I’ve been seeing a very disturbing trend in messages our culture seems to be accepting about what many think  “love” means…  For example, “If you love people you’ll…” do this or that…. 

Right now it’s “If you love others you’ll wear a mask and get a shot”…  Some are even citing Jesus, as if it’s what He would do if He were on the earth. On first look, that would make sense, unless of course you’ve been paying attention to not only the global war upon us, but also the spiritual war all around us. Lie after lie after lie. It doesn’t make sense. 

I’ve also been seeing a disturbing trend with the word “NICE”… But is LOVE always NICE? 

Love is an inner truth as well as outward expression. Both are tied together. But don’t we need both of these things to be TRUE in order to be real love? Can an outward appearance that’s based on a lie, be real love? Especially when we know better? Can a lie can never become real love without repentance and removal of the lie that’s grown?

In other words, if we are all doing something that doesn’t work, just to show we are “nice and good” people, where is the real love behind that? If many of us know the truth but act different than the knowledge we have, is that real love? Or is that being disingenuous? 

When I was a police officer in Salt Lake City I had to sometimes do really hard things to human beings to get compliance. It doesn’t mean that I hated them, or my heart was in a bad place for them. I sometimes even had to get physical with them; takedowns, taser, pepper spray, asp baton, you name it, right into steel handcuffs and cage in the back of my car. But does that mean I didn’t “love” them, even though I had to get physical? 

When the “bad guy” would act, as police, we HAD to up the use of force to stop the threat. There was no other option. But what was my behavior based on? It was based on years and years of proven training, (and massive amounts of CASE LAW) that if a “bad guy” would act a certain way, we HAD to respond. 

Unfortunately, many in our modern world in positions of authority are making guesses on UNPROVEN “science” that is backed by absolutely nothing but guesses from the covid gods who pretend to be in charge. And they have used very heavy handed government tactics to get their points across. These same covid gods have now dictated to almost every institution known to man, including schools and churches, who is in charge, and what the narrative is going to be, and what their version of LOVE is and means. But is this really love, when it’s done by force? And like a police officer in a position to ACT, is governments and health departments JUSTIFIED in what they are doing? The answer is a resounding, NO. 

Who is the ultimate form of LOVE based in LAW? Was it not Jesus Christ Himself? What is mercy without justice? What is action without Truth?

Now here’s a question…..

Was Jesus “Nice” just to keep the appearance of being nice? Was His appearance more important than truth? Some would say “Yes, Jesus was always nice, He had to be, and He had to LOOK it too”… but let’s think about it…

Was it LOVING for Jesus to call people “hypocrites, vipers, and fools”? Yes it was, because they needed to hear it. Was it loving to flip the tables in the temple? Not a question. There was no other option to make the point that needed made. Was that the wrong rebuke from Jesus? Does He wish He could take that back? No. It was a perfect response. Do you think it made people uncomfortable when they saw the Savior flip over tables holding a whip? Did their hearts skip a beat? Especially those who had overtaken the temple for their agenda? Was that nice?

Was it “nice” for God to flood the earth in Noah’s time? Or was it LOVING? Some would say it was mean for God to flood the earth and drown millions of people. But I thought God was only nice? Do you see where I’m going with this? How else was the earth to be cleansed and baptized by water? Is it LOVING when God chastens us for not turning to Him, but the ways of the world? You better believe it. He loves us enough to cut us down. That’s not only true leadership rooted in real love, but true Fatherhood based in Truth.

What do we worship? Do we worship an appearance or do we worship Truth? Do we worship the gospel of “Nice” vs. the gospel of Truth (which is Christ)? These are real questions we need to ask ourselves.

Real love is action in Truth. And sometimes that action may look ugly. Like throwing a criminal to the ground or God flooding an entire civilization. Love really is Love. And sometimes that love doesn’t always look “nice”, especially to many who’ve never had to really stand for what they believe. And especially when the word “love” has been hijaked by a political party in order to get society to conform to the agenda. It’s always “love” and “unity”, but why is it done by force, fear, manipulation, and coercion? Is that real love? No, it’s not.

Real love is rooted in truth. And real love and light casts out the darkness of lies. Real love has no other option shine and can’t pretend. Real love doesn’t need to change its story. Real love doesn’t manipulate people to get a certain result. That’s not how it works. 

So in other words, Jesus Christ LOVES us so much that He is willing to not only tell us the Truth, but also SHOW us the truth. Which He has done and will continue to do, even if it’s painful to you and I. You can call it tough love. Jesus healed everyone, from sinner to leper. He did it without a mask or immunizations. And when He comes again in the near future, he won’t be wearing a mask or needing to show his vax passport to rule and reign for 1,000 years of peace. That’s not how it will work then, and that’s why it’s not working now. It’s not the proper order. It’s evident. 

So if we are to become like Jesus, in word AND deed, what are we doing right now? 

Eric Moutsos

I’ve had a few more messages about people worried about my standing in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints, because of the things I say online…

Whether they are being passive aggressive or not, it doesn’t matter to me where their heart is, because I try to have mine in the right place. So I’ll try to explain this the best I can… 

Two things can be true at once. The Gospel of Jesus Christ being restored back to the earth through living prophets, AND human beings a part of the restoration (in any calling) can have opinions and thoughts about health, safety, and medical procedures that may be opposite of yours. And that’s okay. 

We are all different and we can absolutely disagree in these topics. And guess what, it’s NOT apostate if we disagree. It’s actually healthy if we do, as long as we try and keep the love alive. 

What is faith and trust? 

My faith, trust, and testimony isn’t in an organization. Is that hard to read? And it’s not in any man, including  prophets living and those who have passed. We weren’t meant to worship men or have our thoughts hanging on what they say in every moment. That’s actually very unhealthy spiritually, and now physically, as we are seeing. 

I can’t even trust myself. 

That’s a tough pill to swallow when you think about it. Have you betrayed yourself? How many times? Have you ever done something you promised not to? So how can you trust yourself? You can’t. Let alone another man? I can trust myself that I will continue to screw up, over and over, and that’s about it. 

Can we sustain leaders in our church but still not have FAITH in them? What’s the first principle? Faith in who? Man? Are we asked to have FAITH in our leaders, or Faith in Jesus Christ? 

Think about it. 

My trust and testimony is in Christ and Christ alone. At least that’s where I try. Why? Because He can’t and won’t fail anyone. He has already won not only every battle, but also the war. However right now He is just watching to see if we, you and I, are going to believe in Him to be saved, or not. That’s all part of the test. Where does our faith ultimately rest? Him or man? 

For me, and again, my faith is not in me; It’s not any man (church calling or not) It’s not any organization. And it sure as hell isn’t in a government that seeks to control everything I typed above and more. A government that seeks to be God. A government that seeks to control not only your actions, but your mind as well, and when you give those up, your soul as well. 

I say this with love, but how unbelievably stupid was the global population to really believe the Government had things under control? That they had our best interest in mind? These are the same people who’ve allowed over 100 million babies to be slaughtered worldwide in the womb since the “pandemic” began. And we are supposed to trust them with health and safety? To really believe they wouldn’t lie? Please stop. 

Guess what gang? They lie. Satan literally controls every world Government out there. He has possessed every particle of society that hasn’t turned to God. And it’s getting darker. It’s all Prophecy. 

How many billions around the world are now not only scratching their heads, but now wondering what could be now circulating in their God given divine system that wasn’t ever designed to be messed with like this? Billions. It’s devastating. 

Yes, the Gospel is true. And yes, massive mistakes can be made, all at the same time. Or not. Maybe God tells his servants to have us do things to see if we will follow conscience. What did he tell Adam and Eve in the garden? You shall surely what? “Don’t take it!” When God desperately wanted them to. 

Both things can be true at once. People don’t understand that. But God never intended us to rely on any man, or organization, or ourselves alone. He intended us to rely on Him. Can’t you see? This is not apostate talk. Apostate talk is talking about ANYTHING that pretends to be the solution other than HIM! Let’s talk apostate. 

To me the church is a very battered up and dented ship that has a history of not always pointing directly towards the destination. Why? Because storms arise and the winds blow, and MEN are trying their best to steer it; but they are trying. And to me that means something. They won’t quit and neither will I. Not until Jesus Christ Himself comes to calm the ocean of unbelief. 

With that said, I believe it is the only ship (right now) with most of the puzzle pieces and truths that explain and teach who WE are. Not who the church is, but who WE are. A church building or temple won’t be exalted, we will if we want. 

Now what will I do if they throw you or off the side of the ship during this storm? What if some leaders on the deck throw you overboard? I’ll swim. You’ll swim. And we will both still make it because we know who our Savior is. Only HE can save.

There’s certain universal doctrines that cannot change. Certain principles that are true and unchangeable. Nothing can or will change them. Not a man. Not a church with men. Not an organization. And definitely not the Government. Nothing. 

I believe if our testimony and or faith is not 100% in Him and Him alone, we too will fail. But isn’t that a comforting thought? That He is actually real and is the answer to all of this? That is we would just repent and actually come unto Him? That helps me a lot. 

So in song I’ll finish my post….Follow the Savior, Follow the Savior, Follow the Savior, He IS the way.

I hope these thoughts help anyone who may be struggling with the thoughts of LIBERTY and church culture right now. The tides will change. Light and Liberty wins in the end. Why? Because God is Light and God is Liberty “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

Eric Moutsos

Interview with Del Bigtree and Eric Moutsos

I don’t know if you guys can feel it, but it seems another wave of darkness is about to hit the shore. Like many of us have been saying since last March/April 2020, this is only going to get worse with regards to what we imagined life would be like for the future of our families; but we must keep the fire of faith alive in our hearts and minds.

Right now, satan has the world in check. We have taken God out of the equation and are now finally starting to pay the consequences with the lack of protection for everyone to “go back to normal”. Normal is over. Normal as we have known it will never come back. Now we get to decide what we do with what’s coming. Will we be the light with faith based in agency, or comply with fear to the darkness?

Almost every organization and institution has sold itself for the mighty dollar or out of fear. The dollar that’s ironically about the crash. So what are they trading for? They have and will continue to bow down to the globalists who will continue to promise to “save them” with promises as each new phase and wave of control comes upon nation’s. 

Just as calculated as God is, so is the devil. The devil can also work in different dimensions of space and time. He has been sowing seeds of destruction for thousands of years, and we are now starting to reap what he has sown. Satan has put in place an incredibly calculated plan where we won’t be able to choose in order to be “saved”, from jobs to basic necessities. Just as God is preparing for the United Order, 1,000 years of peace with volunteering love and help of the human race, where a currency won’t be needed, the devil is mimicking the Father’s plan with a New World Order fueled by force, fear, and manipulation. And most of the world will sadly bow to it, thinking compliance will bring freedom; but like a snake wrapped around its prey, the restrictions will only get tighter. 

The corrupted politicians and blinded society will say, “oh you get to choose, but you don’t get to choose the consequences.” You’ll start to see passive aggressive manipulative language like this coming from many.

But make no mistake, this ends where every single soul will have to really choose, God or Government. Or in other words, God or Mammon (which literally means money). You can have anything in this world for money. Right? And each and every forced decision society makes will be tied to comforts and livelihoods for the morbidly obedient masses. Lambs to the slaughter.

Pastor Martin Niemoller once said, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

This isn’t about vaccines to satan. Just like it wasn’t about masks. Vaccines are just another tool used in order for control. Just wait until you don’t get bread for your family in a 1/4 mile long government line based on societies exact behavior. It’s an inverted evil type and shadow of heaven. Satan’s version of a forced heaven, his plan from the beginning is now being fully implemented.

Heber J. Grant once said, “Satan plans to destroy liberty and freedom… and set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men. He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods.”

The kingdom of God calls for certain moral commandments and behavior in order to abide its glory; satan calls for the opposite. And now that satan has put in place his kingdom on earth, where he controls most every corruptible body, individually and collectively, if his demandments aren’t met, you’re “cast out” of his kingdom! That’s why we are about to see two societies completely separate from each other; two different orders.

That’s why I believe the very last thing we must personally do is comply to the devil’s demandments. Christ’s commandments keep us in the kingdom of God, free and faithful filled with real choice, and the devil’s demandments keep us in a controlled hell, crippled with fear. It’s real simple if you think about it. 

So now the “choice” truly is, who will we bow before? What will we bow to? Commandments or Demandments? Who will we surrender to? And ultimately who will we serve for eternity? “Choose ye this day whom you will serve!” We only have one chance at this, and now is the time to really choose.

Light always conquers darkness. Always. That’s why God needs us to be the light (with faithful action) in these the last days. The good news is God does win in the end. He is the Way, the Truth, Life, and Light of the world.

Eric Moutsos

Getting ready to jump on what will probably be my last flight. I hope not, but the way things are happening so quickly, it’s very possible. I have a few thoughts that have been on my mind about the order of heaven and who we are created to be, meaning independent beings who were created to be free.

I believe in life there comes a time when you’re not supposed to be directed and told what to do with every decision you need to make. Which is actually preparing us for heaven. I know that seems like a harder concept for people who like, or are used to being told what to do in a society that gives marching orders, but we actually weren’t designed for such an order.

In the process of a child, to adult, to parent, do parents continue to call their own parents (now grandparents) over and over and over to be told how to raise their own children? Or do decisions need to be made by trial and error with common sense?

In the highest of the high (1st Cor 15:40) there will be what we should call for purposes of this open FB post, “leaders” in heaven. I don’t believe God is looking to surround Himself with followers who are going to sit and ask Him question after question, over and over and over. Why? He has His own kingdom to attend to, and they kingdom doesn’t have time, or order, of micro managing.

So what of us? Does God want us to become like Him or doesn’t He? What does “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect” really mean?

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.” D&C 58

Knowing this, could it be that we sometimes get exactly what we deserve with law that’s a lot lower than a higher law? Simply because we don’t know HOW to make a decision?

Also could it be (like in the Garden of Eden) that sometimes God gives his children contradictory commandments that we must “break” in order to uphold a higher law of believing there’s much much more to the story?

Captivity or Liberty? Which do we want?

In any event, I believe the highest degree kingdom of heaven will be filled with beings that don’t need to be told what to do anymore. Who understand the principles of heaven and act accordingly to that law with truth and light.

How do you measure a true leader? Well, you measure a true leader by how many leaders they have created, not the other way around.

It seems hell will be filled with followers who don’t know what to do; beings who don’t know who they really are, or why things operate in the universe the way they operate upon principles of freedom and agency. And it seems Satan will be their “leader”. Does a dictator ever want to share his power? Does a dictator want you to think? No. The devil is a dictator.

God is a leader who makes decisions on His own. He isn’t taking marching orders from anywhere or anyone else. What, do you not think God still makes decisions? YES! And it just happens He is right 100% of the time. “And there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it.” Abraham 3:17

Further, God still has a conscience! He’s not a robotic machine. And He didn’t create us to be either. He literally wants us to sit down in His throne .. Jesus said, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” Rev 3:21

Jesus also said,

“21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they (meaning us) also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.” John 17

God wants leaders. Especially right now in the last days. And especially when governments and politicians will continue to USE churches for their motives and agendas.

Besides the City of Enoch, the small minority in the scriptures questioning the overreaching government were ALWAYS right once their stories were written. Not saying they were perfect, or always full of love, but they were ALWAYS on the right side of history. And those “religious extremists” we sometimes read about, who ended up leading the small minorites, usually always seal their testimony by blood, and it’s usually always not a fun way to go out. But sometimes that’s what God requires for His strongest soldiers on the front line. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like the pattern.

Again, I believe Heaven will be full of people who knew and now know how to decide. Every decision. And ironically that’s the very reason why He sent us down here, to CHOOSE to come back to Him, and become like Him; and not with force. God is Liberty and Liberty is God.

Because of what seems to be the inevitable to those who don’t choose to bow down to the ways and pressures of the world, this “faith” that we say we have, is about to be truly tested.

I believe volunteering to come to earth at this particular time, to fight righteous battles for the Savior, will soon prove to be some of the most difficult and selfless acts in human history. The writing is now on the wall. We knew what we were in for, and we chose this time, a long long time ago.

However on earth, we are quickly learning from history that the masses don’t learn from history. Governments, institutions, corporations of all kinds are drumming to the same beat. “TAKE IT!!” and if YOU don’t, YOU are going to hurt others! It’s your fault! “TAKE IT!!” The “solution” to our health and safety, “YOU must take to be saved, and to save ME!”. All for the “greater good!” Let us ask this question….At what time in human history have the people forcing or coercing other humans to “behave” a certain way, have ever been the good guys when the story has ever been bounded into the book and later read? When?

Todays made-up science of the day seems to be the new forced religion, and the “solution” seems to be the new savior of the world. Is this really the ONLY way? Has the science really been proven “safe and effective”? What is the definition of science? And are we really to trust our Government, especially in the year 2021? These are questions we need to ask ourselves when almost every institution is borderline being forced to “believe” in what is being taught by this same world government.

Speaking of, I’m still looking throughout the scriptures were the Saints of God teamed up with “righteous” government officials to save the world together. I haven’t found that story yet. But maybe our world has progressed so far into great morality that right before Jesus comes again, corrupt governments, secret combinations, and wicked high priests aren’t even a thing. Maybe in 2021 we are the second City of Enoch and we don’t even know? Maybe society is so incredibly good and holy that the enemy of the last days are those who are simply questioning those who claim they have all the answers and can’t and won’t be questioned? Maybe the enemy of the last days are those looking to the scriptures to see heroes who stood for freedom and liberty, and are unrighteously trying to mimic what they did? Who knows.

Or could it be that The Great Divide is here? That evil really is on full display? That the devil is real, and the scriptures prophesying of the last days, and what really will happen, are actually happening? And the whole world really is deceived? (See D&C 112 23-26)

Why are we so wildly divided? Could it just be that God not only send His choicest and strongest spirits on the earth to fight for Him, while simultaneously sending his most disobedient at the same time? What if the fight between Liberty and Captivity will continue on for eternity, not just this tiny planet in in this tiny galaxy? That Force vs. Freedom is a universal war in heaven that will commence with every Adam and every Eve, on every planet? I believe God isn’t only a God of peace, but God is war. “The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3 It’s because the war will NEVER end. And we are we to become out of all of it?

Is this not a proving time to see if we will choose liberty over captivity, freedom over bondage, light over darkness? Our whole lives learning about this war, even before we came to earth (Jeremiah 1:5) it seems has finally come to a head. Right here, right now. And the pressure will only compress down harder with more force, coercion, manipulation, and fear. Ironically all in the name of safety and love. And that’s why we must rise by speaking and acting on truth to the powers of darkness.  

Satan is incredibly good at what he does. Like God, I don’t believe the devil works in time as we know it. He operates in a different dimension and that’s why it’s so amazingly calculated. He has been sowing seeds of discord and confusion for a very very very long time. Right now his wicked harvest is finally happening and that’s what we are witnessing. His plan has been set in motion long long ago and he knows who’s who. Satans plan will always be to divide and alienate, while God will ALWAYS gather and liberate.

Satan HATES those of us who have been given the gifts to see it and call it out in the last days. It’s why Satan has attacked these spiritual warriors their whole lives. It’s because he knows who who they are, even before they figure out who they are. That’s why turning to the Lord and asking for strength, hope, peace, and love, are so important. They are gifts that can be given if we ask. If we are scared, ask for faith. If we have despair, ask for hope. If hate has entered your heart, repent and ask for love and light. 

It’s true the devils and demons are there to confuse and hurt you, but if the opposition in all things is true, it means many Holy Angels and guardians are there, willing and waiting to support and help us, if we just ask. As you continue on following your Conscience, the light of Christ, the Iron Rod, many will mock and point fingers of scorn. Many will call you names and say you’re crazy. Many will say you’re an apostate. Many won’t understand your spirit. But it is our duty to love them anyway, even if in the worst case scenarios we have to ultimately disassociate ourselves from them.

God intended us to be free. God is Liberty. (2 Cor 3:17) He intended for us to make righteous decisions for us and our families, which is an eternal principle. The family is the patriarchal order of heaven. Nothing supersedes that order. God not only wants us to overcome and sit in his throne, but also wants us to become like Him. (Matt 5:48) Acting and working in doctrines of this universe, which universe is made up under the principles of agency. And without agency we can’t become who He is. So I ask, who does God want us to become in heaven? A leader or a follower? Every son and daughter who grows up to become like their parents will come to a time when they must spread their wings and fly, where they too must start making decisions for their children without asking what to do, every single child of God who wishes to truly progress.

My testimony of God has only strengthened this last 1.5 years. Why? Because it’s finally now time to put everything we’ve ever seen, been taught, watched, and observed, and into massive amounts of action with faith in God, who is the Author and Finisher of this story we have the great opportunity to live in. 

What’s it all worth if we can’t have the freedom to choose? If we aren’t standing for freedom and liberty here and now in this spiritual war, why would we choose to stand for freedom and liberty in the life to come?

We are here now and the test is real. What an awesome time to be alive. Angels are cheering us on trying to help us where permitted. God send His Son to help fight these battles for us, but we must arm ourselves with righteousness for whats about to come. Because this is just the beginning. Keep the faith. Choose love. Choose light. Now is the time to see what we will do. What are we made of?

Eric Moutsos

What will happen with many latter-Day Saints if all forms of communication are down, including the internet and phones, and they can’t be “told what to do” in times of trouble? 

What will happen to them? Is that when they will start asking God what’s good for them and their families, especially concerning health and safety?

Will they wait to hear what their Elders Quorum President tells them to do about their families bodies?

Will they only listen to the bishop to command them what to do for their children’s health?

What if there’s no bishop? Is the 2nd counselor now in charge of your body and health?

Do you think the Bishopric will even want that responsibility? Or do you think they will say “Pray about it!”

Or could it just be that God put you in charge and gave YOU stewardship over the health and safety of you and your children?

What if besides an immune system, God also blessed us with common sense? For example, knowing in our critical thinking minds we STILL have a 99.8% survivability rate for you, and a 99.997% survivability rate for your children with this virus and all its variants? 

Jeffrey Holland posted last year these words that really stuck out when I read them, “The time will come when you won’t have immediate association with each other.” What does that mean? I say these things to get people to think about true possibilities. 

God created man to be free to act in doctrine (truth); And when we know something is true, but we don’t act, or wait to be told what to do, are we really living up to our God given potential with the decisions we are commanded to make? 

In the Doctrine in Covenants section 58 we read..

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.

So again, what happens if we don’t have a prophet to be told what to do? Or what a world government leader may tell the prophet what we should do? What will we do then? Wait to be saved? What if we really do need to Hear Him?
