
Catholic author Dr. Taylor Marshall recently gave his take on what might come next as violent mobs across the country continue to demand statues be removed from public spaces. One America’s Jack Posobiec has more from Washington.

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31 replies
  1. The Root Cause says:

    If you want to hear someone talk at the truth I highly recommend finding Taylor Marshall on YouTube and subscribe to his channel. He is not afraid to say the truth. The truth will set you free. Join the side of the light and let’s fight this dark energy and may the Lord Jesus protect us and have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen

  2. viasevenvai says:

    We need to preserve history. Hopefully we preserve the bible as well to keep people reading it as it’s written so that the atheist community thrives. Nothing converts a person to atheism better than the bible.

  3. Thaddeus Noel Laput says:

    Is there again “launch team” of thousands receiving free copies of the book with the names of members of the team printed in these copies in exchange for positive reviews in Amazon and other platforms the way the earlier book Infiltration was marketed?

  4. m2cheese Cheese says:

    Are you guys ever going to tackle the child sex abuse that goes on in the Vatican… I understand how important the statues are but what about peoples souls…🔥Man arrested in human trafficking sting removed from position as LDS bishop🔥 The bishops are too busy molesting kids I guess Care about the statues😞 why wont Francis tackle this issue?

  5. Scrappy says:

    Oh shove off "we have our sins… we had slavery" Stop it, talk about the slavery currently going on in the world. That's more important than a past that is NO MORE. Freakin' bleeding heart, go flagellate yourself elsewhere.

  6. Rob Koh says:

    Sorry but this country was not founded by christians for christians. Freedom of religion is for all religions not just christians. Founding fathers were deists. Read the first amendment and you see they wanted religion to be personal not political. Truman put in god we trust on the dollar. Keep your religion to yourself whatever it is.

  7. Rob Koh says:

    Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Trump is a threat to this country. A leader doesnt blame or spew hate. A leader takes responsibility for failures and gives others credit for success. He is a coward

  8. Thomas Mongan says:

    The problem is that the history and spirit of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and Junipero Serra etc does not reside in a bronze statute. The history and spirit must reside in the hearts and minds of each generation of our people. This history and spirit is no longer being taught to our children. Our government schools have been taken over by communist atheist teachers unions who no longer allow American history to be taught. Our children no longer understand the principles these symbols stand for. Therefor they tear them down. The solution is not to protect the statutes but to protect the minds and hearts of our children by removing them from communist run government schools and for parents to take responsibility for their education by placing them in a good school or home schooling them

  9. Jeffemano says:

    As an athiest I could care less if religions put up a statue. Additionally, I wouldn't be the one to tell them otherwise or rip it down. Don't lump me in with this group.

  10. ANSTAR ANSTAR says:

    Who is CATHOLIC? People pushing the.racist.agendas should think about the teachings.of.Jesus.Christ. Get.away.from.thr
    Catholic Church if you are bigot and disrespect the humility.of.Christ. All men were created.by.GOD…nobody.better.than the.other.SIMPLE MESSAGE OF LOVE BY GOD.AND.CHRIST.
    Both abhor HATE so hate must have no.place.in the. Catholic.church. Learn to be sensitive to the.sufferings of.others. Hate and.Love.cannot.coexist.

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