
A leading British scientist has revised his predictions about coronavirus and now believes the mortality rate is much lower than expected. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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27 replies
  1. SVigoda says:

    Because they are all liars. We are on our own people. Don't believe anyone. CDC, WHO, NIH are all globalist organizations. They do not have your best interest at heart.

  2. steven USA says:

    China NEEDS More Trade for its Market of SLAVE Labor & World Pollution.
    Turn Away From democrat Media Conditioning Propaganda Corrupted by The Chinese COMMUNIST Regime.

  3. Steve Giles says:

    Much lower i say yes. There alot of cases where someone died over something else but called the virus. Its called a virus used as a political weapon

  4. the alien says:

    It don't matter the practice run is in once demonrats get control it will be fema camps or worse they hate the Pesident and his voters that much. The intelligence agencies working to remove him while this happened they need destroyed

  5. Christopher Hager says:

    Anyone dying in this Country while having the Wuhan virus is counted as a virus related death. Combined with not knowing anywhere close to the number that were asymptomatic and that are highly undercounted which results in your data being so corrupt it’s unusable, or should be unusable.

  6. Brier-Rose HopeDiamond says:

    These governors who are determined to let their constituents die in an effort to make sure President Trump fails — TOTALLY INHUMAN. ANY governing individuals who pursue restrictions to prevent doctors from putting forth their best faith efforts to cure their patients in an effort to see a POTUS lose popularity should go to prison for the rest of their natural life.

  7. Nick Beauvoir says:

    So this video reports that a British scientist predicts that far fewer than 20, 000 people will die in the UK. Unfortunately and very sadly he got this wrong then as the figures today April 25th 2020 have now passed 20,000 (20,319 deaths in UK hospitals reported…and that's not even counting deaths in Care Homes and in the community which will bump up the figures in the end). And we are not out of this yet! Makes me sad thinking of all these people who are dying.

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