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43 replies
  1. Janet Airlines says:

    a paper shredding truck just hit up the cobb county,GA election office and was shredding ballots! It was filmed and is on lin woods twitter. They have video of garbage bins full of ballots, and they were shredded! Share share

  2. General Eric says:

    American election was a consorted effort between corrupt officials, big tech, main stream media , and dominion machines with corrupt counting algorithm installed, perpetrated by the democrats to disenfranchise all Americans if this result stands then the whole country has been defrauded and every ones vote is worthless.

  3. Nick Kelly says:

    corrupt election, no Fracking way!, Joe Biden, October 2020, "we're in a situation where we have put together I think, the most EXTENSIVE and INCLUSIVE VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the history of American politics". Does this look corrupt to You? Fracking YES!

  4. Ralph Montoya says:

    Obviously fraud has been done, and the list grows all you mentioned and now I hear strong arming ones family. Isn't that a crime?? Where is the protection for these folks. Sheriff, FBI, DOJ,??? Criminals are exempt from the law?? WOW 😳 HOW unamerican!

  5. Joe Trump says:

    To gain more confidence in our election 🗳 system…..

    I need to see Maxine Waters election results audited….

    I think she has dominion crap 💩 on her favor .


  6. Debbie says:

    Maybe she will realize how President Trump felt the last four years I would call for an impeachment on her!
    And God bless him for help cleaning up the swamp that is in Washington🙏

  7. hawk-eye says:

    Rudy talking to the press that is mainly from the MSM and those reporters only go to the pressers to dig up the next headline against Trump, THE MORE YOU TREAT THEM REPORTERS AS AN IMPORTANT ITEM OF VALUE THE MORE THEY TAKE YOU FOR A RIDE, THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY AND THE QUICKER YOU REALISE THAT THE QUICKER THEY " THE OTHER NETWORK " WILL COME FOR REAL NEWS, You people in the Republican party have a lot to learn and one of those items you have to learn is… DO ON TO OTHERS WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING TO YOU… and get off your high horse of " fairness in battles" and all that BS about being civil to uncivilised morons…

  8. critical planter says:

    Challenge. Ask a rino or demonrat.
    Do those (PETA) who believe the Unborn are not persons also believe that it is okay to kill the babies of pregnant cats and dog?
    After all, baby giraffes, elephants, squirrels, Birds, are just a bundle of cells too!…. Right?
    Are animal babies more important than human babies??
    Where are all the racoon and chipmunk feminists and SJWs crying out for female animal health rights (F.A.H.R)?
    I am sure that there are many animals who don't want to be mothers.
    They're just lookin for free "fun" too.

    It is imperative to stand courageously for The Unborn.
    We are in the midst of a spiritual war.
    Will we, can we win it ??🇺🇸🙏📣

  9. philipbrit13 says:

    How do we deal with the run off on Georgia in January – if the recount/audit just performed counted the same fraudulent ballots ?? I voted in Fayette county. Did my vote count ??? I will have no confidence in the election system until I see some senior deep state miscreants in hand cuffs !!!

  10. rkw7250 says:

    This is a promising news channel. I do notice, however, that the reporters often hammer their own opinion into the questions rather than asking a question objectively and letting the guest respond. We need unbiased news sources. An objective reporter does not reveal his own political leanings or opinions.
    Also, it is important to pronounce your guest’s name correctly. Your guest corrected you at the end but the video was cut without an apology from the reporter.

  11. Life In The Faith Lane says:

    NO….we only voted for YOU GUYS because we voted for Trump, Mr. Issa. SOOO…why don't YOU check out if our votes FOR TRUMP were STOLEN by the software here too???? You owe him!!! This is my 'new' Congressman. But he needs to get his office phones up and running. We've got LOTS to say about what we are feeling and wanting …which is to continue to support Donald Trump 100%. Darrell Issa is a powerful guy. He also is pals with Louie Gohmert of Texas, one of my FAVS.

  12. Moon Over Miami says:

    Darrell was voted out for good reasons. Let's see if he's straightened up, flies right this time. The GOP doesn't need McCain never Trumper warmongers and pro-lobbyist corporates running our government.

  13. Denise Pawlina says:

    Yes I live in Michigan you should see all the restaurants that are closed movie theater one of the biggest movie theaters and there’s no help for businesses there’s no help for the people that are losing their jobs Whitmore needs to do something to get people help she locks things down but she doesn’t care about the people losing their income and it’s holiday time

  14. William Farr says:

    MI & WI are a total mess… Gov. Whitmer is a disgrace & the vast amount of people living under her " draconian " rules know this…IMPEACH the witch!
    The REAL Electoral Count on CA went RED as did the majority of the nation… The POTUS is actually catching up in many of these key states, despite the ILEEGAL ballot counts! I see a whole lot of people going to jail after this is over…Make no mistake, the SCOTUS sees what has happened here & if it goes to the SCOTUS, I firmly believe they will make the correct decision by declaring this election null & void due to the RAMPANT corruption both domestic & foreign… America is under attack & our POTUS will prevail… :~)
    God Bless America… :~)

  15. N Bach says:

    Witmer is a descendent of fascists . Gretchen is ready and able to make a "nice" concentration camp out of Michigan. If citizens let her. Hopefully they won't.

  16. Sri Ji says:

    Who the heck are these dems? Old school dems I know are actual hippies! They definately aren't about big pharma, and violence! You are going to see more liberals, old school liberals turning right!

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