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15 replies
  1. Bruno says:


  2. Harold Huff says:

    🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔what about Pelosi and El Chapo' s claims he gave her and other DEMS over a hundred million dollars to stop the wall🤔 HOW'D THAT GO NANCY ? THE DRUG CARTELS WANT THIER MONEY BACK🤔? IF YOU DON'T OBEY THEM ,,,🤔YOU KNOW THEY'LL COME CALLING,,,,, VIA MS13

  3. Fugitive 1 says:

    All mothers in the USA, upon discharge from the hospital, must immediately pass their DNA tests and children. For various reasons known only to them, midwives and nannies deliberately criminally replace babies in maternity hospitals. ..especially on the first day after childbirth and cesarean section. In Ukraine, BIRTH CERTIFICATES will be issued by the decision of the Court. With the obligatory delivery of DNA tests for fathers, mothers, and children. ..in families with children who are crippled from birth, mothers need to immediately pass DNA tests and children. Monsters in white clothes replace babies in maternity hospitals for various reasons deliberately criminally, sick for healthy. ..YouTube ,, Millionaire 20 years later went to the doctor, and was shocked. He thought he just had a perfect family ,,. In Lipetsk, the widow of the deceased Hero of Russia Oleg Peshkov demanded that Putin and Shoigu conduct an exhumation! ..she recalled that the authorities and the army did not show her her husband's body before burial. and when she hugged, kissed and licked the coffin, there was no troupe smell. ..

  4. Landen Ace says:

    Did he just say black man killed by fleeing the police more like Black man killed for charging at the police with a knife or is this a different story because this is the most recent one that I know of that started the riots

  5. WE THE PEOPLE says:

    Just when you think you have the Biden’s by the Nuts, the FBI squashes all avenues to prosecution of the guilty. DOJ, is also dragging its feet. Fire Wray.
    We pray in hope but live in fear. Will this be posted? Or do I have to talk to Ted Cruz at the Hearing

  6. YVONNE Gordon says:

    the first Adam is the antichrist because we all died in this first man whose mind became the antichrist, the seed of the serpent: His heart (EVE) will have to bring forth the SEED of the woman (through Israel, the HOLY PLACE, the INNER COURT) in whom this carnal mind (abomination that causes desolation) is revealed and overcome: CHRIST reveals that antiChrist spirit which is the spirit of the world, hence Satan is the god of this world, reveals and destroys him when the LORD suddenly comes into his temple . As this happens, we are "TAKEN UP" (above the antichrist spirit, the world) and will be above the world even if we are still in it:

    how can anyone doubt that the first Adam in whom we died is the antiChrist when he didn't choose the GOOD ROOT of the tree of knowledge (which would have made it the tree of life and does make it the tree of life when CHRIST ARISES IN US so his enemies (antiChrist spirits who are many in the last days) can be scattered): DID NOT GOD PUT ENMITY between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman ?) WHat is that ENMITY? THE CARNAL MIND IS ENMITY WITH GOD AND CAN NOT KNOW GOD OR THE THINGS OF GOD: The curse on Adam was that his mind would bring forth nothing but thorns and thistles and Eve his heart would have to suffer to bring forth that GOOD ROOT (Mark 4) which she will do as ISRAEL (beginning with Abraham in Gen 15): The light going through the desires (animate) of the heart reveals antichrist just as it did to Abraham as a great darkness that ruled in him before the light revealed it: THIS revelation of antichrist by the LIGHT in him is how God goes into COVENANT with all his people who are called by his name, the people of the covenant:

    the Restrainer is the HOLY SPIRIT who lets (let us make man in our image and likeness, LET THERE BE LET THERE BE LET THERE BE) he who lets will let………….till he is taken out of the way (Christ is the way): The HOLY SPIRIT reveals the antichrist as Christ destroys that spirit in us with the brightness of his coming and the TRUTH of his appearing: THE WORLD is ruled by Satan hence ruled by the antichrist spirit: WHO can say they are a Christian and NOT SEE THAT?

    and by the way, make no mistake, Paul was still here even after the HOLY SPIRIT TOOK HIM TO PARADISE because this "separated him unto the gospel": Now he was in three places, in Paradise, in the wilderness and on earth where he was getting the woes (buffeting by Satan which is why he asked three times for God to remove these messengers but the LORD SAID NO, my grace is sufficient and my strength is made PERFECT in YOUR weakness: That is how the saints go THROUGH the great tribulation and why they can be WORN OUT by the antichrist spirit, their {OWN CARNAL MIND that won't shut up and stop condemning them):

    so why was Paul still here? The parable of the ten virgins: His spiritual FIVE senses were in heaven where he could see (he was a witness of Jesus Christ) and he could hear him and speak of him and discern what power of spirit everything was made of: BUT………..he still had his lower five senses, his carnal mind his lower members that he called the BODY OF DEATH which is why he said, WHO WILL DELIVER ME from this body of death and why he said, with his the mind of Christ he knew what was right but with his lower members he didn't do what he should have done or did what he should have done: THE SEPARATION unto the gospel removes the SOUL and a part of the spirit is kindled with the HOLY SPIRIT making Saul Paul (little) a man child; BUT as he decreased in his lower members, RAN the RACE TILL ONE WINS (his two sides came back together or were assembled back together again) till his carnal mind became LIKE the mind of Christ in him, he suffered the great tribulation as all saints did:

    the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS Amir is Adam because he fell out of the presence of God and became lawless from the beginning and SIN entered the world or actually created the world outside of Eden: Christ FULFILLS THE LAW IN US so anyone outside of Christ is lawless: Why does the Church always speak of how they don't keep the law by works but by GRACE and FAITH: Jews don't keep the law so where is there more evidence needed that the LAW is broken by everyone which is why we need to be saved to begin with?????

    TALK ABOUT PROJECTION with you guys: Like the left are the lawless ones – great way to judge yourselves instead of everyone else: That won't work in the presence of the Lord: If Christ didn't return by WW2, he isn't coming the way people THINK or preachers used to preach it; 2 THESS 1:10 explains CHRIST RETURNS IN HIS SAINTS and it is through them that the LIGHT will be in the world; If he hasn't returned to you, then you are not one of his saints I guess:

    God allowed Israel to be destroyed so many times in the Bible; I guess he is the antichrist then by those standards: NO!!! He allowed Israel to be destroyed because they didn't remain close to him by their HEART (desire) and not because Satan got the best of God: Satan can't do anything unless God says GO ahead and sift them: Peter was told by Christ when Christ was revealed to him, Satan has asked to sift you but I have prayed for you that your FAITH FAIL YOU NOT: Satan gets to sift the saints or the Bible has big flaws in it:

    yes, the antichrist is revealed out of Rome (THE CHURCH and Israel who is scattered in every nation): IT IS ONLY THE CHURCH and ISRAEL who can REVEAL that he came out of them because they are the only ones who have Christ to rid them of antichrist; The world is ruled by him so to them, he is god, hence he makes himself God in their heart, in everyone's heart till Christ destroys him by the brightness of his coming and the truth of his appearing:

    antichrist is ONE MAN (Adam was the FIRST MAN): Jesus Christ is the SECOND MAN FROM HEAVEN, hence the LAST Adam in whom we are all made alive, the spiritual life giving MAN: There is ONLY ONE MAN in the BIBLE, the first and Last Adam for it is written, God made out of ONE LUMP (clay, earthen vessel) TWO MEN, and we all died in the first and are made alive in the last: FIRST we are a vessel of vanity, the carnal mind that gives rise to our EGO and then when this VESSEL FIT FOR WRATH is destroyed in us, we have another vessel of HONOR which is OUR SOUL that rises above it in the rapture: But the rapture still leaves us in the same body: it just takes us out of the world while being in it: NOW we live above it.

    the PEACE and SAFETY is for the SOUL (like Paul got Christ first) and just as that happens, sudden destruction happens to the ANTICHRIST IN US and he won't be able to escape: THIS is the chastening of the sons because GOD ONLY CHASTENS HIS SONS, not those who are DEAD ALREADY IN the first Adam:

    if Gods people are not the THIRD TEMPLE then NO BIBLE is trustworthy because I know that it is always Gods people who made the TEMPLE legit, because they are the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT: It is always that Gods people fell that also got rid of the temple built by man's hands: If Gods people do not come together in the THIRD and LAST TEMPLE, the builders will build in vain (carnal mind) and it won't stand: GOD BUILDS HIS HOUSE, we are his house, his temple, on CHRIST THE CORNERSTONE and that HOUSE WILL NOT FALL:

    when CHRIST entered his temple (ME in 1992, very SUDDENLY as he arose in me suddenly and destroyed my mind completely for three years) the daily sacrifice (TAMID) ceased: There was NO MORE SACRIFICE for my sins now: It was over: NOW judgment came to this house that I am and grace was over: NOW chastening and correction (GMAR TIKKUN) came because now I was ONE with the ONLY SON (YECHIDA) and now this SON would correct me as we see in the Book of Revelation where all my candlesticks (all seven parts of my soul) were LIT by the correction of the seven spirits in me: Remember Jesus cast out seven devils from Mary Magdalene, the Church he comes for after he rises back to God his Father: From there, he prepares a place for us and when OUR PLACE IS READY, our hour, he returns for us individually (I COR 15, EVERY MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER is made alive in the Last Adam):

  7. Evil Exposed says:

    Trump says: “We will keep the country open while protecting the most vulnerable”. Is that true? Find any vulnerable person (anyone over the age of 65 will do) and ask them what Trump is doing to protect them? The honest answers are: “I don’t know” or “nothing”. Just another Trump Lie! In fact, Trump is doing the opposite by not mandating masks in public areas and instead “down playing” (lying about) the usefulness of lock-downs and using masks as is evident in how other countries managed this pandemic. All the US had to do is lock-down for six weeks the affected regions to get a hold of the pandemic and almost everything could have returned back to normal starting in mid to end of February. Much fewer people would have died. Instead, the pandemic continues to rage and kill people MORE THAN EVER!!! The virus is alive in America and is being exported to other countries. Great America? Really? Just Embarrassing Right?

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