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36 replies
  1. Bb BB says:

    It is time to kiss the babies. It is time to remember the black race. It is time to give the usual false promises. It is time to talk about the homeless. Two things I agree with Trump are  that the Democratic cities are runned badly.  Democratic Party is targeting the black race into poverty and sufferings. If you see who is homeless in San Diego, almost all are blacks. The Housing Commisson of San Diego is well known for making certain type of people homeless…
    I'm also tired of the crocodile tears of the Democratic Party for black people…

  2. oil9vinergar says:

    appalling rudeness, just appalling, while claiming to be morally superior to President Trump ….. and I voted RED = Remove Every DEMOcRAT from all offices with contempt for DEMOcRAT Party…..DEMOcRATS displayed appalling rudeness during Justice Barrett’s confirmation vote reminding me of spoiled brats that didn’t get their way or lost a game…..

  3. Mr Phillips says:

    Joe Biden interfered in this election and the last. I knew when they first started with the Russian hoax they would wish they hadn’t cuz it would make us examine their crimes. Idiot mfrs

  4. April Sim says:

    Wake up Americans! This is a make or break America election…don't sell your vote & country easily, cheaply & thoughtlessly. It is either you have America back or you lose it to an unaccountable & lawless dark power

  5. Monica Niemann says:

    Well I think you all are main stream and we as Americans see it, if god forbid Biden wins we have to fight to see these Democrats that have screwed us for years be accountable for it🇺🇸

  6. William Jackson says:

    I don’t think that it would change any liberals mind. The liberals only see one thing and they do not and will never believe the truth. The liberals are very evil and sick minded people.If Joe Biden said cut off your ear 👂 that is what they really would do.

  7. George F. Valle says:

    Mr. Riccieardella … i guess u don't follow War Room Pandemic … there are multiple smoking guns, including wire transfer instructions and verbal recording by Hunter Biden confirming his partnership w/CCP intelligence svc. … Keep reporting, 7 days to save America !!

  8. The Oracle says:

    "The government is not trying to protect [secrets about NSA surveillance] from the terrorists," Binney says. "It's trying to protect knowledge of that program from the citizens of the United States." – William Binney, a former top official at the National Security Agency

  9. Terrie Dotson says:

    I've been reading people statement that they voted early. They want to change their vote I don't know if it's illegal or not I know they've been calling the voters registration. They haven't got an answer back.

  10. Scott Chapin says:

    The NYT admitted that they were wrong about Russia? There's not a shred of evidence regarding Russia? Rudy Giulia is somehow a credible source of news? So far all of this "evidence" proves is nepotism. This guy claims that he's a"journalist"? While at the same time spouting off about several unverified conspiracy theories? Leslie Stahl is somehow a fake journalist because she asked trump a few "tough" questions? She was lobbying softballs, and when trump instantly went into bulls*** mode, and she called him on it. That's what journalists do. Unlike this right wing propaganda schill.

  11. Daniel Williams says:

    If I were President Trump I would fire Chris Wray and Bill Barr immediately. Shut down and terminate the entire FBI leadership. Every one of them. Then I would clean out the Justice Department of every Obama hack. That is just the start. Law and Order and Proper prison Sentences for every perpetrator. Every person in this Country including Politicians are to be held accountable equally.Enough is enough.

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