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34 replies
  1. Wendy Thomason says:

    Just joined the only REAL NEWS LEFT ONE AMERICAN NEWS THANK YOU. I am a long time Fox watcher, banning them now along with the other socialists channels. We support the TRUTH and thank you One AMERICAN News for always giving us that!

  2. Pete Oberman says:

    Kayle and oan we're 100%behind you the true news and our President Trump
    We love USA and
    FREEDOM. !!!!!!
    which many paid the ultimate price for defending everything that we stand for

  3. WildSanta Cates says:

    Thanks you for giving myself and my family a place to receive real news.
    The damage at Fox started when the lawsuits went after Rupert and the liberals seized their moment to forced him to hand over control to his light in the loafer grandson. I know there will be many that linger watching the U.S. FOX DISASTER a sinking vessel the was once a proud media newsroom. This is when you advertise on there station prior to every major time slot to let people know conservatives now have a new home with you.

  4. Maria Ubeda says:

    The media is very corrupt, the same way politician are corrupt they do no care about the Country or honesty, they only care about money, The job of the journalist is investigate, denounces injustice, fight for the truth of the event, to educate people, treat people with dignity.

  5. newton9837 says:

    They aren't biting the hand that feeds them. I bet you think we're fox news customer. We're their product. They sell our views and our minds to the establishment elites. They are controlled opposition.

  6. john k says:

    Shame on Fox news. Doing exactly what they were accusing fake media, facebook and twitter of doing on the hunter biden story. Difference is , fox knows better so it's far worse. First fake polls and now censoring elections evidence news content to hurt DJT

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