
A political strategist is crowd sourcing money in an effort to cross-reference data and expose potential widespread voter fraud in many states. One America’s Jack Posobiec has more from Washington.

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41 replies
  1. Omega 7 says:

    Imagine how much fraud in California. Just look at the financial gains of moving companies and moving rental companies coming out of CA, OR and WA…

  2. marines0001 says:

    another form of proof fraud existed all the effort to convince you there was none! if they truly thought they were correct and there was no fraud they would be saying sure recount them check the machines nothing to hide!!!! the cover up proved fraud was present and they know it

  3. Dave Rudnick says:

    If the Dems have nothing to hide, they should welcome a forensic audit of the vote tallies in ALL 50 states.

    It's the Republican "thank you" for the three and a half year colonoscopy they gave President Trump.

    You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

  4. dustin pitts says:

    When we have to go to work that's when democrate's come out to destroy America , think there're burning down buildings and spray paint everything and those of us who work hard have to sleep;;;;;;;

  5. Dave Erb says:

    What seems odd to me is those who were directed to use a Sharpie and it bled trough. Why is that a problem as far as I can remember there is nothing on the back of the absentee ballot that you vote for?

  6. Kam says:

    There is nothing suspicious about Dominion Voting Systems. Pelosi’s Chief of Staff is a key executive of the company Richard Blum, Feinstein’s husband, is a significant shareholder in the company Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Dominion got into trouble with several subsidiaries it used over fraud. One subsidiary is Smartmatic. Smartmatic’s chairman, is Mark Brown, a former vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds. Litigation over Smartmatic “glitches” alleges they impacted the 2010 and 2013 mid-term elections in the Philippines, raising questions of cheating and fraud.

  7. BS Analyzer says:

    Hammer Scorecard rogue software application appears deployed to switch votes from Trump to Biden in swing states. And maybe others like Sean Parnell were cheated too. Mark Zuckerberg spent $350 million to pay for blue city vote efforts. FB is dead Patriots! Anonymous sources = LIARS and THIEVES 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  8. Moletia Bates says:

    We are in Arizona. A friend who has Illegal immigrant friends know personally that they voted. That isn't even the troubling part. They were bragging that they voted not once but twice. She isn't willing to report it.

  9. QuinnMendel says:

    Oh wait. One issue of concern in the republican party are legitimate absentee votes not getting counted because they did not arrive in time? That's rich. First you jack with the USPS to disenfranchise democrat votes, then complain when it affects republican votes? Also, what was all that chanting about stopping the counting? Oh yeah. Stop counting where you're ahead and keep counting where you're behind…

  10. Michele Lyn says:

    My husband's friend went to vote at a poll and was handed a ballot with only demacrates on it he looked at it and gave it back?
    I didn't follow up but is that leagel to give 2 separate ballots? i did absentee and mine had all candidates

  11. Parthasarathi Rath says:

    The end-game is clear:
    Trump knows he's lost.
    He knows he's broke.
    He will use his last few days in power to con his supporters in the name of his "recount fund" with the help of right wing conspiracy theorists.
    Republicans will play along till the Georgia run-offs in January to avoid losing his supporters.
    He will resign in January and have VP Mike Pence become president and pardon him and his family for tax fraud and other crimes.
    He will pay off his divorce settlement from the "recount fund" and retire in mar-a-lago selling national secrets to the highest bidder.

  12. Long Yoa says:

    The man who gave up his lavish and luxurious lifestyle and endured being ridiculed and smeared by the media to save America 🇺🇸.
    Biden, Clintons, Pelosi, Obamas, Zuckerberg, Soros, Bill Gates and the Media's. This is what the president is up against. As for the so called President of Reject below it something you want to know about.

    Joe Biden’s political Career by year:

    1973 Biden enters politics




    1977 Biden fights to keep schools segregated because “allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle”






    1983 Biden taxes SS





    1988 Ran for president but had to end it after getting busted for plagiarism


    1990 C’mon man, almost there



    1993 Biden taxes SS again

    1994 Biden writes the stop and frisk law which is what African Americans blame for systemic racism today



    1997 Almost, not yet because y’know the thing











    2008 Calls Obama the first articulate and clean mainstream African American












    2020 and now he’s ready to “FIX” the Country.

    Imagine being so dumb that you think the guy in office for 4 years is the problem and the guy in office for 47 YEARS is the solution
    If you know anything about programming, there's no such thing as a software glitch, it has to deliberately be done.

    These Democrats will do anything to steal this election. Trump is not stupid, he's learned the art of war, they have woken up a sleeping Giant.

    This will be the best Christmas 🎄 of the year.

    It’s not over. Trump’s not going anywhere. Dead voters and computer glitches don’t count as votes—or incomplete ballots that only voted for Biden. If Dems think they won, I’d like to see how many of them are willing to fight for it. We’re all equal — so I have no problem with killing them in war. Instead, they rely on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News and Facebook and Twitter to fact-check….when all of the people in cable news and social media know that those people are dumbf****..

  13. TheWizard says:

    It's obvious there is widespread voter fraud. Democrats just have to fight for their lives because they are going to jail if they get caught or if Trump becomes president he will uncover Biden's corruption so they have to win no matter the circumstance. They are cheating America. It's unbelievable.

  14. Pete Ruden says:

    They didn’t count my paper ballot in CA. They claimed I could check online to make sure & they would email me, but they have not. I voted for President Trump. CA probably turned red but we got cheated like past elections. That’s how we got stuck with pelosi . Massive voter fraud also got us her nephew Gavin. People in CA are not all liberal like SF.

  15. Mitch says:

    Here in New Jersey Mercer County district 50 no voting machine was available like it always is. I asked why no voting machine and was told due to COVID. I didn’t know a machine could catch COVID. I had to fill out a provisional ballot. Now I can only hope whoever opens my ballot will do what I voted.

  16. TONYRYO13 says:

    Cat an mouse game now, leaking information on this now means they've already gathered the data that's needed. Now the flushing out the people who is involved. Trump is no fool.
    TRUMP 2020!

  17. PC Planet says:

    Find representatives (in swing states) to call and let them know to support your president, Donald J Trump.
    Also tell them that you do not accept the results of the sham election.

  18. Sean Valdivia says:

    Dear Jesus, my LORD, my God, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you died on the Cross for my sins. I confess that I am a sinner and that without you I would be hopelessly lost. Please forgive me of my sins and cover me in your Precious Blood. In my spirit I stand in agreement with what Brother Marcus Rogers and so many other Brothers and Sisters of your Body have said about four more years of grace, even though the demonic broadcasting that the witches of this world are performing against our President Donald Trump have made it seem otherwise. From a worldly perspective, through my own imperfect and ignorant fleshly eyes, another term for Donald Trump seems absolutely impossible. Such is the great power of the dark sorcery that the witches of this world have cast against our President Donald Trump. I therefore step out in complete and utter faith on this one, oh Mighty God, oh Lion of Judah. The deception is so intricrately woven that no human being alive, in his or her own flesh, nor any team of humans, could beat it. We The People are incapable of defeating this deception. Without you, Biden WILL win. Therefore, when the opposite happens, when the impossible happens, when the fraud is completely exposed for what it is, and when Donald Trump is officially elected for a second term, LET YOUR NAME AND NO OTHER BE GLORIFIED. Let all know that YOU AND YOU ALONE ARE GOD. Let all know that YOUR MIGHT is greater than the might of all the witches, evil spirits, and dark magic of this world. Let all of us, your children, who love and follow you, who obey and worship you the best that we can while always striving to be better for you, saved only by your Precious blood, let us KNOW THAT YOU AND YOU ALONE DID THIS. Let all glory go to you. Let all praise go to you. I beg you, Jesus, my LORD, my God, my Redeemer, to give us this MIRACLE. Jesus, in your Precious Name, I pray, amen.

    Dear Donald Trump, the swamp runs deeper than ANY of us could have ever imagined!!! Thank you, Mr. President, for sacrificing EVERYTHING for We The People. You have been chosen by God! You are God's Trump Card, and He is not done with you yet! Stay Strong President Trump! We The People HAVE YOUR BACK!

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