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39 replies
  1. SomeGoodStuff says:

    The media and big tech are absolutely disgusting. Pray that God Fearing Men & Women of Christ take over ALL news (including online) -political, local, commentary, etc. America needs people in this field because it is Christ's will for that person to be in it and not individuals who are seeking their own glory. America is founded on The Gospel, and no one should be afraid to proclaim this!

    1 Timothy 6: 12

    “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

  2. General Eric says:

    American election was a consorted effort between corrupt officials, big tech, main stream media , and dominion machines with corrupt counting algorithm installed, perpetrated by the democrats to disenfranchise all Americans if this result stands then the whole country has been defrauded and every ones vote is worthless.

  3. Matthew Padgett says:

    It seems that the “powers that be” are trying to stop Pedro’s message from being heard. Why are they threatened by one man’s interview?
    The “power’s that be” are such Gatekeepers!

  4. Bytor 1001 says:

    “I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people. We want top of the line professionals.”

    -Donald Trump

    Arrested, Jailed, or Indicted:

    Paul Manafort
    Rick Gates
    Michael Flynn
    Michael Cohen
    Ken Kurson
    Roger Stone
    George Papadopoulos
    Corey Lewandowski
    Steve Bannon
    Brad Parscale
    Elliott Broidy
    George Nader
    Imaad Zuberi
    Lev Parnas
    Igor Fruman
    Chris Collins
    Duncan Hunter
    Sam Patten

  5. franklyn1010 says:

    Trump expanded his 'base' by some 10 million more votes than 2016, no one in their right mind believes Joe got more votes than any candidate in American history, even beating Barry, by running on an 'anti American' ticket!!!

  6. LEONIDAS says:

    If you voted for Creepy Biden then Shame On You ! You jeopardized the country all because you didn't like the way President Trump speaks. LMAO ! Did you really think God was going to let that Senile Old Man win ? President Trump is a Godsend. After he is re-elected you Damn Fools will figure that out.

  7. Peter Shinn says:

    You didn't mention that the reason the stimulus package didn't pass was not because of President Trump, it was because of the Democrats. Not sure how you can say that hurt Trump. Or that it was his fault.

  8. john pac says:

    This is the fraud that we should be talking about.
    -While thousands were dying in June,Trump tried to fake it,went to a church he does not go to,raise the bible-he can't recite one verse from it, and pretended he is a "holy man"
    -Trump had 3500 cases filed against him for people who did work on his properties and not paid or half/paid.
    -He tried to con thousands of Trump university students,he had to pay $25 million back.
    -NO American bank will deall with him because he is a fraud.

  9. Quentin Vostros says:

    Lets rile up all the idiots so they get even more angry when a legitimate transition happens to the biden administration….

    You really think that litigations to change legitimate voting and counts is american?

    I would basically gather that none of you have an american bone in your body if you think that is ok…

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