
Military leaders are speaking out against the management of Fort Hood in Texas as the Army base takes heat for the controversial deaths of several soldiers. One America’s Kyarra Harris has more.

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34 replies
  1. Richard Boschsuero says:

    But why tho? She was murdered.
    Soldier 1: hey why is this gate called guillen gate
    Soldier 2: to remind us of a murder victim
    Soldier 1: wow that's very motivation, now I have to worry about being murdered on base stateside, not just dieing oversees

  2. Marie Devine says:

    This is our Creator and Savior at work; MUCH evil is being exposed all at once. This will end the Democrat Party's evil plans and leave them no power. The law of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" is about to hit Democrats. Hopefully, they will cry unto the Savior and tell Satan they refused to be used by him any longer. Confess sins and God forgives sins; and for us "righteous" folks, forgive others so we can be forgiven. Free heart and mind of fear, hatred, condemnation, false witness, and manipulation. Live in God's freedom and love.

    DANIEL 2:44 (In a time of great division shall the God of Heaven establish His Kingdom which shall have no end.) This is all the height of power of our God. REJOICE ALL. We all play a part, depending on whether we want God to rule our lives or not. We ALL fit into God's triumphant plan somewhere. Choose the good part.

  3. Spectre says:

    FT Hood is where military careers and soldiers go to die. They got my NCO and they almost got me. Darnell is a duck farm that doesn't give a damn about us

  4. meals123 says:

    Worst part is they had the suspect in custody. Instead of arresting him even though his girlfriend admitted to helping him bury Vanessa they brought him in for questioning. He then escapes and later kills himself. Should have had that asshole and he should be suffering.

  5. Tora Black says:

    R.I.P. Vanessa Guillen and all those like her! These people are willing to lay down their lives for our country! I may not agree with the reasons why we go to war but I really do think that our soldiers deserve better.

  6. Natasha Savage says:

    They need to be figuring out who’s doing all the killing there! Hasn’t over 20 people gone missing from there in the last couple of years?
    They got a serial killer and don’t even care!

  7. Carlos Reyes says:

    Thank OAN for reporting this to the public. I know you did a report on the case of Vanessa in the past . Many Latinos and Hispanics on the left are saying the conservative media don't talk about the case of Vanessa Gullien. But we all know the people on the left love to lie.

  8. Jason says:

    Don't be dumb don't join the military as a foot soldier. There are nukes. You are 100% going to be insignificant for every matter except moral. Our military steals more tax dollars, than nessary.

  9. Trump Grass says:

    If she wasn’t out opening her legs she would be alive. But she shouldn’t have been in the army, she was only there to help get her family get citizenship

  10. slappy91able says:

    What a cowardly general. There are numerous wartime heroes who don’t have a gate named after them. What makes her so special? This is pathetic.

    What sad is Fort Hood is known to have terrible soldiers…at least for the past few decades.

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