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12 replies
  1. Jessica Zane says:

    Keep in mind, and there are many studies on this, but if abortion was always illegal, the black population would be more than double today, and Republicans would have been out of power decades ago and would never have a chance of ever winning again. That's just a fact.

  2. Chris McCain says:

    I have 2 children, after looking into there eyes after they are born, I would never let harm come to my children. Abortion at 9 months old or even close is straight murder. That baby is a human being, murdering a child takes a soulless individual.

  3. John Tafoya says:

    $100 dollars$ bounty for Hunter Biden!!! to the person who serves Hunter Biden with with indictment charges papers for Child sex charges$100 dollars$ bounty for Hunter Biden!!! to the person who serves Hunter Biden with with indictment charges papers for Child sex charges

  4. SO E says:

    Abortion will remain legal in several states but the federal government will not pay for it. (Planned Parent refused Federal funding 08.2019)

    If a state government will pay for an abortion, or Planned Parenthood can raise enough funding through their 501(c)(3), or sell enough body parts. No wonder it’s called a death culture.

    I predict that not only will the feds not give PP any funding but Medicaid-Medicare will no longer be available for funding of an elective abortion.

    So the question remains, will a woman be able to be served if she travels from a nonparticipating state to participating state.


    What does RU486 mean?

  5. Hrafn says:

    The only real divide is between the religious zealots, and the insane marxists who want to be able to murder new borns.

    Abortion can be necessary, but it absolutely must have restrictions, including a full ban on late term abortions unless under very specific, dire circumstances.

    A clear definition of life.
    True death is full cessation of brain function, and development of full brain function should be the legal beginning.

  6. octagonproplex says:

    I think murderers should go to prison. And prisoners should be put to work for the benefit of tax paying citizens, or else they can starve in a dark damp dungeon. That's justice.

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