
Mainstream media ignores allegations by whistleblower and former Hunter Biden business partner, Tony Bobulinski. One America’s Christina Bobb has more from Washington.

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46 replies
  1. JVD 333 says:

    Of course. And they'll label any news on it conspiracy and Russian disinformation, regardless of the news outlet, but Especially if it's right wing.

  2. Ronald Winker says:

    Everybody has the right to express what he thinks. That, of course, lets the crackpots in. But if you cannot tell a crackpot when you see one, then you ought to be taken in. — Harry S. Truman –  Biden is a "CRACKPOT"

  3. Bilbo Baggins says:

    Kudos to the Daily Mail newspaper. They may be a long way from being pro Trump but they’ve covered all this story in full. It’s an odd world when an American has to turn to the US section of a British paper to read the news.

  4. Mario flores says:

    This another fake story that’s why it’s not picked up
    Verify real news with multiple facts and sources please
    Or just say the mail people lost the only Biden evidence lmao what a joke

  5. googeliswiththegreys says:

    Excuse me but this is a terrible heading, subject, title for this or any clip. Going unreported? Is that what you want? Say what you want, say it has gone viral and everyone that reads the title whether they watch or not will send out the desired belief…that it has gone viral. You need help with your social media titles

  6. Lovepeacejoy says:

    🇺🇸God will deal with the media and Trump will win the Presidency again🇺🇸The truth always comes out🇺🇸Keep draining that swamp🇺🇸Progress🇺🇸

  7. Keith Kimsten says:

    The NSA has access to every number and phone call The Biden's made, the Clintons made and all of them… They choose not to get to the bottom of this just as they have with all politicians… Why? Who pays them?


    Who pays he Pentagon?

    The house.

    They won't bite the hand that feeds them instead they go after us…

  8. strawman says:

    Need to limit Congress to one term: 4yr for reps. and 6yr for sen. Also, outlaw lobbying and institute ranked choice voting everywhere. Put the homeless into the empty commercial buildings that the state can buy cheaply after the commercial real estate market implodes. Only a consolidated 3rd party can overcome the agenda of the demopublican monopoly.

  9. Tony Poche says:

    Biggest scandal of the decade and not reported by deep state. Biden unfit for office on so many levels. China owns Joe Biden—Hunter was just his bag-man. Vote Trump/Republican like your life depends on it because it does. Ukrainian and Russian and Chinese clouds hanging over the Bidens, father and son, wife and two brothers, collected millions in bribes , a whole lot of corruption here. Puppet Biden/Harris are so dishonest, refuse to answer very important key questions such as SCOTUS, communism, defunding police and China. They will destroy America, Omar, AOC, Thalib, Soros and China. Deep state big tech must be stopped from censor. Hunter’s emails reveal a 'massive national security issue with Joe Biden’ FBI.

  10. Jeff Olp says:

    Biden goes into hiding over the Hunter issue. He is either a coward, lier or both. If he hides over this how will he handle China or Russia if things get tough. A leader that hides is not a leader.

  11. C DeCross says:

    America has depended too much and too long on the MSM, as if our lives depend on them; America has given them too much power. MSM does NOT decide and dictate what we are to see and hear! It's time we put them in their rightful place…boycott and defund them, write letters, send messages, protest against their biases and demand true and fair journalism. Until they do what they are supposed to do, we will not be their audience. Cut the strings!!

  12. YT Chang says:

    This an example of why no one view the Marxist lackadaisical media of the the jackass party who works for the CCP. For almost four years all we heard about is the Russia hoax. Verified treason by joe binden and his family with the CCP and not a word. We in America need to get rid of the Marxist scum in the media and the deep state operatives of the jackass party.

  13. Michael Taylor says:

    'MSM' Reporters re: Hunter Biden's laptop…
    🙈 See no Hunter
    🙉 Hear no Hunter
    🙊 Speak no Hunter

    They'd rather keep aiding & abetting child abusers, human-traffickers, & corrupt politicians than tell We The People the truth about these matters.

  14. The Punisher says:

    Should be a no brainer. Biden and the rest of the senile herd of democratic elders are politicians who have been lying for decades. Trump isn’t a politician but he is a proven leader. Trump 2020!!!!!!! Also, The American People want to see someone in prison! Do that and this country will vote Red for a hundred years! 🇺🇸

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