
Butler, PA President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/31/20

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23 replies
  1. Kona1936 says:

    Time for RED NOVEMBER across America. State maps turn Red for Our President! Four more years! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🙏🙏 ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Mike H says:

    The highest increase in GDP after a record-setting decline in GDP isn't saying much. It's easy to fill an empty cup. Much like the way he fills the minds of empty-headed individuals with his bullshit. Oops, this is the OAN youtube channel. The echo chamber will down-vote this comment to oblivion anyway, can't have anyone stopping the propaganda train.

  3. Carla Ricardo says:

    I’ve been praying for you Mr. President, wishing we had 4 more years. It’s always in the Lords hands but my family and so many other Americans are praying for a successful win ❤️🇮🇱🇺🇸✝️

  4. Veta Rajajinagar says:

    One man as army ….. fighting the Corrupt establishment,Fake Media, Devious Tech Oligarchs, Criminal Swamps …….The cure for all these ills plaguing our country ….we have antidote for it…..It's to go out and vote for President Donald Trump to Make America Great Again 🙏 God Bless America 🙏 The Greatest nation on earth 🙏
    For America to be Great…..It's President Donald Trump ♥️ He is the cure🙏
    Let's make it an endeavour to go out and vote for Donald Trump ♥️ God Bless America ♥️ The Greatest nation on earth 🙏
    How do the Fake Media say that Sleepy Joe is leading the President by 12 points nation wide in the polls….There are hardly anyone attending the pathetic rallies of none the Democrats either it's Sleepy Joe's, Phony Kamala Camel toe Harris's , Traitor Barak Osama's or any damn guy from the Democrats
    …..Trump 2020 ♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏

  5. Mary Williams says:

    A program to offer a Tax Refund based on Student loan payments would get so many votes for Republicans! The #1 issue I see on my 57,000 member group is how Warren offered student loan forgiveness. TELL SOMEONE TO ANNOUNCE IT TODAY and WIN!! Forgiveness isn't fair but tax refunds make sense since it eliminates the student loan debt for people who are not working and contributing. A taxpayer makes the country strong. Giving a tax rebate based on the amount someone repays yearly on student loan debt helps when income is lower and will benefit all in the long run. Giving them back their tax paid based on loan payments going out just makes sense to me. If someone came out and announced it TODAY, or a plan to study the possibility (the way Biden promises things he will never do), … that would tip the Republican to winning in Arizona or in Maine. I don't know how to get the word out so I am hoping someone reads this and gets the word out. My student loans have been long paid but all my liberal friends under 35 wanted Warren because she promised them loan forgiveness. That would not be fair to those who paid out-of-pocket for their kids like I did but I would not be offended by a tax refund because it would eliminate all those people with huge student loan debt that are not working. If the country is benefitting in tax dollars from your college degree in taxes and talent then we can do something.

  6. Andrew white says:

    The only conclusion l can make from the behaviour of Americans during the corona virus is the you are either the most selfish and self centred people in the world, or the most stupid. Our possibly both.

  7. City Limits Cafe says:

    Unbelievable I'm a Political junkie watching every rally from every campaign dating back to 1976.

    Dem & Republican rallies.
    Trump is from another galaxy. A star far away.

    His rallies = Extraordinary!

  8. Dayvin Knemeyer says:

    Seattle, WA Attorney DAVID O and David O Defense Firm stole $10,000 cash paid in full from me by abandoning me and breaking our contract in my Federal Court Lawsuit because David O was threatened and/or bribed… David O filed Paperwork in the Federal Court on my behalf…My attorney David O is abandoning me in my federal court case after I told him I wanted him to file the Contract that has my settlement offer in it and states, “Parties. I, Dayvin Knemeyer, retain David O Defense for representation on the matter of obtaining his Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene degree from Yakima Valley Community College. In the alternative, if Mr. Knemeyer is not provided his degree we would pursue a lawsuit, including trial if necessary, for the same and damages. (Dayvin and David O signed contract 6/21/2019) The contract also states, “Retainer. David O Defense agrees to provide all legal services for a flat fee of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) Mr. Knemeyer has paid in full the retainer agreement. (Dayvin and David O signed contract 6/21/2019) …See our Contract through Videos or Evidence on Facebook or YouTube because I currently do not have my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree that I earned and I have all the evidence to prove this on Facebook and YouTube…Please check out my Facebook Page Dayvin M Knemeyer…Please Share my Albums, Evidence, Videos…Those found guilty of racketeering can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per racketeering count…The Government Covered up my Federal Court Lawsuit with Corrupt Bias Judge Salvador Mendoza Jr. in the Eastern District of Washington State…The Corrupt Bias Judge Salvador Mendoza Jr. misrepresents court cases by being involved in putting a 42: 1983 Civil Rights Act Code, not wanting to put in the codes and reasons that I filed the lawsuit such as Fraud and Racketeering, etc. and doesn’t want to talk about why he is representing the case with that 42: 1983 Civil Rights Act Code… You will learn about Discrimination, Retaliation, Fraud, Racketeering/Organized Crime…and how teachers are stealing from Children and Students at Yakima College, Wenatchee College, The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Mansfield School District Washington State K-12, and Government Corruption at the Local, State, and Federal Level…Ring Leader Yakima Valley College Teacher and Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Cheri Podruzny put in the order for Wenatchee Valley College English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin to illegally remove, not install, and misrepresent my Assignments in my English 203 Research Class, so she could deny my Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree… In an Cheri Podruzny accepted the English 203 Research class at Wenatchee Valley College as the last college coursework needed to complete in order to obtain my BASDH Degree. (See evidence numbered: 000110 or page 110 in the evidence section, etc.)… I emailed Leslie Lamkin trying to get my Summary #1 Assignment back into the Wenatchee Valley College Canvas Computer System. Leslie Lamkin emails me on June 26, 2018 at 1:49 PM that states, “I can assure you that nobody is going to dig back into the course assignments to make sure you completed all the work listed in the Syllabus.” (Lamkin) Leslie Lamkin knows that Cheri Podruzny changed the Bridge Program Paperwork to make sure I have all the requirements that she knows Leslie Lamkin frauded by illegally removing, not installing, and misrepresenting all my major requirements. This way they both benefit by stealing my money for English Class, the books, the Bridge Program Crosswalk and Fees, and all my hard work spent to get the BASDH Degree that I have proof that I earned. (See evidence numbered: 000009)…You will also see Evidence of Healthcare Insurance Fraud regarding Dr. Blake Perry in Mount Vernon, WA at Perry Family Dental and Dr. Charles Morgan in Ocean Shores, WA at Ocean Shores Dental and how many of these Criminals are using illegal software which is proved in a Court Hearing with Judge Jan Barnette that is exposed in my Facebook and YouTube Videos, the Department of Health and Labor Industries Obstructed Justice by covering up the crimes…Attorney William Pickett who was the President of the Washington Bar Association and Foundation Member at the Washington State Bar Association Deleted my Posts and is involved in covering up the Organized Crime that I am Exposing… Leslie Lamkin and the Kids in Mansfield are having the same problem with missing assignments. At Mansfield Luke Hall emails Leslie Lamkin and states, “I saw a bunch of your 7th graders are on the D and F list out of your room. Are they missing something or something they need to work on?” (Luke Hall Mansfield) Leslie Lamkin emails Luke Hall and states, “It’s a combination of missing assignments and laziness.” (Leslie Lamkin Mansfield) Luke Hall emails Leslie Lamkin and states, “Ok. Read them the riot act on both.” (Luke Hall Mansfield) The kids in Mansfield are having missing assignments just like I did. I was cheated, so the kids in Mansfield are most likely being cheated too. Why doesn’t anybody care about the kids at Mansfield? (See evidence numbered: (See evidence numbered: 000233-000245, 000249)… A list of some of the other Criminals involved in this Organized Crime Scandal: Yakima Valley College Dean Paulette Lopez, YVC President Assistant/Public Records Megan Jensen, Yakima Federal Court Clerk’s Pam Howard and Angela Noel, Richland Federal Court Clerk Debbie Brasel, Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Assistant Attorney General Derek Taylor who are providing assistance to criminals using our Taxpayer dollars, Wenatchee Valley College President Jim Richardson is involved with this Scandal and other Fraud Scandals see evidence on Facebook or YouTube, WVC Vice President’s Carli Schiffner and Chio Flores, WVC Director of HR and Public Records Reagan Bellamy, WVC Dean’s Joey Walter and Lori Keller, Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges Director of Transfer Education Joyce Hammer, Mansfield School District WA State K-12 English teacher Leslie Lamkin teaches English at both Mansfield Washington School District K-12 and Wenatchee College and the Mansfield School Children have missing Assignments through Public Record Proof, United States Office for Civil Rights Seattle Investigator Gregg Hamby, his buddy (Seattle OCR) Paul Goodwin, and (Seattle OCR) Manager Linda Mangel, United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, many other Criminals and Agencies that are not listed here yet… On Jan 11, 2018, 5:24 PM I received an email from Cheri Podruzny the Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Teacher and Program Coordinator that states, “Hello Dayvin, I met with Dean Paulette Lopez this morning to discuss your concerns. She is copied on this email. Please see answers to your questions below: Question 1: Does ENG 203 at Wenatchee Valley College meet the equivalency of the Yakima Valley College ENG 203 and the BASDH degree requirement? Yes. Please see emails sent to you on December 11 from Sherrie Warren and on December 12 from Donna Fulton. Question 2: What grade requirement is acceptable on the ENG 203 class for meeting the BASDH degree requirement? 2.0 "C" Question 3: Does Cheri approve my Math that I have already completed for meeting the BASDH degree requirement? Yes. Math 105 meets the State Board for Community and Technical College BAS Math requirement. Please see December 5 email confirmation from Donna Fulton. Question 4: Is the ENG 203 requirement the last course that is need in order to receive my BASDH degree? English 203 is the last college coursework you will need to complete. BA 256 meets the statistics requirement. You will need to submit the Crosswalk petition and pay for BAS 402, 403, and 404. Coursework is not required for these courses. 400 level credits are transcripted for BAS 402, 403, and 404 based on the Dental Hygiene National Board sores submitted in your application. Please contact Donna Fulton for more information on the crosswalk petition process. Question 5: Can Cheri please fill out my Colorado License Paperwork fully completed and done correctly? Please complete the top portions of the form pertaining to your personal information. Donna checked with the registrar today and has informed me that your degree was posted Summer of 2012. You may add this information and send the form directly to Colorado, or you can send it back to the department once your personal information has been completed. We will add the degree date and forward it to Colorado for you. I do apologize for misspelling your first name on the form! Best, Cheri Cheri Podruzny RDH MS Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Yakima Valley College (509) 574-4921 cpodruzny@yvcc.edu” (Podruzny) … I am a Registered Dental Hygienist with a License in both Washington State and Colorado… I do have my Associates of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree and I received an A- in Leslie Lamkin’s English 203 Research Class, but Wenatchee Valley College English 203 Research Teacher Leslie Lamkin is refusing to fix the Assignment Requirement fraud, and Cheri Podruzny the Yakima Valley College Dental Hygiene Teacher is refusing to give me the Bachelors of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene Degree that I earned, even after filing a Federal Court Lawsuit, showing all the evidence to prove I was cheated, and paying ten thousand dollars for an attorney David O that abandoned me because he was threatened and/or bribed…

  9. Alfred Newman says:

    “The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, it is also a reflection on us. When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy.” ― Thomas Sowell

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