
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has weighed in on the case of a Mississippi church. One America’s Salina Arredondo has details.

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34 replies
  1. Matt Krieger says:

    Do not toss out the possibility that this fire was started by the church owners themselves for financial gain through insurance and the inevitable GoFundMe income. Or by right wing extremists in an attempt to fuel the fire that is the massive divide within our country. Or a bit of both. Man.. America under trump blows. I never could have imagined this massive of a divide that we currently have in our country. Such a shame.

  2. CJ Miller says:

    Should this even be an issue??? It makes no damn sense, look at the bars opening in Colorado and other states, people not masked, partying like its 1999 (old song) but people are assholes and picking on churches??? what the hell is wrong with this country?? its ok to gather and party in bars and beaches but people can't gather to pray.. INSANE. Its like letting people out of jail to make room for these bad people opening there shops….sorry this whole thing is becoming a joke. Fauci, you and Birx have been getting billions for decades, you still have no vaccine, cure, for aids….hmmmm. People please watch Amazing Polly channel the video is called THEY HATE US, great story about Birx, and Fauci, I can't believe the President has them still on government payroll. Please watch amazing Polly people.

  3. Daniel Kahawaii says:

    Doesn't appear to be linked to the crime, yet a spray painted message ADMONISHES THE STAY AT HOME MEASURES IN PLACE BECAUSE OF COVID-19?
    I would ask the Homeless in the area. Volunteers are built that way. A kind word; or a warm gesture, is all that is required.
    Grace, mercy, and peace from Hawaii island w/love & Aloha. Na Honi Mai Ka Lani Me Ke Aloha. Kisses from Heaven.
    I wonder how fast the Army Corps of Engineers can get a church fully operational and functioning? God bless US All.

  4. Authentic Human says:

    The court didn't ALLOW anything. They affirmed our Constitutional right to unrestricted exercise of religion that are inherently free from any government permitting.
    Read the Bill of RIghts.

  5. dawn brady says:

    The jackass that burned the church forgot that those people turn to prayer for ALL things first. So they were going to pray for this too. Some people need a lesson in how to get it if they are doing this.

  6. Lionel Burns says:

    People have forgotten either willfully or through ignorance that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are about your God given rights you're born with and not about what freedoms the gov't allows you to have. Really sad!

  7. Kristie Mitchell says:

    Wow, so nice of the court to allow them their constitutional rights after they know the church is burned to the ground!
    America we are at war.
    This is FU**ING SICK

  8. Michael Webb says:

    Jesus said "I Will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". Our prayers are with you and your family and the entire congregation.

  9. Junior Costa says:

    God is going to build a bigger and stronger church not only the building but the people as well . All glory to jesus christ and to our father in heaven. Amen.

  10. Mitch Batten says:

    Hate crime and terrorist act…… must have been a brainwashed Leftist/Democrat acting out because they may lose that free handout cheque if everyone gets back to normal and working.

  11. John Dee Smith says:

    ….I can't help but wonder what would happen if a local sheriff went with his deputy's to close a church and found the pastor and parishioners all armed and prepared to forceably resist……

  12. cwcobo says:

    Hey Mr Slappya$$ arsonist, you're the worst kind of coward possible. Stop worrying about what good people are doing, and focus on improving your own crummy pathetic little life.

  13. Ralph says:

    Trust me, they are Christians which means Yes, they have enemies. And I'm willing to bet those enemies that burned down their church are VERY near. Probably within three miles of them.

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