
Congressman James Comer (R-Ky.) begins a probe of the Disney film Mulan after reports it was filmed where the Chinese Communist Party is detaining over a million people and reportedly carrying out the genocide of the Muslim Uyghur minority. One America’s John Hines caught up with Rep. Comer and has this report from Capitol Hill.

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43 replies
  1. mvaranda1000 says:

    Question to Disney? Why not question all business that buy products manufactured in China? What alternative the costumers have when go shopping and everything is "Made in China"?

  2. Silver Chopsticks says:

    Of course the GOP is leading this investigation. Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts would call this a, "Trump distraction" from the unresolved pandemic. Even a historic treaty signing is nothing to them. Democrats are like the busy little gnats that buzz around sweet fruit. Useless, noisy, irritating but only there to pick on the spoils.

  3. The Radical says:

    Mulan cost $200,000,000 to make while its current Cumulative Worldwide Gross is $37,600,000. So it's a flop.
    But we need to double down by boycotting all Disney films and bring that commie loving organsation to its knees.

  4. BorsicksChannel says:

    I am sure there are millions more cases just not tested and not sick. Which means to me its not so deadly and is unstoppable by tyrannical guidelines. Put into account the millions and tens of millions who have/had it and not tested, there is probably mortality rate of like .06.

  5. Hrafn says:

    The common denominator among the apparent hypocrisy of the Left is simple.

    If it negatively affects people of European descent, it is an acceptable practice.

    If it destroys nuclear families and traditional beliefs, and customs, it is acceptable.

  6. Shadow says:

    Ccp now wants ccp cells in corporate board rooms in china , maybe this investigation needs to be urgent , ccp to Disney ccp in your board room , yes master

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