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50 replies
  1. Ken Mancil says:

    What about the companies above BLM what about the one supplying the money even though it dribbles down these companies keep most of the funds designated for BLM and then trickles money down to them what about them

  2. Angus James says:

    It doesn't matter if Trump MAGA is re-elected, and sends down an order of hate crimes on Americans against the BLM, they will all run and hide, alot of the money raised now is for their inevitable departure. TRUMP should do something now.

  3. Anonymous says:

    They dont like capitalism because their unable to support themselves. Who will make it work when whites are gone? No one more than likely!

  4. Edyboy Aca says:

    It blows me the F away that the left and Democrats know this and they still support BLM. Ignorance is bliss with these people they choose not to learn not to research, just follow the hate. And they’re blind hate is going to make this country crumble from within

  5. Jerry Grassel Sr. says:

    It makes you wonder why organizations like BLM hate America but want to take it over. They want to have the benefits of America and not have to work for it. Go figure!

  6. Arthur Avilez says:

    We are living in the last days. Nation will rise against nation and men will become lovers of themselves. Haters of those who do good. Calling evil good and good evil. You want to burn everything down go ahead. Every thing is closed anyway. Thanks to the DEMOCATIC leaders that have brain washed your minds to do their dirty work. Burn loot and murder. Then you attach your own race.

  7. Anonymous says:

    "ELIITIST" he wrote on the chalkboard. Then; "A dominant minority that makes a lot of noise and uses violence to force its will upon others". "They only know what they are against, but do we know what they are for"?
    "They destroy property, burn homes, do anything to enforce their will.
    Satanism is behind the third characteristic of it".
    -Bishop Fulton J. Sheen.
    50 years ago.

  8. Fire_ant_ 187x says:

    I know it's true but, How the hell am I supposed to show this to somebody as proof when the first ladies words don't even match her lips like some old Chinese movie!

  9. QFRIEND says:

    Actually what I'd like to see is all the major cities that want to defund their police departments. Should do this, cancel the police for 6 months, after that send in the garbage trucks to pick up all the dead carcasses, and hauled him off to the dump. Hopefully they will eliminate each other the bad eliminating the other bad. And at the end of six months the place may be a whole lot better than normal people can move back into the area. So let him be fun the police I think what will happen is just what I said. And we can all sit back and watch the freak Show. And when the six months are up the country will be in a better place because most of the garbage in the big cities will be gone

  10. QFRIEND says:

    I have to laugh at these sissies that run black lives matter. Just use Venezuela as an example. They voted in socialism because of nonsense that they believed. Now instead of a progressive rich country they have turned into a third-world s***** in less than a year and a half. Many people have to flee or be executed oh, and the ones that are remaining scrounge at the dumps each day to try to find enough food to live. Socialism work all day get a piece of paper for a loaf of bread that's if you get there in time you'll get one if not you go hungry. You may or may not have electricity or water. Socialism communism has never worked anywhere in the world and anybody that thinks it's does hasn't done the research or is simply stupid

  11. Fitzboden says:

    “With disdain I will throw my gauntlet, full in the face of the world, and see the collapse of this pygmy giant whose fall will not stifle my ardour. Then will I wander godlike and victorious through the ruins of the world and, giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to the Creator.” Karl Marx

    “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” Lucifer

    When he first met Marx, Engles called him “the monster possessed by ten thousand devils.”

  12. Dat Nguyen says:

    BLM is just a riot group for rented. The Democrats want to win the election so the Democrats paid the BLM to create all the riot , chaos so the MSM can blame President Trump. The BLM has two clients now, one is Democrats because of Trump’s Drain the swamp some of top Democrats may go to jail. And the second BLM client is CCP because of the economic war with USA, the CCP want Trump out of the White House so they can share the bed with those traitor Dems.

  13. Erwin Lbj says:


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