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42 replies
  1. FretNot TrustinGod says:

    PENNSYLVANIA CONSERVATIVES, Please! Please! Protect your home state and the U.S. by volunteering in all aspects of counting ballots. Protect against fraud due to payment or corrupt ideology. God bless PA.

  2. Earl of Mar says:

    According to Lude Live on Nov 2, Michael Bloomberg’s plan to create chaos in the US has been exposed. The mainstream media will disclose detailed evidence soon.

    Bloomberg is funding Antifa via an operation called “Red Mirage”. On the day of the US Presidential election, Red Mirage will be “in display” according to the voting timeline.

    In addition, 39% of the mail-in ballots are being “transferred elsewhere” in order to change the outcome of the election.

    The legitimacy of the election will be challenged if Trump declares victory on the night of the election on Nov 3. Protests throughout the US will put pressure on President Trump to delay his announcement about the final result of the election.

    The goal of this plot is to encourage riots and lawsuits until all the mail-in ballots, including the fake ones, are counted to ensure a Biden win.

  3. trimntim says:

    The F.B.I. had Hunter Biden's laptop for almost a year. Which means Wray knew about it, so Durham knew about it, so Barr knew abut it.
    Keep in mind, they had this evidence in hand during a Presidential Impeachment, for criminal charges far less than what the Bidens have done.
    The difference is, The impeachment charges were false. The evidence against the Bidens is irrefutable! President Trump should have been informed immediately. I'm just an ordinary citizen, but I firmly believe come Nov. 4th, Heads will be rolling. MAGA 2020!

  4. Susan B says:

    I’m sure that many still voted for Biden because two factions have evolved out of this election; that is, emotional politics and personality politics. I know many people who don’t like Trump not because of his policies, but because of his bombastic personality. They like Biden because of his quiet tiptoe approach to issues, never mind that it is impossible to fulfill the pipe dreams he sells.

  5. Larue77 says:

    The allegation is that Joe Biden, a private citizen, had a financial interest in China. If Donald Trump and Ivanka had an interest in China while working in the White House why is it a crime for a private citizen to have an interest in China?

  6. Lea Norau says:

    Does not matter how hard they try to intervene, they have the original laptop info, original witness and their info. There is nothing they can do. NO SPIN HERE, BIDEN SCANDAL IS THAT, BIDEN SCANDAL. ENOUGH SAID

  7. Susan M says:

    We the people need to demand of our politicians (the red ones) that this be dealt with. It is a disgrace to all of us that 1) this has been allowed to get this far without being dealt with and 2) that our President was treated in this nasty way. Everyone involved from Ukraine, Burisma, Impeachment and Russion collusion all of which the Dem's directed. Draining the swamp is just the beginning. However will the people of the United States ever be able to trust politicians, FBI, CIA , DOJ and MSM again without a thorough clean up, clean-out. All of these organizations are criminal and should be charged accordingly. Trump will win tomorrow and the clean up should begin immediately. Trump for President 2020

  8. K Fogarty says:

    Perhaps, the 'Biden laptop' data was with white hats/watchers coordinating with the FBI for that year, and 'it' was being mined for 'leads' to out all possible bad actors. Cyber security ops may have determined that using secrecy for this probe has advantaged them to gain fuller investigations. Certifying bibery…evidencing espionage…achieving rescues of trafficking victims…trailing laundered money…and, revealing whatever misdeeds old Godfather Joe, Inc. was committing takes time.

  9. David Gold says:

    Christopher Wray is a corrupt never-Trumper and the so-called FBI investigation will go NOWHERE unless and until President Trump is re-elected, and only then with massive pushing on his part. Never trust this current FBI leadership to pursue this.

  10. Crozbyguy says:

    Elected to lock her up, and only fired Comey. On law & order we got punked. I expect more of the same, it'll never end without raids, massive & multiple military raids to bust it apart completely, none of this one at a time crap. Or none at a time crap.

  11. Scott Nelson says:

    Thank You for reporting.. Let’s fire and remove all the MSM, and only allow those that are Truly righteous as per morals and values to rise.
    I pray that America know this history so we do not repeat our errors .

  12. William Jackson says:

    We all know that our government is dirty and corrupted.There is not one government agencies that has not been caught begin dirty or corrupted at one time or another so we all know that none of the government agencies can be trusted. I don’t think that it is possible but each and every government agencies need to be investigated and if found guilty should be charged with treason and as traitors to our Country.These corrupted government agencies need to be put to death 💀 by hanging or by firing squad.

  13. Terry Thompson says:

    You need to reinstate Flynn and put him in charge of a task force to rid washington of corrupt individuals…. give him power over all other agencies so we the public can regain trust in these crooked agencies…

  14. Raphael Lee says:

    The FBI raided Roger Stone's and Paul Manafort"s residences. Why can't President Trump send Paratroopers and the Marines, to raid the residences of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. This is the only obvious thing to do!

  15. mattyg3535 says:

    Just a question (not being a dick), Has Judicial Watch EVER caused ONE person to be held accountable for ANY of the work that they have uncovered?
    Just wondering what Judicial Watch actually does. I have never seen ONE person jailed or fined for actions uncovered.
    Appreciate all the work they do to uncover governmental wrongdoing but the information is kind of obvious to all americans that government is corrupt.

  16. Samogitien Sarmatian says:

    A Biden Campaign operative in Texas is attempting to rig the 2020 election with the help of others in a massive ballot harvesting scheme, according to two private investigators who testified under oath that they have “video evidence, documentation and witnesses” to prove it.
    Joe Biden said his campaign has assembled the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” in a podcast published Saturday — an unfortunate slip of the tongue, as the presidential election will likely see major legal battles over the legitimacy of millions of ballots cast via mass-mail voting.

  17. Time Traveler says:

    The CIA has been corrupt since FOREVER !!! FBI learn these skills from them ( many CIA operatives are now working in the FBI ! ) DOJ , Leadership / Prosecutors have become extensions of CIA / FBI and their corruptions Activities ! Only way to FIX IT IS TO CREATE NEW ORGANIZATIONS / AGENCIES AND REMOVE MOST OF WHAT IS THERE NOW !

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