Someone asked me yesterday about a potential civil-war/revolution in our lifetime.

Yes. Absolutely we will see both. I hope I’m wrong, but I believe probably sooner than later.

I think it will happen once the political pendulum swings again after Donald Trump.

The masses of the young, low-information voting generation (who have been force-fed lies from our public school system and media for years) will rise up stronger than we can contemplate. They will all march and chant (literally) to the exact drum-beat of the progressive leaders (yes, including some very powerful progressive Republicans who pretend to be conservative).

These youth will vote for a very strong progressive (socialist type) mix of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, that will openly defy and oppose the Constitution and Bill of Rights in their platform; and be praised for it. The ideals will never lose the highest office again. The next generation will overtake the republic, probably for good. I believe it will be lost until a revolution happens.

Speech will be punished harder than ever before. Religious institutions will be attacked and have their tax-exempt status taken because they aren’t with the sexual-revolution times. And the right to bear arms will be more than infringed. In fact, disarming citizens might be where the war begins.

Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

The good news is that God has already seen the movie play out, and He tells us it will be okay in the end, that is, if we stay true and faithful. Light always conquers darkness. That gives me some hope.