
Christina Bobb discusses the Democrats attempts to steal the election through fraudulent ballots and the Trump campaign’s efforts to recover the integrity of the vote.


24 replies
  1. clearlight808 says:

    you should put this out as "news" as well as satire and double your views. i'm a lefty and am LOVING this stuff for its delusional entertainment value ! great stuff!

  2. Thomas Marks says:

    We all saw this coming in one way or another! And to be clear I dont care what party you support but this fraud is ridiculous and the most outright lie against the people! You just cant see how Biden could have won! 12 person rally's verses 50,000 cmon man!

  3. Victor Val Dere says:

    Biden will be officially declared winner of the presidency Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Donald Trump can do whatever he wants (hole up in the White House) but he will be GONE come January 20th. With multiple investigations proceeding in many states against his fraudulent business activities, his future is behind bars. That's the reality!

  4. james McAndie says:

    Exactly!!!! Christina perfectly said……now what are they going to do Gas Light us…..like the covid plandemic, lock downs, social distancing, mask, "climate fires" and mail in ballot frauds……I will NEVER Accept their deceit. I Do Not Consent!!!

  5. Nick Nicholas says:

    I hope trump pulls through for us and the world , but what makes me really sad Is I feel like Biden sees the end of his life and is desperate to leave a legacy , unfortunately he has always been a corrupt politician and picked the worst way to do so , I just get really down seeing how misguided He and the democrat's are trying to uproot our founding principles , that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness , America has its flaws but billions of people enjoy freedom because of us what kind of person would try to change that ?

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