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42 replies
  1. tmpnsane says:

    Isn't it "odd" Federal Government Congress,Judiciary and Executive Branches can NOT Take Away the 1st Amendment from me or you but private corporations (FB, Google/Youtube, Twitter,etc…) can.and do censor ANYONE they want to, ANYTIME they want to. They decide why they want to censor for reasons they decide. The argument they make legally is "They are NOT a content provider". Here is an example if I submit a story to be published in a newspaper or news show they can choose not to publish because they are a content provider (so it is not censorship). My point is if the social media companies are not a content provider than they are in breaking the law a very serious federal offence you can NOT rob any citizen of their Bill of Rights.
    To be honset they can slap a label on a video or post warning like the movies have to have (pg,x, xxx, pg13 etc…..but that is the extent of their legal power as a non content provider(a content provider is legally responsible the content.just adding my two cents

  2. W B says:

    The communists at Facebook are shut g down the truth while allowing leftist hate groups a platform to spew their lies . That’s why I’m not on Facebook

  3. Teri Labonte says:

    Thank you for being a Warrior of Truth for We the People, humanity Liz. God Bless & keep you, your team and loved ones safe 🙏💟 Love and Light…Freedom rings Maam.

  4. Pure Essence with Miss LANI says:

    Ps. And I’m sorry they did that to you on Facebook but screw them… The guy running that place is known to be part of a “man boy ring“ where a pedophilism is acceptable. I wouldn’t take anything they say for a fact.

  5. Paul_Melvin _ says:

    Outstanding work I really really really enjoy your accurate reporting. I too verified with what your report indicates and it is in sync with what CDC and other health agencies are depicting. If Facebook is saying otherwise then they should be able to back up their data with the names and contacts of their medical doctors that is specifying such information. Facebook should not be using some 9th grade Facebook soda cjerkClerk pushing the button behind the. Pardon the pun but Facebook his lost all face

  6. R Melnyk says:

    FakeBook has a truth hiding Agenda, I had to un-indoctrinate my self from years of lies-dumb downing and apathetic foolishness labeled knowledge so I had to unlearn everything I was taught. I learn more on youtube in an hour than everything in 12 years.

  7. Darin Cooper says:

    The real question at this point is why are we still using these propaganda platforms? We all need to move all at once and be done with it. "Like a band-aid, just rip it off"

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