
Once a strong proponent of furthering stay-at-home orders, Dr. Anthony Fauci made headlines this week by saying just the opposite. One America’s Jenn Pelligrino has more from the White House.

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38 replies
  1. D. Aardent says:

    Jesuit agent Fauci. That should explain his motivations. He is oathed to forward the directives of Jesuit manipulators in governments. Seems like an obvious connection now that came out.

  2. Howard Amey says:

    Fauci is a leftist plant. He has been instructed by his democrat handlers to keep the country on lockdown. This makes their coup so much easier to pull off.

  3. Karen O says:

    Fauci is not "our if touch" with Conflict Of Interest. ^ What is dying worth if One does Not get a Chance to Live?
    ^ Fauci KEEPS 'all' Afraid because HE IS – of ^ going to JAIL.

  4. Thomas Kurilla says:

    fraud fauci. heard this guy gave 3.7 million to wuhan labs??!! during obama admin. where is the news on this??? Satan is the Father of Lies. Lots of lies causing FEAR!!!

  5. M P says:

    Fauci and his corrupt Career with PEPFAR will be exposed. Fauci's wife is more corrupt than he is.
    Fauci is connected to both WHO and Bill Gates, pushing the Agenda, keeping you afraid, preparing you for their vaccines.
    The Plandemic backfired, Trump knows what they did!

  6. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot says:

    I don't know why anyone believes anyone from the government. Name one thing they've gotten right beside failure. It's time Americans take our country back from these demons.

  7. young dragonfly third eye zoo dot com says:

    Fauci is a felon, and along with Gates they have made China an accomplice implementing the new world order. This virus was no accident! They are using the pandemic to conquer the world. Now we have to identify just who they are. Fauci and Gates are the tip of the spear for sure. Here you go
    Here is a link to some things I am sure he was aware of.
    Pretty Much Busted
    Here's a bonus, follow the white rabbit
    remdesivir 60 percent toxicity rate!


    DR. #FauciTheFraud was a key player in a virus induced pandemic 10 years ago during the AIDS crisis and is still playing Dr Mengele (Angel of Death) today with new buddy Bill Gates Dr Robert Willner proves that the "virus" is a fraud by pricking his finger

    Something URGENT You GOTTA SEE About M-A-S-K-S!!


    They cause more harm.

    Surgeon general: Data doesn't back up wearing masks in public amid coronavirus pandemic


    CDC recommends that people to do wear masks unless you want to get sick. FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY. 


  8. Mason Dixon says:

    Masks are no good doesn't help
    No wait masks good / extend lock down
    So more people dont get sick No wait could cause more harm than good /
    Millions of people could die Mr.President
    No wait well maybe not that many after all sir / hydroxychloraquine (?) Good
    No wait not good / heat and sunshine good No wait maybe not
    It's a no dam wonder people get confused and scared / good job doc.

  9. johnnyboy4me says:

    Prior to the unrest throughout the country I think our country was on a measured but positive course for reopening. That said these protests/ rioters have foolishly put the general public at risk. The risk of Covid 19 infection will be taken to task in the weeks to come.
    Be safe

  10. Jay6459 says:

    Someone should look deep into the Billion$ that slips through Fauci's hands each year for AIDS research. Nearly 40 years, still no cure🤔. I guess too many are getting rich milking that big government tit.

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