As a former police officer, I believe in laws, order and process. The balance between the branches of government, and most importantly, Liberty.

In the past several months we have seen that “process”, especially those espoused in the Constitution of the United States of America, including The Bill of Rights, get stepped on and crushed, but not by the people. This “process” has been hijacked by the very ones who are supposed to represent us. 

Over a month ago I created a group called the Utah Business Revival which recently organized four Business Revivals in several Utah counties. One of our missions is to immediately help these “non essential” businesses get relief, because most of these businesses are floundering in the shutdown. We have sought to work with city Mayors directly and/or indirectly. 

Our first revival/rally, located in Salt Lake City, was a protest against Mayors Mendenhall and Wilson, whose draconian “snitch on your neighbor” policies reminded some of the Stasi of Nazi Germany. We had over 2,500 people show up and purchase food from local establishments. Some chose to social distance, some didn’t; but we came in peace. And guess what? we had zero reported spikes in covid19. The owner of Crown Burger called me almost in tears letting us know how much we helped his hurting 41 year old establishment that day. This was an indirect way to work in SLC. A peaceful protest. Mayor Jenny Wilson was “angered” we showed up to help businesses like Crown Burger. 

Next, we worked directly with Mayor Julie Fulmer of Vineyard, as she opened her city’s home at “The Yard” shopping center. We had over 65 small business booths show up, 5 food trucks, and over 5,000 show up to help revive. We had over 22 Utah Elected Officials and candidates come to speak, including Iron County Commissioner Paul Cozzens , State House Phil Lyman, former House Speaker Greg Hughes, sitting US Congressman Rob Bishop, and Utah’s top cop and Attorney General Sean Reyes. Sean even rapped for the group. 

After that I called Kaysville Mayor Katie Witt. Except this time we had Country Music Legend Collin Raye on board to sing for us as we saved businesses. Mayor Witt went to all 5 of the City Council members and they were all on board for the event. They all originally said “yes”. Michelle Barber even said “I love Collin Raye, awesome.” Within 24 hours the same City Council turned on the Mayor, and sent out an internal document (future press release) how they were going to shut off the power to Barnes Park and turn on the sprinklers onto not only families, but the “Awesome” Collin Raye himself. “Love” can quickly turn “damp” once pressure and politics gear up. After our group was lambasted in the media from the Kaysville City Council, that we are all going to “kill people” with our actions, we read that the State of Utah and Health Department decided to open up Lagoon just a few miles down the road, the very next day. Crickets from Kaysville City Council on that decision. 

I was scrambling. We needed to find a venue. I saw a Facebook post where Jason Manning opened up his Amphitheater Studio Ranch to allow for Grantsville High School to have a stage. Hats flying, people happy, I knew that was the next location to pursue. We made the deal. I immediately called Sheriff Wimmer from Tooele County, and he told us he wouldn’t plan on arresting anyone that day. Manning put a call into the Tooele County Health Department who suggested “We couldn’t give you a permit even if we wanted to. We can’t give out a permit under the Covid19 restrictions.” However, we learned that the likelihood was that the Mannings possibly don’t need a permit to begin with, because the Amphitheater was built for 10,000 people and exists on private property. 

Once we made the announcement, Tooele County Commissioner Shawn Milne had a lot to say. And it wasn’t good. I started to get information that Milne was already upset at the Mannings because the Mannings had a better in-person graduation turnout, than the schools “Virtual” online graduation did not result in many people taking part. When I spoke with Milne myself, he said “It was a stick in the eye!” what Manning did. I already knew this was personal. I knew we weren’t going to get very far. This was about Milne, not about anything else.

A few days later we learned that Tooele County Attorney Scott Broadhead filed for an injunction suggesting we would create “irreparable harm” to Tooele Country. District Judge Dianna Gibson sided with Broadhead and signed an order to shut down the concert with Government force. During the hearing Broadhead and Milne both mocked the Mannings property saying it’s a “Glorified Tuffshed” speaking of their state-licensed bar. I’ve been in hundreds of court hearings, and I’ve never seen such unprofessionalism. Broadhead was physically angry during the hearing. Why get angry if truth is on your side? During the hearing we found out that Tooele County approved the BMX motocross event that was happening the exact same weekend where thousands gathered at the Desert Peak Complex, owned by Tooele County itself. To watch the County and Judge order an injunction stating “There is a global pandemic: Utah issued a state of emergency;… now, under these circumstances- creates an unnecessary health risk to the Tooele County citizens and ALL citizens of Utah…,” according to the Judge.  

Isn’t it amazing to watch how the Covid19 is mutating? Somehow avoiding places like Lagoon, Abortion clinics, State Liquor Stores, Walmarts and Costcos? But on the other hand is so deadly and target-oriented that it attacks folks at non-essential small businesses and churches, thus requiring their closure?  This virus seems to even have some Artificial Intelligence with how much tax revenue it can bring into certain counties and states, while forcing lockdown in others. This absolutely is a scary virus indeed.  

Saturday we decided to have a business revival in Tooele anyways despite the County bullying the Mannings into submission with threats. We went to Benson Grist Mill where dozens of booths and food trucks still set up for people to support these local businesses. We were joined by several Utah elected officials who came to join us and speak, including Phil Lyman, Paul Cozzens, and Representative Kim Coleman. And guess who came on the scene, with no mask, to try and scare away these Utah elected officials (during the emergency pandemic) none other than Shawn Milne. Maybe Milne knows Covid19 had plans to bounce over Benson Mill as well? Our call to action was for 1,001 to show up, however over 2,000 came to revive these “Non essential” businesses and their families. 

During all of this, SLC was burning to the ground by thugs and uneducated anarchists who don’t care about any type of laws or orders governments may attempt to enforce. This lead to the injury of at least 21 police officers, flipping over police cars, arson, looting etc., etc… What did Mayor Mendenhall do? Well, she called for “reports” if any one of her anarchists may have been hurt by police “excessive force.” The next day Governor Gary Herbert stood without a mask on the Capitol steps, not social distancing for his photo op. I guess the “green” zone is now go? We’ve defeated covid19 in one picture?  Or did Covid19 also knows to jump over the ransacked State Capitol for the Governors photo op?

What has happened to America in such a short time? This is not who we are. This is not how we go down. I believe the only way out of this disaster is for We The People to peacefully push back and never again allow this to happen, under any virus, condition, or circumstance. The “cure” truly has become worse the disease. It seems the real virus we face are out-of-control politicians, health departments, and bureaucrats who only seem to care about money and control, all in the name of “health and safety.”  It’s clear, We The People are the answer to this mess, not They The Government. Benjamin Franklin once said, ” Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” Righteous rebellion isn’t Un-American, right now it’s the most patriotic thing we can do.  We can’t just say “God Bless America” without putting in faith, and faith is action. We must LET God Bless America with righteous action. We can’t “Stay home and stay save” for too much longer. 

The only reason why Governments across the country will go to all ends to keep big corporations open like Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, where nobody actually social distances, is because of sales taxes they collect for the state. And they know it. 

Why doesn’t Gary Herbert and Spencer Cox care to fight for the small businesses? Well, the sales tax to the state for most small business is so miniscule they don’t care to fight for it; therefore they don’t care if they stay open like the big guys. That’s the sad sad truth. That’s the motive behind all of this. 

Within one week of government officials shaming UBR for trying to save small businesses in Kaysville, while listening to country music, the state had the nerve to announce Lagoon amusement park would reopen??? Why? Well, because they won’t be getting much money from us in Kaysville, right?. “It’s unsafe and radical!” They say….
But what about Lagoon? Clearly Covid19 is smart enough to not go after people riding on the same metal equipment rides over and over and over. Right? Or, is it about how much money Lagoon brings to the state? Can you answer that Spencer Cox? 

Governments accuse groups like us saying, “all you care about is money for the economy., Not lives!” When the saddest irony of 2020 is that’s exactly what THEY are guilty of, by only allowing the big business in Utah to thrive. It makes me want to throw up. 

As we see in government, especially the higher you go up, bad decision after bad decision is made. Why? Because it truly is tied directly to the money. Follow the money and you’ll understand why MOST decisions are made in the state. And yes, these decisions always fall on the backs of the people. This is to say nothing of the power and control that fuels them. You know, the “This is Cox Country” type attitude. They really truly believe they are in charge of us like babysitters. 

I hope this awakened us to our awful situation. Because right now, even though we may seem to be getting out of it, I fear this is only the beginning. And it’s awful. Yes, God is good and will bless us, but He can’t bless us fully if we don’t take action in OUR lives. Faith is action. 

The ONLY way to stop anything like this from happening again, is to keep peacefully pushing back against a wild and out of control Government. Yes, even annoyingly. Even if they try to threaten the “law” on you. They have NO right to take away your God given rights.




Good Cop Stands For Constitution-


Did you hear of the city on the hill
Said one old man to the other
It once shined bright, and it would be shining still
But they all started turning on each other
You see the poets thought the dancers were shallow
And the soldiers thought the poets were weak
And the elders saw the young ones as foolish
And the rich man never heard the poor man speak
But one by one, they ran away
With their made up minds to leave it all behind
And the light began to fade
In the City on the Hill, the City on the Hill
Each one thought that they knew better
But they were different by design
Instead of standing strong together
They let their differences divide
And one by one, they ran away
With their made up minds to leave it all behind
And the light began to fade
In the City on the Hill, the City on the Hill
And the world is searching still
But it was the rhythm of the dancers
That gave the poets life
It was the spirit of the poets
That gave the soldiers strength to fight
It was fire of the young ones
It was the wisdom of the old
It was the story of the poor man
That needed to be told
It is the rhythm of the dancers
That gives the poets life
It is the spirit of the poets
That gives the soldiers strength to fight
It is fire of the young ones
It is the wisdom of the old
It is the story of the poor man
That’s needing to be told
But one by one will we run away
With our made up minds to leave it all behind
As the light begins to fade in the City on the Hill
One by one will we run away
With our made up minds to leave it all behind
As the light begins to fade in the City on the Hill
The city on the hill
And the Father’s calling still
(Come home)
To the city on the hill
(Come home)