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29 replies
  1. TRUMP says:

    There is too much as stake. Our republic and everything we stand for as Americans is at stake. This isn’t the time to be singing Kumbaya, this is the time to be standing up for country and our beliefs. We are divided by the people who want to make us a socialist country and tear us apart. We are not going to just sit by and watch as the system is destroyed by lying and cheating. Disgraceful!!!

  2. JohnnyJTav says:

    💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 Every Democrat that Won on Election Day should Have
    to Forfeit their Seat to the Republican Challenger 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

  3. Eddie Brahhh says:

    It is difficult to credit this 100%. Don;t know what they are saying is true, but there has been too much cheerleading. It seems that where there is uncertainty, these commentators err on the side of it going for the Republicans, I would rather them acknowledge uncertainty when they know it’s there.

  4. Nancy Simmons says:


  5. Moxie Boots says:

    They say blue wave because they want those who listen to them think it’s real so when they see Trump supporters protesting they can say we are sore losers.

  6. Jessica S, NAPLES FL says:

    "Our side doesn't get angry, doesn't jump out in the streets, . . .
    Maybe IT'S TIME that our side gets angry and starts jumping? We have seen GROSS ELECTION FRAUD for YEARs and yet we've NEVER done anything about it. We sit and laugh about the gross infractions and actual CRIMINAL ACTIONS as well as TREASON, and we pat ourselves on the back for being so "decent", but we've NEVER INSISTED that our laws be respected and the criminals PUNISHED!
    Are we going to be "DECENT" as we watch this 2020 election, a HUGE LANDSLIDE for PRESIDENT TRUMP, BE STOLEN, despite OBVIOUS FRAUD? How much more obvious can voter fraud be when counting is halted for the night when Trump has a huge lead, and at 4 AM hundreds of thousands of votes appear, EVERY ONE OF THEM MARKED ONLY FOR BIDEN?
    Wait – there's MORE. The Democrats had UNDERESTIMATED Trump's winning totals so they had to go back and manufacture so many more BIDEN votes that the TOTAL VOTE COUNT EXCEEDED THE NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS?

  7. Jessica S, NAPLES FL says:

    Are we going to sit by and continue to accept these OBVIOUS assaults on America's freedom and Democracy? We saw the same thing happen in the 2012 election. Some totals had ZERO votes for Romney; others exceeded the total number of registered voters. Romney lost; we went on with our lives, NEVER DEMANDING AN ACCOUNTING for the obvious FRAUDS & DISCREPANCIES!

    So, here we are again. At no time have we EVER demanded that the obvious voter fraud be investigated and the source eliminated. Interestingly enough, this time we've had PLENTY of warning of the techniques to be used by the Democrats to win this election with two candidates who could NEVER WIN A FAIR ELECTION, no matter who they were running against and no matter what they were running for. They barely campaigned as they had no platform except to "beat Trump".

    Nancy Pelosi gleefully told America how Democrats will so confuse this election that there will be no clear winner by January and it will go to the House to designate a president. The designee will be President Nancy Pelosi. She's already set herself up with an easy way to declare BIDEN incompetent to allow HER to be the president.

  8. Robert Daniels says:

    LISTEN PEOPLE. We have NOT protected our senate majority if we only hold a ONE SEAT majority. How many rhinos flip against us all the time? No, the Dems own the congress now…..watch.

  9. Robert Daniels says:

    I believe EVERYTHING we are seeing is a smokescreen to remove Trump. Oann, Fox and the rest are ALL in on it. Notice even the positive remarks about Trump are skewed…

  10. Jessica S, NAPLES FL says:

    Joe Biden, despite his moderate DEMENTIA and penchant for dishonesty, has some lucid moments. He will brag about what he considers an accomplishment or power move. In one of his recent "mini-rallies", in order to impress and reassure his few followers, Biden made this statement, speaking very carefully in order to get it right:


    "We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our adminis . . . the President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
    [The time "you guys did it for Obama's administration" referred to the 2012 election when surveillance software used by the CIA was adapted to be used to manipulate America's election in FL. Biden often bragged about how he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loans to the Ukraine unless its president immediately fired the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son.]

  11. Jessica S, NAPLES FL says:

    Democrats have brazenly announced to the world their intentions to win the 2020 election, not by popularity of the candidates, but by throwing the election into chaos so they can appoint their own president. They presented their plan as well.

    As usual, nobody has questioned the legitimacy of their plans. Nobody has forced the DOJ to indict those Deep State characters who are guilty of treason. There's more than enough proof of guilt to put America's powerful leaders in prison for life for TREASON. As always, NOTHING! Those of us who follow this story closely know Democrats MUST WIN THIS ELECTION. They risk going to prison if they don't regain total power. They will do ANYTHING to win, even if in doing so they will expose to the world the corruption of America's politics and a system of voting where computer software in Democrat led states can dial any number of votes necessary to win at will.

  12. andy bosik says:

    When there is significant evidence that Joe Biden and his family are involved in multiple illegal acts; why is Joe Biden being allowed to run for President?

  13. Elle Burd says:

    It’s my understanding that it’s the democrats using this election. From an investigator reporter Milly Weaver from Philadelphia PA; “ This is a coup against the United States of America…this has nothing to do with Biden or Donal Trump this has to do with our democracy”. Sad thing our nation is a 🇺🇸Republic Nation…a democracy nation would be by dictatorship rule😡. The longer it takes to count the votes, the longer it can cause a worse manipulation of said votes. FIRE ANY JUDGE THAT GOES AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS

  14. Ariel Lewis says:

    This is the devil people belong to Democratic . Remember Joe Biden saying that it will be a very dark ahead for the American people. Because Joe Biden is the next president of the evil.

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