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31 replies
  1. Terrie Dotson says:

    I hope they both end up in jail Joe Biden and her his son Hunter Biden I know there's a whole list of people that should be in jail but they're Democrats so they won't end up in jail only Republicans well

  2. S A M says:

    Don't forget Harris ties with the CCP thru her husband, plus being a reference for Biden loan contracts💥 Marxists Biden and Harris are both security risks with CCP💥 PRESIDENT MUST REMOVE SECURITY CLEARANCES FOR ALL DEMONRATS INVOLVED WITH CCP💥

  3. Matt Roberts says:

    Yeah Yeah Yeah Blah Blah Blah ……. There were Mountains of Evidence of Criminal Wrong Doing by Mrs Server in the Basement Clinton and that Witch is now Quacking about how Joe Biden should "Refuse to Concede the Election Under Any Circumstances"

  4. GDPops says:

    China, Russia, Iran & all the world's bad actors want Dementia Joe over President Trump and with the help of the U.S. main media, will do all they can to influence the election results in favor of all democrats running in Nov. 2020 – Re-Elect President Trump & vote ALL democrats out of the House, Senate & Governor.

  5. Margaret Arross says:

    I find it very interesting that Hunter Biden was involved, according to his own laptop, in a "consulting capacity" (lucrative ) with a gas company in China when his father is actively trying to shut down energy production in the U.S.

  6. Stanley Roberts says:

    If this were trumps familys tablet with all this evidence on it the demonrats would already have charged him and blm be would screaming to put him in prison yesterday for it the byass is so clear .

  7. Sam Perkins says:

    February 7th – Trump admits to Bob Woodward in a recorded interview he knows exactly how deadly and contagious Covid-19 is.

    March 2nd – 15 reported covid-19 cases here in the US. Trump tells America all 15 are getting better and soon that number will be zero.

    Today: Over 8.3 million US covid-19 infections, more than 224,000 American citizens already dead and buried, and just yesterday, the United States reported more than 500,000 new Covid-19 cases within the past 7 days – the highest total yet since the beginning of the pandemic.

    Vote for Donald Trump if you want thousands and thousands more Americans to die …

    Donald j Trump – making America great again-one body bag at a time

  8. Brian Hall says:

    Joe Biden,…."We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American Politics." Right from the Big Guy's mouth.

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