
Christina Bobb explains how Dems have been caught in their web of lies, and the wheels are falling off their attempts to claim victory.


48 replies
  1. Phil Tay says:

    God's JUSTICE is now coming on to every corrupt and evil democrats and any one who had cast their lot with evil !! Unprecedented Justice !!!! Amen !!!!

  2. Yo Pappy says:

    I said a while back when it comes to this he has to tack the back burner and let people speak for and represent him.
    If he’s out on tv and leads the charge in this, it plays right into all their dictator bs.
    I also said as soon as it happened all these people (R) and foreign leaders who were so quick to congratulate biden just outed themselves as part of the plan.

  3. Miry F says:

    I like that you give hope in an evidence based way, no false hope. I am new to you, am enjoying your reporting. Our President is an excellent strategist, I had to smile when he was out golfing. They cannot keep up with this man! Ooops, knocked off their square again!

  4. Texarcana says:

    Wow look at all the TRUMP PROPOGANDA. Ya'll are truly insane. Courts haven't given Trump ANY claims to victory, but dismissed their cases. Traitors encouraging MORE traitors to undermine this democracy. Shame on all of you, and this Christina Bobb.

  5. E Jay says:

    This lady is delusional. He plays golf so much because he charges us for the time there. He charges the secret service for their stays there. Its all to make money for him. His family gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign. That’s y’all’s donations hard at work. 🐑 🐑 🐑

  6. Rockvillain says:

    This woman can't report her way out of clear plastic bag. OAN is the news network for failed Fox reporters that did a little too much meth at one point and had to walk away from the network.

  7. Rockvillain says:

    Every time a news reporter shrugs, it's a sign that they're a shitty news reporter. You wouldn't want your doctor to give you a diagnosis while shrugging would you?

  8. Mark H says:

    "words don't describe how masterfully Trump is playing his hand"
    That is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Trump is crying like a baby.

    There isn't much strategy behind denying that you lost the election because you can't deal with it.

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