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40 replies
  1. Alison Rome says:

    Please contact the Rubin Report they have moved out of the censorship war with their own tech so you have a platform that you can't be cancelled from or censored.

  2. S A M says:


  3. S A M says:


  4. Janice Phillips says:

    "The Right" is now a huge group of individuals who bring diverse, even progressive if we use the correct meaning; forward-looking ideas and opinions. If "the left" would just look at history, the unbiased history of their ideology specifically, they'd clearly see it's abject failure. The loss of life alone should be enough to cause at least some doubts about it's implementation. That they seem incapable of any honest self-reflection makes me very concerned for our future. I'd like to think history will show "us" on the correct side, on the side of facts and logic and reason, yet history states in plain facts that Communism aka Marxism aka Socialism does not work. Not only does it not work, it destroys. And they ignore it. They ignore all facts, and logic, and reason. Their ideology demands this, for how else can you support a system that comes with the stench of one hundred million corpses and still sleep at night? You can't. You can not, unless you live a lie.

  5. Evil Exposed says:

    Trump says: “We will keep the country open while protecting the most vulnerable”. Is that true? Find any vulnerable person (anyone over the age of 65 will do) and ask them what Trump is doing to protect them? The honest answers are: “I don’t know” or “nothing”. Just another Trump Lie! In fact, Trump is doing the opposite by not mandating masks in public areas and instead “down playing” (lying about) the usefulness of lock-downs and using masks as is evident in how other countries managed this pandemic. All the US had to do is lock-down for six weeks the affected regions to get a hold of the pandemic and almost everything could have returned back to normal starting in mid to end of February. Much fewer people would have died. Instead, the pandemic continues to rage and kill people MORE THAN EVER!!! The virus is alive in America and is being exported to other countries. Great America? Really? Just Embarrassing Right?

  6. Sherri Stewart says:

    Brandon is so amazing! I expect to see him on the big screen or as a news anchor, or maybe politics. The guy is SHARP and born for this time! He's a STAR!! May God bless him!

  7. April says:

    Oh, it's happening. I look for walkaway video's everyday on Youtube. EVERYDAY, one shows up that says it was posted 5 days ago, but wasn't there 5 days ago, sometimes even a month prior.

  8. Ordinary Mo says:

    I did not vote for the person, I voted for the platform. I voted for the second Amendment. I voted for the next supreme court justice. I voted for the electoral college, and the Republic that we live in. I voted for the Police, and law and order. I voted for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I voted for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background.
    I voted for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I voted for secure borders. I voted for the right to praise my God without fear. I voted for every unborn soul that the Democraps wants to abort. I voted for freedom and the American Dream. I voted for good and against evil. I voted for the future of my Country. I voted early, I voted in person and I voted a straight red ticket. If you see me as an idiot for voting for Trump then that's your problem, not mine.

  9. strawman says:

    Limit Congress to one term: 4yr for reps. and 6yr for sen. Outlaw lobbying and institute ranked choice voting everywhere. Put the homeless into the empty commercial buildings that the state can buy cheaply after the commercial real estate market implodes. Only a consolidated 3rd party can overcome the agenda of the demopublican monopoly.

  10. Maggie Audiss says:

    Social Media should not be allowed to sell anything (like algorithm manipulation🤬) other than charge it's users a monthly fee. No ads, nothing. Especially not for the attempted overthrow of our country!!!!
    TRUMP 2020!!! ✌️❤️🇺🇲

  11. Texas Freedom Lover says:

    Their event in Dallas on the Labor Day weekend exposed the connections between the radical Left and our DPD Chief U. Renee Hall: who resigned from office soon after that event.

    Remember the viral video of the violent actor who attacked the security guard for WA in their private gathering space calling out for a confederate to call the Chief?

    That clown had numerous outstanding arrest warrants and locally is known for his virtually non stop domestic violence problems in addition to having founded a violent civil rights organization.

    The same guy who in July 2016 planned the BLM ‘peaceful protest’ in downtown Dallas that resulted in the murder of five Dallas Officers in a sniper attack.

    Then DPD Chief David Brown, currently the Superintendent of Chicago PD, without any due process exploded the sniper via remote control with a C-4 equipped robot.

    David Brown is a Dallas native whose son David, Junior who while high on PCP murdered two people including the murder of a Lancaster, Texas police officer.

    Junior died in a shootout with the police.

    Almost simultaneous with the 2016 event mentioned above, Brown’s brother died in Arizona in a drug deal gone bad. .

  12. Kalex Sidal says:

    Your upset because you feel like your being suppressed when you not the public is speaking telling you they don't want to hear your messages and your asking for preferential treatment to get your message heard. And it's not gonna happen the algorithms are unbiased they are working correctly. It's simple people don't want to hear it. Go ahead and create your own platform and when they fail because people don't want to hear it you'll then understand

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