
Top Democrat officials have continued to embrace Chinese propaganda to attack President Trump. However, a newly released letter from Taiwan strongly suggests a corrupt conspiracy at the World Health Organization. One America’s Kristian Rouz explains how the president may have been right all along.

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50 replies
  1. 1woksape says:

    The worldwide satanic deep state totalitarianism coup-de-tats and their treasonous democratic party, plutocrats, MSM, seeking the destruction of Christianity, America, families, morals, liberty and western civilizations

  2. Mike MJ says:

    We need to take back the house if we are going to turn this country around for the better. The Democrats along with the news media have become the number one threat to all Americans.

  3. JDB says:

    The Dems HAVE TO defend China, as they now own the entire Democratic party! That is a part of the illegal money they have taken from China. So, their "free" money came at a cost… their political and outright freedom. Anyone who now opposes China will be blackmailed for their betrayal of the communist party. This proves one need not be smart to be a politician, nor have a spine.

  4. John Daley says:


  5. Grey Man says:

    The more the MSM and Democrats talk the more insane they show the people they are. It’s time America removes all Dems from political positions by force.

  6. C White301 says:

    Easy answer, Dems and MSM are heavily invested in Chinese stocks and need the propaganda to prevent their stocks from plummeting. All you have to do is follow the money to see how money rules and truth suffers. No wonder why they hate the President, he is trying to drain the swamp, but it is DEEP!

  7. Carl Ray says:

    OAN: Trump finds a cure for the virus.
    Demonrats and the msm: Trump has caused thousands of Doctors and Nurses to loose their jobs during a recession.

  8. Joe Penn says:

    This Wuhan Virus is a product of the Democratic National Party and their Masters in China. Joe Biden is a Chinese Candidate and a Tool of the Chinese Communist regime. The Democratic National Party has killed more Americans than any other political party in the history of America.
    The Democratic National Party needs to be disbanded and it's Leadership arrested for Treason,Infanticide and the coup attempt against Our President, President Trump. If this was Turkey, Iran or even Saudi Arabia the Democratic Party leaders would be dead right now. Democrats have been working against America since they lost the American Civil War. Damn Baby Killers. God Jehovah is going to get you.

  9. hawk-eye says:

    THE DEMO..RATS treason and subversion and spiced with "" we'll do anything to remove Trump,, including been in bed with the CCP and its lies that have caused 100 plus thousand deaths ""

  10. Nunya Bizness #1 says:

    After seeing what they really do at those wet markets to dogs, cats, etc.. I don't believe ANYTHING china says about anything, and the dems can all kiss my backside 🤬

  11. spookerr says:

    TDS is MORE dangerous than the CCP Virus. The TDS Virus is so bad, that the coronavirus will hitch a ride on the opportunities that the TDS Virus outbreak presents.

  12. Blanket白白布 says:

    Trust me, If dem won an election in the future, they would sell off America WITHOUT HESITATION, it doesn't matter it is 2020,2024,2028…, demon do what demon would do, control this country and suck up everything

  13. Di Horse says:

    Exact wording of Taiwan email: “News resources today indicate that at least seven atypical pneumonia cases were reported in Wuhan, China. Their health authorities replied to the media that the cases were believed not to be SARS, however the samples are still under examination, and cases have been isolated for treatment. I would greatly appreciate if you have relevant information to share with us.”
    First 46 words a quote from China media. Last 13 words a request on information. How's that a "bombshell Taiwan letter"? How is that "pointing to COVID-19 cover-up by Beijing & WHO"???

  14. Scouter says:

    The more direct experience one has with the UN agencies the more one knows they worse than useless in helping the world and the more it becomes obvious it can't be trusted.

  15. Jeffery Thorndyke says:

    Does it surprise you the Democrats are defending China after they lied and people died? It shouldn't at all. Americans that pay attention and get their news from credible sources know why China lied and know why Democrats defend them. These are the same people that want to give illegals your jobs and do on a regular basis. Traitors to the people.

  16. Michiel Rupert says:

    If course the Democrats are going to point Fingers They played a Big part in this Attacks on Humanity in 2015 Obama administration funded This Coronavirus Attack by giving them 3.7 million dollars Dr.Fauci and Bill Gates Told President Trump in 2017 a Virus outbreak

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