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21 replies
  1. JohnnyJTav says:

    Trump… 2020 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Donna Kennell says:

    Love this channel! In answer to the pending question of why businesses are boarding their windows; because BLM & ANTIFA have announced (regardless) the outcome they will riot. The cities boarding up know their so called leadership will do nothing to stop it, most encouraging the "protest" and actively interfering with police response. After the re-election of President Trump, I see a spike in handcuff manufacturing, which I gladly support

  3. Bytor 1001 says:

    "Ryan Mahoney, who served as the RNC’s communications director from 2017 to 2019, tweeted a ballot photo Monday indicating he’s casting a vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden. “Proud to vote country over party,” Mahoney wrote."

    -Daily Beast
    November 2


  4. stan marsh says:

    judge jeaninne in bill barr out ==== judge jeaninne in bill barr out ====judge jeaninne in bill barr out === judge jeaninne in bill barr out ==== judge jeaninne in bill barr out ====judge jeaninne in bill barr out === judge jeaninne in bill barr out ==== judge jeaninne in bill barr out ====judge jeaninne in bill barr out === judge jeaninne in bill barr out ==== judge jeaninne in bill barr out ====judge jeaninne in bill barr out === judge jeaninne in bill barr out ==== judge jeaninne in bill barr out ====judge jeaninne in bill barr out ===

  5. ed s says:

    There is something about a Lawyer that was raised by a life long used
    car salesman (his mentor) that makes me nervous…Joe fits the used car
    salesman profile to a TEE

  6. namur 1990 says:

    Trump’s mediocre handling of the coronavirus pandemic probably sealed his fate. Trump’s decline is almost exclusively among White voters. Polls suggest he will do slightly better among Hispanics and Blacks than he did four years ago. But Trump is set to lose college-educated Whites, once a Republican-leaning group, by 14 percentage points, 56 percent to 42 percent. Among his core constituency, Whites without a college degree, the president is ahead 59 percent to 38 percent, compared with leading 64 percent to 28 percent in 2016. Given his weakness among non-White voters, and the rising share of non-Whites in the electorate, Trump needs to carry Whites by more than 15 points to have a chance. His current lead among them is only about 7½ points, far short of where he needs to be.

  7. Ludwig Jaén says:

    America let's get serious for once …
    … I know that President Trump's style of government is not our preference but we must be pragmatic …
    … it is time to choose between someone with whom we can negotiate and a Democratic party that has betrayed all its promises.
    America I'm talking to you, it's time to vote for Donald John Trump MAGA 2020🗽🥰✊🏾

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