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36 replies
  1. larry .friend says:

    Are you sure about senility? He is awfully aware and fluent at key times. The best the Dems could muster? They needed an insider involved heavily in crimes and knew they had no one to beat Trump. After Hunter, family and now the daughter's diary, could he be establishing a "incompetent to stand trial" defense? They knew they had no chance in 2020 and are willing to destroy the country rather than face what is certain to come.

  2. CHANNEL Q says:

    Comment: hunter has been and still is being abused by his father. He smiles and frowns at the same time. Look at his mouth corners. Not a good sign. Lives a dbl life. Lives a lie. His father's lies.

  3. BLUE Lives_Matter! says:

    It all makes sense now. Nancy Pelosi must have an evil plan…
    "If the President dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the Vice President becomes President for the rest of the term. If the Vice President is unable to serve, the Speaker of the House acts as President."

  4. Frieda Bittkau says:

    OAN/ and everyone go to: “National File “ they have info about a “ Diary “ leaked from Biden Daughter, What a mess that family is, 2 of 3 children abused. .. OAN you need to look at this. Please God help us 🙏🏻

  5. The Oracle says:

    Update 3:30 Pacific Time. 27 Oct 2020.
    Reports now coming in of Hundreds of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and MSM accounts are being deleted for Violating Comment policies.
    This is Media Censorship on a grand scale .
    Mr. Trump, the Pen is Mightier than the sword. An Executive Order can kill this right now. People are having their Free Speech rights removed on mass. This is a Violation of our Constitutional Rights.
    You have a new member in the Supreme Court, put her to work right now. The Constitution is being violated RIGHT NOW.
    To all deleted Accounts people, Keep your records and send to Judicial Watch, not the DOJ, or the FBI, they are now the Swamp.

  6. Steve Faulkner says:

    It's as if they are untouchable, and Traitorous Bunch , but like Clinton , Obama Biden OAC , Camel harris etc when do we get term limits , and all these wealthy Politicians made living selling us out or stealing from US. Enough is ENOUGH

  7. Daisy Mae says:

    It’s unbelievable that anyone would vote for someone who has gotten rich off of screwing the American taxpayers without providing any positive accomplishments in 47 years!! Can you say brain dead Liberals will??

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