
Violent criminals are being released back onto the streets in cities across America. This is all thanks to district attorneys who were bought and paid for by George Soros. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how the radical left-wing billionaire is working to undermine our nation’s justice system.

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44 replies
  1. Hector Irene says:

    Supposedly Trump merged the Federal Reserve and US Treasury to disband the central banking system that privately owned the Fed and allowed these kind of scumbags to fund terrorist acts through taxpayer dollars. If Trump indeed merged both of them then that would mean that the gold standard will return and it’s just a matter of time before these globalist pedo demons are brought down. I really hope so.

  2. Elsa Moral says:

    How is it legal for a foreigner to donate money to a political campaign? Then another country would be able to change our legal system and way of life. Makes no sense!!

  3. Geno says:

    I wouldn't want to be rich in a country that isn't free. I'd rather be poor in a free country. Evil Communists threaten our Free State! People like Soros want to install dictatorship in this country and turn everyone into slaves!

  4. Peter Henery says:

    Can somebody tell me how this works exactly ? How are these District Attorneys appointed ? is there a voting process ? Does Soros spend big on bribes or advertising or what ??? How does he do it ???

  5. RichardBodeker says:

    Just goes to show how gullible and stupid people are !!!
    Put on face book and cnn and it has to be true!!!
    You can’t say all lives matter, so we need to say, ONLY, BLM, with all the sarcasm you can muster !!!

  6. David Ingram says:

    From London. AGAIN. I BEG an answer to the question that must be on MOST PEOPLE'S lips WHY, in the name of GOD has this Soros character STILL not been arrested and charged! WHAT is the American justice system waiting for? IS THERE such a thing as the American justice system? Perhaps not. Ours in Britain has ALREADY collapsed!

  7. Jake Johnson says:

    Maybe all you Q clowns and Barr supporters will now realize AG Barr is part of the problem, just a smoother deep state scumbag. Barr should have dropped the RICO hammer on Soros and all the SpyGate scumbags long ago.

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