
Dr. Anthony Fauci has become a leading voice in the fight against the coronavirus, but from the start of the outbreak his directions have been inconsistent. One America’s Pearson Sharp exposes Fauci’s contradictions and explains why the doctor’s guidance has been unreliable at best.

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32 replies
  1. Karen says:

    I didn’t know till now that I’ve lived my entire life according to my own healthy guidelines!! My theory works and I’m still doing it.

  2. Richard H says:

    All this shows is that it is mostly a lie. It's a con and a plan to control people.

    Viruses are cleaning agents of toxic bodies. Those who get flu shots have disease injected and then later get tested and the 'virus' shows up because it was already in the flu vax.

    Say no to vax people. It's poison. Stand up

  3. Dell Anderson says:

    Fauci was wrong about masks and the threat of coronavirus, but he was right that Hydroxychloroquine had not proven evidence of benefit and might actually be harmful. He was vindicated on the latter.

  4. Brian R. says:

    Right wing morons are stupid enough to die so that Trump can brag about his "numbers".

    It's two months later and now the red states are dealing with out of control epidemics.

    This idiot fake news channel is happy to let you die to keep the billionaires' profits rolling in.

  5. Barb Norvell says:

    Why are people so shocked. Gates, Clinton, Soros, Fauci are all on the same team. They are all with China and involved in this Pandemic. Anything to try to get rid of the President, even have millions of people dying all over the world.

  6. paul castle says:

    But he's a Democrat and that changes everything , he cost many lives by opposing Hydroxychloroquine , so we know he'd got TDS back then , right ?

  7. Lance Schweiter says:

    Dr Fauci what the hell you screwed with our country and you need to get the hell out of here. I give Trump credit for cutting him off. So Trump has no decisive plan when Fauci has no decisive plan. Looks planned to me. Hey I think this clown is as bad as Biden. Trump is not an idiot. Your done!

  8. cleidi orenzo says:

    That Dr Fauci can't be trusted! He's part of the elites and is not on the side of the President. Stand to reason why Trump ended those little minute or two evening briefings with him and Dr Birx who is also not always truthful, but not as much as he is in the dishonest realm.

  9. Kath Hath says:

    I don't think he was just making it up as he went. I think he was correct that we didn't need to overreact, but then the insiders told him to start lying for their agenda.

  10. nabeel123ful says:

    This is typical political attack. You cannot just look at sentence by sentence, you need to use your head and pay attention to the context. You should distinguish policy and assumptions, and reference to real facts. At a specific time, Dr. Fauci gave advice corresponding to that very situation. You will convince yourself of the validity of his advice by comparing it against real facts from other countries, say New Zealand, China, Italy etc. New Zealand did not have a major pandemic spread all the time, which corresponds to what Dr. Fauci said no need to change your day to day regular behavior; China had a complete shut-down of a major city and successfully stopped the spread of the pandemic, which matches to what Dr. Fauci assumed more life saving with a more rigorous control of the situation posed by the government; Italy was nearly on the verge of out of control but finally curbed the situation, which is what Trump administration failed to do.

  11. Dotun Makun says:

    Pretty remarkable that Fauci is the one being thrown under the bus when he isn't the President of the United States. This videos back in February were Fauci's views so early on and clearly at the time he didn't want to invoke panic besides his role was to advise on the pandemic and the corona virus is called "novel" for a reason. Why this effort to shift responsibility now that virus infection is increasing and Trump only started wearing a mask a couple of days ago. Trump hasn't led by example now has he? The US is a crazy circus right now!

  12. IamDoogy says:

    No wonder Google put this webpage 20 results down even though it was clearly the closest to my search query:

    "oan dr. fauci contradicts himself"

    The Communists at Google are desperate to protect their agenda for our lives.

  13. Tigerex966 says:

    Can someone make a compilation of all of his contradictions, predictions, reversals, and lies of the last few years?
    It is amazing that all the media, doctors, health experts, schools, politicians, churches, Americans even listen to him.
    Virtually everything he has said about anything he has reversed and than reversed again.
    Not to mention he guarantees a pandemic in the Trump administration, meaning he planned it.
    Which makes since, because the pandemic war games with Bill Gates was in Oct 2019 with corona virus.
    You cannot make his stuff up.

  14. Erwin Lbj says:


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