
Pop sensation Britney Spears has asked a superior court to return her civil liberties after being locked under a conservatorship for almost 12 years. One America’s Daniel Kitchen investigates the “Free Britney” movement.

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36 replies
  1. Patrick Radcliffe says:

    Not surprising another millennial that can't seem to take care of herself yet thinks she can crash's and burns and family comes in to help and she screeches she is being oppressed and can take care of her life without Dad's help. My prophecy is one year after she takes over her life again she will be back at a hair salon with a pair of clippers shaving her hair off again.

  2. Winston Smith says:

    “It was supposed to be voluntary.” The Covid quarantine was supposed to be voluntary and last 15 days. Wake up people. Freedom is the lifeblood of the USA. Britney may be a liberal twit, but that doesn’t mean she has no right to freedom.

  3. Fuzzy_Lumkins001 says:

    I also like how nobody is saying gosh why are we talking about this when there's more important stuff going on right because it doesn't involve legalizing something big pharma and private prisons do not want legal

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