mike waiting in the wings.
    Never trust a Democrat!
    T🇺🇸 R 🇺🇸 U 🇺🇸 M 🇺🇸 P 2020

  2. Eric W says:

    "Progressive" – happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "Liberal" – regarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change
    "Scourge" – a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.

  3. Don Juan says:

    I think Trump is not the best choice for a President .. But is the least corrupt in the last 40 years .. I don't think he is as great as he thinks he is .. But way better than the biased lying media thinks he is. I see what is happening in the U.S as an outsider .. A neutral and am beyond totally disgusted what the Democrats have become .. I wonder if some liberals are appalled at this "Obamanation" as well. You can't be level headed and for one moment agree what the lunatic democrats are doing. Its completely up in the air what will happen on Nov 3rd. But I will for sure know what America is on that date .. Only time and votes will tell!

  4. Mister Knight says:

    I assure you if republicans do not support President they will be gone next election. People care afraid to lose their jobs by being falsely accused of being racist. But once it has happens like it has me, it gets old fast and soon the term racist will not even case anyone because no one will believe it anymore.

  5. Turza Hall says:

    NOT afraid of the Democrat's at ALL!!! We are " silent " NOW… Laying in wait…BUT fear the Rattle Snake coiled and ready to STRIKE! WE WILL THRIVE AND SURVIVE THE 2020 Election!

  6. Robert Stanger says:

    The Dems are clueless…those scarfs they were wearing in support of BLM is a traditional symbol of a tribe from Ghana who were known SLAVE TRADERS….A dirty little historical fact that BLM Marxist like to leave out. Stronger black tribes conquered weaker tribes and SOLD the losers into slavery. Dems in essence were honoring slave traders.

  7. Herb Roberts says:


  8. MAJUSA RET94 says:

    I am not afraid to fight.
    I will vote for TRUMP for POTUS 2020!
    However, I believe Democrats, leftist socialists will stop at NOTHING to ensure TRUMP is defeated.
    I believe the Democrat Party has a carefully scripted plan to steal the election using all manner of tricks, especially controlling the news media. And I see no evidence the Democrat Party has any other principle but win at any cost.
    I hope I am wrong, and I pray Trump will win.
    I urge you to vote TRUMP for POTUS 2020!

  9. mary Ellen todd says:

    Trump 2020, greatest President in the US! I agree with this gentleman, President Trump will win in a landslide many pro Trumps are keeping silent BUT Wikileaks vote for him 🇺🇸

  10. Martenson Lee says:

    Not the Republicans are scared of Democrats they're not…. Democrats are drama queens.. they cry they make a scene… most Republicans just don't want to deal with them…, I mean CNN and I mean the mainstream news is like listening to baby's running the new like little children

  11. Rob Noyes says:

    Sorry to say, but this vid looks manufactured, as if Horowitz performed a separate interview someplace which was cut in places to answer the OAN reporter's questions…

  12. Theresa Armatino says:

    Trump will definitely win by a landslide and you will also see a lot of democrats removed as well some will even surprise you… lifetime politicians are getting removed and it’s about time…

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