Recently I posted a picture of a very physically muscular man wearing a woman sports bra that read, “Hi, my name is Meagan, I’m here for the Girls track meet… Thanks Joe Biden”. Of course this post is poking fun at Joe Biden practically cancelling womanhood with one stroke of a pen. Also appointing a transgender man pretending to be a woman into the “scientific Department of Health” of the United States of America. Essentially these moves made it “legal” for men (transgender) to not only compete with women in school sports across America, but to also allow for this mental illness (gender dysphoria) to be fully allowed into the military as well.

And remember, these good people (because I believe most transgender people are still good people) are taking all types of mental illness medications, including hormone therapy. Medications that may not be good for someone who may be in a war physically fighting for a country. Right? Because as many know, if a regular man who wants to serve in the military BUT is on ANY type of anti-depressant, anxiety medication, or even testosterone therapy, they are DENIED the opportunity to serve our country. How do I know? Because after my law enforcement career I looked into getting into the military, but couldn’t because of a medication I was taking at the time.

You’ll notice if you post about this sad irony, that something inevitably strange seems to happen with comments of onlookers who will troll you online, whom I truly believe have the best interest in mind for the transgender person, but don’t seem to understand they are making it worse. “Ya but Eric, by you bringing this up, don’t you think it’s mean and disrespectful to the transgender?”

Sometimes the critic will even hit back with the stats that transgender people are 10X more likely to kill themselves post surgery. Therefore, for anyone to bring up a true irony through the form of meme, must be an evil bigot hater.

Let’s explore this idea for a minute.

Quotes from another compilation of comments on facebook…. “Eric Moutsos I know you know transgender people…Why are you posting stuff that clearly is disrespectful of them… I know many (church goers) who are supportive of “trans acceptance”…I know a (church goer) who is a trans woman who just had surgery. I am grateful that she has an amazing and supportive ward who allows her to go to relief society… many in the trans community struggle with suicidal tendencies… They are a very misunderstood population and not treated well by the general public… etc etc etc….. In other words, if you don’t believe the mental condition (gender dysphoria) is now true because of moral relativism, you’re a bigot and it’s your fault.

When I was an active duty police officer we were trained to handle certain calls with people who have severe mental conditions. From schizophrenia, to PTSD, to depression, you name it. For example, if someone from the military came back and had an episode they were still fighting in the war when they were triggered by a loud noise, we didn’t dive into the pretend fox hole and start playing “war” to pull them out of it. In fact, that would have been a very dangerous move to play into the mental illness with them. So what did we do? We loved them and tried to wait patiently while medical arrived, or until they came to the realization where they truly were. The reality of it all. The truth.

What if many trans people struggle with a 10x higher suicidal rate because after the surgery, and quickly coming to the realization that mutilating their genitals really wasn’t the best idea after all? Realizing that it may have been a giant mistake; realizing that you can’t actually change your God given gender birthright? And then realizing the early feelings of “love” and “support” from friends (who also know it’s a mental condition) is one of the the very deceptive fleeting feelings that pushed them into surgery in the first place? What if, in the end, many of the LGBTQ activists (including politicians, MSM, corporations, and yes, even schools ) that are USING gay people, bisexual people, and transgender people (in the name of acceptance, tolerance, and unity) are doing much much more harm than good to these great children of God?

The point to the post is that we can LOVE and disagree. We can absolutely poke fun at ridiculous executive orders that undermine and discriminate ACTUAL women in our society. If we can’t even talk about it, or disagree with it, or even joke about it, what’s left to do? Just accept? All in the name of love? Jesus came and LOVED ALL, but love doesn’t equate to acceptance and advocation of certain behavior. “Love one another, even as I have loved you” , doesn’t equate to advocating for universal untruths. In other words, He loves us so much he was willing to tell us the truth about the lies and deceptions in all of us, because we are ALL guilty to one degree or another.

Neal A. Maxwell once said, “Relativism involves the denial of the existence of absolute truths and, therefore, of an absolute truthgiver, God. Relativism has sometimes been a small, satanic sea breeze, but now the winds of relativism have reached gale proportions. Over a period of several decades relativism has eroded ethics, public and personal, has worn down the will of many, has contributed to a slackening sense of duty, civic and personal. The old mountains of individual morality have been worn down. This erosion has left mankind in a sand-dune society, in a desert of disbelief where there are no landmarks, and no north, no east, no west, and no south! There is only the dust of despair!”

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Has anyone noticed that Donald Trump actually looks BETTER than he did when he came into office 4 years ago? A lot brighter. A lot better countenance? Anyone?

I know it’s a strange thing to bring up but here’s my thoughts on it….

Regardless of what the TV is telling people, President Donald Trump, many times, has had the Spirit of God with him for those that can see spiritually. Especially speaking on certain principles. And especially during his State of the Union addresses. And that’s just the times we saw in the press, the press that tried to stop him from day 1. But Trump’s light kept growing the more they tried to put it out.

Now let’s look back at the countenances of other Presidents coming out of the WH starting with the Bush family. Did it not look like they all aged 40 year in just 4?


Why did the Bushes, Clinton, and oh yes, even Obama come out looking like no soul was left? I always just thought the job must have been so rough from the stress. But after seeing photos of President Trump as of last week, a man that was abused worse than any president since Lincoln, a man who’s position was literally stolen and hijacked by Babylon itself, stand tall and bright with a new look to him, why?

What’s the difference between the 5 men? I’ll tell you. Light and Darkness.

The other 4 (Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, are deep state political pawns, bought and paid for by the dark globalists. That is a proven fact. And that’s why they have darkened countenances. Because of poor choice after poor choice after poor choice. Sins. It stains not only our souls, but it has a way to show on our physical faces.

And Trump? He was his own man. He didn’t own anybody anything. He heard the call, he took the call, and I believe he completed that mission God wanted him to do near perfectly. Yes, even calling out the MSM on Twitter. They were mostly righteous callouts. As uncomfortable as they looked. Moral callouts. A few over the top ones, but not too many. He not only called it like he saw it, but called it how it really is. The truth.

Now we all know a lot of Trump’s moral past; and that he still sins and falls short like the rest of us do everyday, however, it goes to show that first: Anyone can be redeemed and renewed, and second: anyone can become hands for a God that ALSO deeply cares about freedom and liberty FIRST. Imagine that, the Great Liberator wants Liberty. And will use ANYONE who is willing to fight for that. That’s clear all throughout the scriptures.

But it’s the too good “Christians” that seem to pretend to have the moral high ground to not support a man who deeply cares about freedom and Liberty, all the while voting (out of hate mind you) for a man and party who slaughters their 9 month old babies in the whom, in the name of moral rightful choice. And people like Mitt Romney is the perfect example.

No, I’m not saying Trump is a perfect saintly Prophet sent to lead our spiritual lives, but I am saying because he placed his reputation, fortune, fame and honor, to help the American people, the Spirit shined and healed him in the process, it’s evident the Atonement can and will work on anyone. Besides “By their fruits ye shall know them.”, Right? The list of Trumps accomplishments is beyond what the post could do. He did what he said he would do. Or at least he tried with all his might. And I love him for it. And it saddens me he isn’t the President. It’s devastating actually.

Looking at photos and videos of President Trump at his Florida rally, speaks for itself. And contrasty watching that cultish dark deranged Biden inauguration was the exact opposite testament of this spiritual war we keep talking about. For Trump and America, a rally full of voluntarily patriots who paid thousands of their own dollars to see Trump, vs a paid military that was forced to show up, and ended up being abused in the parking garage after their communistic fake photo op. A military that was used. And celebrities that had to bow down to it all or their careers would be over.

President Trump, we see and feel you. That’s why we are still peacefully and resolutely behind you. 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! – Matt 6 God bless you President Trump. You showed us what it’s like to sacrifice it all for not only this Nation, but for millions of others who you helped light a flame under. Your light became our light. Thank you. 🇺🇸🗽Join me on telegram 👉

Also…. Read my book Dispatched (Conscience or Conformity), Here free …

I want to thank President Donald J. Trump for sacrificing his comfortable life, his fortune, and his honor, for We The People of the United States of America.

He cared for the core principles that helped make this once great country, great for a time. He brought more hope to America than we’ve seen in multiple decades. He helped start to awaken a sleeping giant within us.

He helped expose and show the world how satan has the darkened grip like he does. How dirty, evil and corrupt it really is. Did he bring hate? Not a chance. He just helped expose the hate that is buried deep in men who conspire to destroy the Constitution, including so many so-called “Republicans”.

He was and is a witness that Washington is too corrupt for even him, Donald Trump to change it. The greatest fighter since Washington himself.

The man lit a flame in American Patriots I pray will never go out. I will always stand with President Trump. I pray God will continue to protect him and his family and wish him the very best in any endeavor he chooses to embark on.

This is a war between good and evil, light and darkness, and he was and is a great light to not only the United States of America, but to the world.

Thank you President Trump, you are the best President ever. We love you. And it’s now up to us what we do for our future 🇺🇸🗽❤️

Eric Moutsos

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have loved the idea that ALL LIVES MATTER more than the idea of very divisive slogans that promote one race of people over another. Or that another race should feel “sorrow” for what America was like years ago. He just wanted to make it actually equal. And he came as close as it could be with the movement he created.

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have applauded the day (which we live) where millions of Americans watch and borderline worship black athletes and celebrities across the nation. What else could be the pinnacle of achievement and equality then by electing a black President of the United States, not once, but twice?

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have loved the idea that men and women, of all races and backgrounds, should work hard for their positions in school and corporate America; vs being used, promoted, and placed as political paws in some of these organizations, just to show how “diverse” the school/corporation pretends to be; a very sorry and ironic form of racism and sexism not very many people pick up on.

In fact, he said it best when he explained we should “not judge someone by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. I believe what he meant, is not talking about one race over another. I believe what he meant, again, was NOT to USE people of color and or gender for the affirmative show and virtue signal that seems to not stop.

I believe Martin Luther King Jr would have stood for life. Especially the lives of millions of babies of ALL races, who were slaughtered in the womb each year. Over 42 million worldwide in 2020. Thank you Martin Luther King Jr for paving the way to REAL diversity in America. A war that was won 60 years ago. But unfortunately a war that has somehow crept back in from the very people who were liberated decades ago. Thank you for paving the way for America to truly be the most diverse country in the world. Not the fake manufactured and manipulated way, but the REAL way. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -Martin Luther King

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. would have created another movement in 2021, and it’s not a movement that would be popular today, either.

Back in April after we had the first rally/ Business Revival because of the “Snitch lines” put up in Salt Lake City, I met a man named Steve Sorensen and his wife Alexis. He came and filmed the rally and put up a highlight video online, with some cool Metallica music. Who would have thought an entire documentary would be born from it. He came over to my house and showed me some other videos he had done, and I knew we were supposed to put it together. We didn’t know how we were going to do it, but that we had to.

Now almost 9 months later trying to wake people up from the incredible unconstitutional “mandates” from our state “Leaders like Governor Herbert and Spencer Cox, and way past the “14 days to flatten the curve” we are still going around trying to gather people together wherever people want us to come. We have done over 10 showings now from Southern Utah to North Ogden, Utah. We just got finished with a showing in Preston Idaho. We are even headed to three showings in Missouri the second week of Jan 2021.

It’s amazing how many people don’t believe the narrative that’s being driven by just about every major organization in the world. The same lie told, over and over. I don’t believe God is happy with how this is going down. He created us not only to socialize, but also with immune systems that can definitely fight off a virus with a 99.9% survivability rate.

During the Ogden showing at near the first of December I had a strong impression to not release the film online (yet), but to go around a gather together to help people feel the spirit of freedom and Liberty. Because Liberty does have a spirit to it. Liberty can only happen with morality. Freedom + Morality = Liberty. Allowing the government to force any type of isolation against people’s will is immoral. And I believe gathering with like-minded people is exactly what we are supposed to be doing. The devil divides and God gathers. Darkness or light. This is the battle we are facing. Darkness cleaves to darkness and light cleaves to light. It’s an eternal principle. And I believe the God’s will continue to gather all throughout eternity.

This isn’t just a war we can see with our physical eyes, this is the same spiritual war that was fought in heaven, with the same soldiers. And I believe the people who can see things spiritually right now, were the same people who fought on the front line with God.

And there was war in heavenMichael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and bstrength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. – Revelation 12

So the question is, who are you? Who were you before we came here? What mission has God called you to perform right now in the last days? For me, the answer lies in the power of prayer. When we pray and ask what we can do, we will receive certain and very specific thoughts, and God will see if we will follow the promptings. Neal A. Maxwell said, “God doesn’t begin by asking us about our ability, but only our availability, and when we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.”

I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s evident that “the Constitution will not be saved in Washington!” like Exra Taft Benson says. That game is long over. Even states are starting to fall. The evil can’t hide anymore. Its infection is finally starting to ooze out of society because there’s no place left for it to go. OUT is the only place for it; and ALL the world super powers are trying to convince mankind they aren’t seeing and feeling the truth. The devil isn’t even hiding anymore, but yet the majority of people still can’t see him.

I pray to God for a miracle, but maybe this is the miracle, that is, Babylon is falling right before our eyes. But how painful this is going to be for ALL of us to detach from the ways of the world.

I want to testify that Christ is STILL the King. And he will be coming shortly to prepare us for HIS ways, which are the Father’s ways. No doubt about it. If we are prepared spiritually and temporally, we shall not fear. God will not leave us alone. So let’s continue to gather under any circumstance; because WE ARE ESSENTIAL!!!