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7 replies
  1. hawk-eye says:

    It is the ever swinging door of the local Bar, in the case of the U.S its the Democrats, in other countries its Labour, Labor, Christian Democrats, popular front, and whatever their name but only one streak runs through them… On most times they get elected on the promises of looking after the working people… social fairness and in the dark of night they always snick-in the wacky policies of the loopy left. most of the promises never get through and they always managed to stick it to working people instead of looking after them " selling out the jobs to other countries is one example ". By the second term in office, the economy is on its knees and the door swings the opposite way and… in comes the Conservatives to save the economy.
    Conservatives have never been able to sell the dream of milk and honey as the Democrats do… The Conservatives do as they always do… Screw wages smash social fairness and turf-out the loony left agenda out the window… And the door swings back again…
    The major reason why the Democrats and the other socialist's parties around the globe hate President Trump… is that he is doing what they couldn't do… He delivers on promises… He has more social bones than they do… He looks after working people better than they can ever do… He doesn't sell the country out to overseas countries like they do… and it's coming from someone in the Conservative side, Just like Reagan was an outsider, so is Trump, and that they despise to the nth degree.

  2. TheLeadSled says:

    I watched Tucker's interview with Tony Bobalinski and let me tell you he came off as straight forward and severely angered by what those scumbag Biden's did to him and his family. I served my nation and fought for it and came home disabled and let me tell you if someone called my loyalty to America into question I would be extremely upset. The sad thing about this whole story is absolutely nothing is going to happen to Joe Biden or his deadbeat son Hunter or his mooch of a brother. They all will walk free, I mean the FBI has the laptop for nearly a year and it's just coming into the light, that is all you need to know about it. Attorney General Willam Barr needs to put his DOJ on this election or no election, you cannot trust the FBI to make a cup of coffee much less do anything to a high ranking and powerful member of the Democratic Party.

  3. C.A. Dock says:

    I so much for justice, too much corruption . I never thought the day would come to were there is NO justice in a modern day. We're supposed to evolve to become better . Instead we have devolved.

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