
Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her history has been discussed heavily this past week. However, some of her previous comments may come back to hurt her. One America’s Jack Posobiec has more.

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27 replies
  1. John Munro says:

    Reason why I have decided Trump is not good enough to be a President. He shut down the world for corona virus. We know this is suspicious.. fauci who has a dark past is calling the shots for our freedom… big pharma is slowing trying to make Corona virus a mandatory thing..to allow the police to come into your home etc.. ..We need to get back to the Constitution. I see Tom Hoefling as the best choice. 2020.

  2. Jill Alexander says:

    That’s funny who’s the predator, Kamala has been on bouncing poles for awhile climbing up it or gitty up horsy rides to get where she is now, has anyone check out if she rode Epstein plane , she probably was

  3. Bossini says:

    Harvey Weinstein had Tamil Nadu grey peach from California with caverjet when Kamala was aiming for high offices. Willis Brown knows it all.

  4. Russ S says:

    Oh willie could only get her so far sleeping with him. So she must of thought sleeping with harvey would push her up the ladder. I thought prostitution was illegal?

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