
After Hours catches up with Emma Meshell – spokesperson for Young Americans for Liberty – to analyze the 2020 race and the moves by the Biden team so far.

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44 replies
  1. Football Investors Club says:

    "irs looking like Biden may take this by a slim margin" If real votes are counted, Trump will win by the largest landslide ever seen. To even peddle this line about slim margins is an insult to the public. Go away little girl, we already know the gig is up.

  2. plmvirginiauva says:

    We need to standardize all elections. It should require photo id, a receipt after you vote to show who you voted for, no more mass mail in ballots, and no more ballot harvesting.

  3. Michele Lyn says:

    Its not possible that Republicans won in these districts but trump lost?? That means thousands had to of voted for biden then all Republicans down the ticket people just dont do that

  4. BS Analyzer says:

    Hammer Scorecard rogue software application appears deployed to switch votes from Trump to Biden in swing states. And maybe others like Sean Parnell were cheated too. Mark Zuckerberg spent $350 million to pay for blue city vote efforts. FB is dead Patriots! Anonymous sources = LIARS and THIEVES 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. Francisco Guzman says:

    This channel is hilarious 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. I’ve never seen such a case of denial before. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This channel exists exclusively to make money from idiots. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Robert McGovern says:

    The same company (Dominion) and software cheated the people of the Philippines and Venezuela as well. It's ridiculous that they know this and nobody has been arrested yet. They didn't rob 1 person. They didn't steal from 100 people, The cheated and robbed hundreds of millions of people.

  7. Dan Black says:

    Here’s some voter security, raise the voting age from 18 to 21, with exceptions for military personnel, and impose voter ID on a Federal Level. That solves the majority of the problem right there. Another step, crest a system where each county is responsible for maintaining voter roles. Removing dead people, people who have moved, illegal immigrants and people who have felony convictions. No mail in voting unless you request an absentee ballot and the rules pertaining to absentee ballots rigorously enforced.

  8. Mona K says:

    How about a carbon copy for paper ballots and a print out receipt of electronic voting? I'm sure that would profoundky prevent voter fraud.

  9. R Ramos says:

    Biden is not President yet! He should automatically be disqualified for his moving forward in putting his cabinet team in place. The Biden team and the MSM have a lot of nerve to constantly call him President when The states have not certified anyone as President yet!

  10. Winn Winn says:

    We have to hold someone accountable for what they have done – 30K deleted email NO indict – Benghazi NO indict – Russia Collusion Hoax NO indict – American Taxpayers should have a voice.

  11. David Wilcox says:

    the only transition biden will be making is to a jail cell.
    how about harsher penalties for people committing voter fraud of any kind? I recommend life.
    and please stop with the senate will save us or that half the population makes one bit of difference when it comes to the democrats doing whatever they want to do,
    its a non argument to make and to give people hope when joe is well on his way to destroying America and he isn't even president elect yet.

  12. garbage binny says:

    No there is no transition, Biden has not been accepted as president so how could he be transitioning into that post. There needs to be some research done on your end, or are you going to join Fox News and the other woke media crew who are going broke pedelling the Biden El Presidentae lie.

  13. DeAn Bryant says:

    I have been praying we keep the Senate! Bit, a bit of a rant. Since the election, these radical AOC types have been running their mouths. Talking, wait, no demanding that every conservative, well ANYONE that has worked for President Trump in any capacity get put on a black list, and have told these people that they will never work again. I though Trump and his supporters were the fascists. Do they even know what that means? Why in the hell would Congress EVER allow someone like her to have any say so in the chambers? It blows my mind, because this little girl, with such an arrogant attitude needs to be voted out, and I suspect that those that were stupid enough to vote for her the first time have since gotten their brains, and will vote her out when it's time. But regardless. we now see, in living color, that these people truly want to bring down this country. But there's one thing that I really can't wrap my brain around and that the fact that this country, the one that they want to tare apart is the very country that gave them a voice to begin with, this is the same country that afforded her type the freedom to go to school, in a wealthy part of NY, It is the same country that allowed her to play outside with her little friends when she was growing up, the same country that elected her sorry stupid a$$ to be nominated into office, the very official office she is using to manipulate people into some ridiculous black list. Well, when she gets voted out, and SHE CERTAINLY WILL, this country needs to. lack list je. People like that don't realize that they reap what they sow.

  14. Pilgrim Kiwi says:

    Just to lighten things up in these dark times… I couldnt help feeling that these two splendid young folk would look quite smashing togerher in a wedding photo.

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