A letter from an SLCPD officer to me-
(I removed parts out for privacy)

Apr 19, 2020

Keep the fight brother. Many of the officers I spoke with today during shift were 100% on board with your rally and 100% against the restrictions. I don’t know any that are enforcing it.

…we (the union) need to express to Chief Brown we would not enforce the stay home order. You can imagine it fell on deaf ears. Not sure I’m quite ballsy enough, like you, to tell the chief what’s what. Maybe one day I’ll put my big boy pants on.

Anyway, wanna tell you I support you 110%. Keep standing up for the Constitution and what it truly means. Not many people like you left in America.

Your friend and fellow officer,

Xxxxxxxxx (badge # xxxx)

Thank you, brother.

You won’t be able to change it (with just you) from the inside unless you choose to fight the devil himself within and lose your job altogether; because he is in the details of this entire thing; fear and panic is of him. I’m sure you can feel that like many of us can.

If you do fight, then you altogether lose the ability to feed your family. And your family is the most important. Don’t forget that during this emotional time. But I pray if it gets really bad and there is some type of harder order from government, all the police will stand up at the same time. Because there will be several more waves of corona. Government will have to choose.

I fear it’s only going to get worse economically for the next several years and I pray your badge number is high enough once they start laying off cops; because that is coming. I assure you. In other words, I wouldn’t jeopardize it unless you really feel it in your heart, or if they have you try and cross a line you simply refuse to cross. Just keep close to God and He will tell you what to do.

However, what you can do, is keep in touch with me and I’ll help from the outside. Let me know if Mayor Mendenhall hasn’t pulled the snitch-on-your-neighbor hotline by next week, and I may do another call-to-action and bring not 2-3,000, but 10,000 for another rally/revival. That I promise. It’s unacceptable in America.

I was thinking about it last night, and it hit me; we are blaming the governments right now at all levels, and though it’s true the majority failed us without a plan, I believe ultimately it’s The People’s responsibility for ever allowing the government “control” to begin with.

No, most of us never really understood what a virus like this can do, including every government official we’ve seen try; but it seems none of us understands how our God given rights should be exercised right now. Nobody knows the proper role of government, including the government. Confusion everywhere.

Apathy and lack of engagement in politics is a main reason we are in this mess. Myself included. If we would have been more awake, like we should have been, and on alert like we must be, it never would have happened.

We would have taken all the unconstitutional recommendations with a grain of salt and safely gone to work weeks ago not skipping a beat. And I pray once the next wave of the virus flares up, which it will, we will say NO! And NEVER allow that to happen again.

Again, keep in touch and let me know if and where you need us next, if it comes to that point. God bless you and your family.

Still your brother in blue,

former badge (N44)

I just got into it with a guy regarding the Iranian attack today on the Iraq base that houses US Troops…

He said: “The US is the most hypocritical country in the world. Every last thing it accuses Iran of it has done and more.”

Really? Every last thing? Like rounding up and killing 6,000 LGBT people, hanging or throwing them off buildings? Like that kind of more? Or 30 years in jail for women who forget to cover their faces with scarfs? That kind of more?

Pretty sure if you live in the US and are a LGBT woman, you’re going to get quickly promoted up the chain of any command, in any company. Not killed.

I don’t know about you, but I truly have a hard time with these people who live in the US and still have this attitude toward the country they live and thrive in. Especially under this administration. Trump has been the only one actually trying to pull more troops home.

Remember, it was Obama who gave Iran billions. He should be the one you guys criticize. Not Trump. It was Iran who attacked and was plotting to attack us, not Trump.

Every move the US makes, you have this weird group of people who seem to only want to find fault with the US and her past. Yes, we have an ugly past with certain administrations; but not all of them. We have done wrong, but we are not evil as a whole. And our intent is peace. I know Trumps is.

These are some of the same people who don’t stand for the pledge, who are anti-war under any circumstances, don’t think Veterans should be thanked, etc etc etc … I wonder what they would have thought when Hitler was steam-rolling across the globe? Oh wait, these people think we are Hitler. Many of them are terrorists sympathizers.

But you know what these people are going to do tonight?

They are going to relax, play with their little iPhones for a few hours, make a few snarky comments on how crappy the US is, cuttle into a cozy warm bed, wake up, take a warm shower, eat great food, crap in a clean toilet while checking social media, and go make more money than most in the world, X10. Over and over and over.


Partly because we have REAL Americans who put their lives on the line each day, here and abroad, to help keep those freedoms that are afforded to us. That’s the truth. We need a military. And because of how evil the world is, unfortunately we need an even bigger and stronger military that can withstand that evil who want us dead.

And yes, war can be a big financial gain to some. But two things can be true at once; You can have groups who make a lot of money on war, AND at times terrorist thug bullies need removed out of the sandbox. No pun intended.

Now, I’m not the type that wants war. I don’t want to “thump my chest”…And I don’t think war is the only solution. I believe peace is the answer. But peace can’t always happen when one group doesn’t want peace. Peace is not in their plan.

If we didn’t have global thugs who’s only mission was to kill anyone who disagrees with them, this would be a different story. But terrorism is real, and certain battles need to be fought and thugs need to be taken out.

But if you truly believe we, the United States of America are the real global terrorists, guess what, the wall has not been put up yet; walk out, fly out, and get out. If you don’t like what we stand for, leave. Or…..please shut the hell up.

People are saying we are the ones who caused Iran to strike today? Not a chance. Iran had been hitting and hitting; I’d be willing to bet this attack today was already planned, and Trump knew it. Just wait until the dust settles and the story is told. Trump has known these plans for a while now. I believe Trump saved lives and will continue to save more.

If you want to change something, you jump in the President Trump’s shoes. Again, he needs our prayers, not our criticism. Get over yourselves.

Meet Jack Wilson, the man who slew the not-so-bright potential Goliath who entered a Texas church yesterday morning, and was subsequently shot in the face from about 15 yards, give or take. (update: Bad guy was a drum roll…. convicted felon who shouldn’t have been allowed to own a gun.)

Jack Wilson

But does the face really need to be talked about, and how far he was? The answer is absolutely yes to both. Why?

As a former law enforcement officer, these details matter. When we would do our quarterly trainings and qualifications, we would start out at the 25 yard mark. Officers could typically choose how to position their bodies to get these shots off. Most of us would choose to lay down because it was a lot easier to hit a headshot with stability. And that was still hard. It became easier to hit the target as the qualification came to an end, but anyone who shoots a handgun, knows. And shooting a handgun is a perishable skill. Personally, I would have went for center mass because of how hard a head shot is at that distance.

He clearly was the man for this particular job.

Reports are coming in that Jack Wilson was a firearms instructor; could there be anyone more qualified to stop such a threat? Probably not. Because a firearms instructor is usually more proficient with a handgun than most cops; this is what they do.

Further, I love how the MSM isn’t talking about the four other church goers who were locked and loaded as well.

I am very grateful for Jack Wilson and what he did yesterday. He not only saved dozens of lives, but showed America what’s supposed to happen when a mini- Goliath enters the scene. They are to be slain. And further, taught us that anyone in this country can be proficient with the God given right they have to carry a gun.

We as Americans are the first responders. Never forget that.
Thank you, Jack. God bless you and the congregation who witnessed what they should have never witnessed in an American church.

Former LEO, Eric Moutsos

Pick up a copy of the book Dispatched -by Eric Moutsos on Amazon

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My wife went out of town this weekend with her friends. I was hoping Stacey would have chosen our oldest daughter to hold the torch of authority. She somehow chose me instead.

During these very dangerous and unpredictable times, my mind goes into a survival mode I can’t explain. The definition of a successful weekend is just keeping kids alive, a decent version of Mac and cheese several times, and the house not burning down.

However, I got played pretty good this morning going to school.

Dropping them off I look over and notice all this makeup on faces; mascara, lipstick, etc. Everywhere. The littles aren’t supposed to wear makeup yet. They know this. And they clearly also know how vulnerable I currently am.

At that moment I knew that they knew it was a perfect execution with Mom out of town. It was like a slow motion stab in the back. But they just smiled like little princesses looking forward as if nothing is happening. However they aren’t always princesses. They are ninja warriors. These little people know what they are doing. They plan. And they can attack with precision.

“Years before my badge and gun were taken , I remember feeling much more afraid of the administration and people in power at my department, than I ever was afraid of a “bad guy” breaking the law.”

I’ve been somewhat silent with politics this last few months. Not because I don’t care, but because it can consume me if I don’t check myself, and I start abandon my post at home and work. I can become negative and part of the problem and not the solution. I deeply care about our country. Deeply. That’s why I am writing these few thoughts about how powerful and scary government can be.

I’m going to get into my thoughts about how scary the deal is with Jeffrey Epstein, but let me paint a quick picture.

When I was in the Salt Lake City police academy in 2007, I remember feeling such a sense of pride and honor before getting out in the field. When an instructor would ask the class “Why do you want to be a police officer?” 95% of the class would say, “To help people!” And that was true with me. I wanted to make a difference. And the truth is most police officer, even if they seem like total jerks when you come in contact with them, too also started their career wanting to help people.

But then some harsh realities set in once you become aware of the system that’s currently in place.

Within about a year or so I remember telling one of my best friends on my shift, “There’s something wrong with how we are doing things.” He wanted me to explain. I told him that our supervisors seem to only care about the stats we were producing. The numbers. Many of the Sgt’s (especially the ones trying to make names for themselves to climb the ladder) only seemed to care about arrests, tickets, and stops. “Kick some &$$ and take some names.” That was the wise RA RA chant before each shift. A way to hopefully get us excited to “Help people”. By kicking the &$$’s and taking their names.”

And just where were their &$$’s going after they were kicked, and where did their names go after we took them? And why? These were the questions I had in my mind. Now don’t get me wrong. I was as guilty as anyone trying to further my career in the beginning. I understood a few things really quickly. If you want to promote or transfer to a better squad, make arrests and write tickets. A lot of them.

Why? Because when a spot opens up and you have several candidates to put in for the job, the first thing they look at is… drum roll.. your numbers.

But why would a Government agency want to create more work that’s not needed, all in the name of the law? Well, that’s easy, and you know the answer; the government is addicted to power and growth, especially with money they don’t have. They believe they are the answer to our problems. They believe that they need to take care of us in just about every aspect of our lives. All in the name of the law, safety, and equality.

A sad irony hit me once while I was pulling over a guy for a minor traffic infraction on my police motorcycle. I ended up just writing him for a “seatbelt violation”. I then went on to “Sell my ticket” and let him know I’m actually giving him a “break.” But he said something that made me think, “You’re giving me a ticket for my safety not wearing a seatbelt, but you’re on a motorcycle? How safe is that?” I was speechless. And he had a point. The truth was, I was just trying to get to my 20 tickets for the day, not ruin his day. But with that type of government “Goal” for the day, how can you not be ruining many people’s day? There’s around 25 Salt Lake City motorcycle cops, and each one of them needs to around 20 a day. You do the math at over $100 a ticket.

Here’s the audio just in case you have friends that don’t believe police departments can have quotas.

Now back to the police academy and how this can possibly tie into Jeffrey Epstein.

In class, one instructor said, “The quickest way to lose your job is, sex, drugs, and money. Integrity issues, lying.” Interesting. Isn’t that how it all comes crashing down in anyone’s life, anywhere?

Here’s the problem. The longer I worked for the PD, the more I saw these problems within the highest levels of the department. Lie after lie after lie. Then cover-up after cover-up after cover-up. All to hide what they really did and all for their political careers. This is one of the reasons why our local law-enforcement leaders need to be elected. So they can answer to the people and not to an agenda driven mayor.

Years before my badge and gun were taken , I remember feeling much more afraid of the administration and people in power at my department, than I ever was afraid of a “bad guy” breaking the law. That sad irony hit me a few times sitting in my patrol car. “I am more afraid of the chiefs than actual bad guys.” I wonder how many good cops out there feel the same way? Because the truth is, they are the ones who can permanently destroy your life forever if you cross them or their agenda.

A few simple things we all know about Jeffrey Epstein.

  1. He hung out with very very powerful people. In Hollywood and in Government.
  2. He was involved in illegal sex with minors. (That’s just the tip of the iceberg)
  3. He was getting ready to testify on facts he knew with these powerful people.
  4. He is now dead under the most suspicious circumstances possible.
  5. He was in the hands of the Government.

So you’re telling us that the government who can’t even handle keeping a key witness alive on a suicide watch, pretends to promise to keep us safe with more gun control? Right.

If this Epstein incident isn’t incredibly chilling and sobering to each American, on the “Left or the Right”, I don’t know what is.

Some would say the highest levels of integrity must only be found in the top levels of our local and Federal United States Government; (yes, that’s the way it should be)But I would argue the higher you go in government, local and federal, the more corrupt and dishonest it gets. It scares me. And it should scare you.

Now back to putting my head in the sand.

See what Eric is up to today….

“However, I can tell you that I’m not destroyed.  Because I’m still here. “

Someone asked me the other day if I get PTSD (triggered) anytime the Gay Pride parade happens in SLC. Short answer, it’s getting better each year. But this weekend is a little hard for me with the feelings inside. I get sad. It feels like just yesterday I was helping people and catching bad guys, but also like it never happened. Like a dream. Hard to explain.

What I miss?

The people. The people I worked side by side with, and the people I served in SLC. Mainly, the homeless. There were some homeless people I would have rather hung out with, than administrators in my own PD. That’s how much I loved them; even though some of them would drive me crazy with their self-destructive behavior.

I used to sometimes bake bread and try and find the right homeless person to give it to. No, I wasn’t always that nice. I had mean days, too. Where I lost my nerve. But I miss those good moments when I would choose selflessness. Getting out of the car and walking up to a homeless person trespassing, then not handing them a ticket, but a loaf of bread. Their faces were priceless. A spirit felt like no other.

I remember someone, who I had taken to jail, came up to me months later and gave me a hug and thanked me for the way I treated him. I didn’t exactly remember, but he had said I told him he had worth and can be something in his life; he said it made him feel so good inside he wanted to change.

I remember pulling over a younger girl (she looked like she was having a rough day) and I got her drivers license and registration. In the car filling out her ticket I had a distinct feeling and thought come to me “She is saying a prayer to not get a ticket.” I got out of my car and walked to her window and said “Miss this might sound strange but were you just praying?” She froze. Then started crying. She shook her head and I gave her documents back. I said “Well, prayer works, have a good day!” I let her go.

Those are some of the things I miss about my Law Enforcement days. I say MY because the justice system is broken the way it is; but, society is broken, too. We’ve somewhat done it to ourselves. We’ve called upon more government with our behavior and inability to govern ourselves. And this is what we get. Its gross. Everything is backwards. We elect people who mainly want power, not to help anyone. But we aren’t engaged enough to care who is in office; who in turn appoints chiefs of police, etc.

As soon as the department heads realized I wasn’t one of “them”, and I mean one who wasn’t just going to say yes, no matter what, to all their politically correct garbage and quotas, they spit me out. Then lied about it. Yes, Government lies. They tried to destroy me just to please a special interest group and cover a sexual harassment story. It worked. National news overnight. It was a perfect storm. A storm that was supposed to happen. Looking back, I fit perfectly into what needed to happen that weekend. But God had plans above their plans.


However, I can tell you that I’m not destroyed.  Because I’m still here.

Although I still get PTSD and “triggered” at times, I’m stronger than that day they took my badge and gun. I was broken then. I lost about 20 lbs and couldn’t eat. I couldn’t see or feel any light around me. I felt so alone. But then I started witnessing miracle after miracle pulling us through. Letting us know He was there in the fire with us. Even though I couldn’t see. I was 33 when all of this happened.

I thank the enemies who did this to me and my family. From the Sgt’s to Chiefs, to Mayor. Without that, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I’ve been able to build back up and reinvent myself several times since. Knowing there’s hope outside of the “Secure Job” type idea I’ve always had. God keeps providing and bringing more opportunity.

Looking back, the tragedy that happened 5 years ago had become one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. As hard as it still is.

Full Testimonial Here….