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48 replies
  1. Two_Heads_Talking says:

    He is trying to do the same thing again, telling the world he has had briefings that prove the collusion between Trump and Russia to rig the election result.
    Here in the UK we have a saying, its called "planting the seed". Its not for now, its something you do now so you can use it later. After Trump wins. And its not something that you would do without having some kind of proof either, otherwise theres no point.
    Personally I would look for what he has done to setup Trump to make it look like he is colluding.

  2. theerascal says:

    Shmo biden is the poster child for committing felonies and getting away with them because u have miney and know some folks. Hes a dirty, lying, plagiarizer on multiple counts. Not to mention his disgusting behavior with children and his mind is clearly got holes and other wicked things in it. How is he where hes at after committing so many crimes to get there???? Plz dont vote demoncrat this election. U think its bad now? If dems get back in an run out their own agendas we will absolutely fall. Trump would not destroy the very economy tht provides him income and profits. Im mor saying he’s never done anything wrong but at bare minimum hes upfront, honest in national relations and doesnt hide his true nature or decieve the american ppl tht pay him. If poverty stricken ppl across the nation support him but the corporate profiteering leaches in dems cant stand the fact thr he isnt afraid to say whts wrong or on his mind. Ok hes not the greatest public speaker for presidential speeches but hes tryin. Why isnt obama in the spotlight for setting all this up iver the course if 8 yrs

  3. Daniel Rodriguez says:

    That remark pony soldier is a reference to Indian scouts the rode with cavalry units after the civil war,they had pony's, while cavalry units had horses, what a racist pissashit biden is

  4. Dave Zimmerman says:

    It will absolutely happen again not one got charged for their crimes . The same criminals are still there along with the criminal fake media covering for them

  5. Jerry Tang says:

    Of course! The Democrats have an agenda-hold the reins of power. It doesn't matter that they will run America to the ground, and you along with them. As long as they hold the whip and the purse, nothing else matters.

  6. As the days of Noah Live right says:

    If a Democrat says it just a diversion, you can bet, it’s exactly what ( they) are doing. Pretty much what ever they say about someone committing a crime, it’s exactly what crime they themselves are committing. Always!

  7. T mann says:

    No surprise there, maybe they should fire every agent and start all over recruiting new agents and educate them. While they're at it charges of treason should be brought against cnn ,msmbc and every reporter who participated in this

  8. Jay McCain says:

    At no point in the clip did you even offer that there’s proof Biden knew, let alone actually show it. I’m disappointed in you. Do better.

  9. wa fou says:


  10. Michael Taylor says:

    Biden definitely lied: he's on record as the one who brought up the Logan Act while discussing LtGen Flynn.

    Resist socialist aggression & other organized aggression in the USA…

    🇺🇸 Vote RED:
    Remove Every Democrat

    🇺🇸 Re-Elect President Trump

    And meanwhile, if you will, check out Q:


  11. Tabac1959 says:

    Lying only has consequences when you are a Republican; or anyone in opposition to the socialist Democrats. Democrats just blatantly lie and move on knowing that they will not be prosecuted.

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