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19 replies
  1. Dennis England says:

    There has Actually been SEVERAL Shootings where RIOTS'LOOTING. BURNING. and In Every one of these Shooting were JUSTIFIED. The MSM Has been behind EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE RIOTS HAS BEEN 100% JAPPED UP INTENSIFIED BY THEIR TRAINED PROFESSIONAL AND REALLY SEXY ANCHORS. WEARING LOW BLOUSES AND VARY SHORT SKIRTS? oh wait that would be?Sexist? Or a Network useing Beautiful Women to Push Their narrative down your throat

  2. Manley Nelson says:

    Cop culture needs to change. Crazy people with knives need to be tased. Detective quit giving the riotors an excuse, especially a good one, to riot. Non lethal force should he attempted before deadly force. These cops who shot that guy were fat pussies. Guns versus knives.

  3. Mike Speelman says:

    Send the military to Philadelphia, because the leftist’ plan could easily be to disrupt the elections and scare voters away. Why? Because all the signs are there, that Philly’s and PA voters are massively voting for Trump/Republicans!
    The socialist bastards are panicking!

  4. Miss Sue says:

    At this point an officer could fart in the direction of a suspect and the maniacs would scream police brutality and have an excuse to burn, loot, riot and murder.

  5. Keith Kimsten says:

    Do the crime…. Suffer the consequences… Any Skin color should never be a consideration of the use of deadly force and I don't think it so 99.9% of the time… This was a justified use of deadly force from what I've seen. The police were called not social services because the guy was threatening bodily harm to others.

    Unlike the man in Maryland who was killed for having a legal gun, called in by some nosy neighbor using bad red flag laws.

    BTW. Mental issues is never a reason not to stop a man or woman hell bent on murder… Besides if a social worker was with the officers would they go near a crazed lunatic with a knife? I hope not.

    All above is.. In my opinion.

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