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30 replies
  1. Recco Con says:

    The Wall -being built. Imagine the swell of fake ballots mailed or at the polling stations. Averted total disaster -in more ways than one. God Bless and protect the greatest 2 term, President Donald J. Trump.

  2. Derrick Silk says:

    Maybe now, American lives will see the importance of an independently driven nation, no right no left, just individual minds excelling and exercising their morale. More often than not, the people are wholesome but quickly brainwashed by corrupt media.

  3. Sihar Tobing says:

    Voting Day No Visual Report From Any News Station , Now What Happen, Just Bad Isue Out To Public For Information About Vote Election, …. God Bless All, ….. Cheerio.🌠👍👍👍🌠🌠🌟🌠🌠.

  4. Dav RoZ says:

    If we lost fairly I would be sad and deflated but I would accept it and just wait till 2024 to go vote again but this was clearly not fair…oh and 2022 we also need to vote out Commie Cuomo the Grandma Slayer.

  5. Raymond Mak says:

    Joe & his fake medias still acting to their corrupt dems party, that is what they got only in this election!

    Amerlcan people & the whole world know the facts – they already game over! ………….

  6. James Champion says:

    That's always been the difference between the right and left, put it out there, show us you've won and we'll go back jobs, family and our lives. But having all of the media outlet push their narrative without proving it, well that not going fly with us! The Electoral College hasn't voted so there is no winner yet! And we don't mind waiting because we believe in our Constitution, it will prevail like it always has!

  7. James Linnstrom says:

    80 million mailing ballots mean only one thing: voter frauds in industrial scale. Every other country that tried large scale mail in voting concluded the same thing. It ALWAYS lead to frauds and wrong election results. We now have the consequence of that intentional move by the Dems to mail out 80 million ballots: We have no idea how much frauds have been committed in this election. Potentially it is MASSIVE. We simply do not know.

    The only fair solution is to redo the election. The other solution is to take a year off to figure out the true results.

  8. Barry Moore says:

    As a Nevadan I signed my name electronically. It was so bad I questioned it to the clerk. She stated it was recognized. I was amazed when I could not even identify it myself. I was amazed. We need voter i.d.

  9. Rosseo B says:

    Democrats have been cheating in elections for decades, and are surprised we are not allowing it this time. 1946, The battle of Athens Tennessee: veterans did not allow the cheating.

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