
Leaked audio suggests The Kennedy Center Orchestra in D.C. had always planned to layoff workers even as it lobbied Congress for $25 million. One America’s Jack Posobiec explains.

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38 replies
  1. Blue Heeler says:

    Piglosi on the board?!?! Oh yeah, that witch just lined her pockets with tax dollars….. AGAIN!! Everything this other idiot is saying on this video is just another lie!

  2. japtele52 says:

    this  is  just  another  reason  why  we  need  to  vote  these  dems  out!   they  care  NOTHING  about  Americans  only  there  own  greed!      stand  up  America  and  vote  these  tyrants out!

  3. ApplePie says:

    Wow. It sounds like this place chronically operates in the red, and that it's a pet project of Pelosi. Supporting this organization with tax dollars is just wrong. They need to ask for donations from their wealthy supporters. Pelosi should be investigated and reprimanded for this.

  4. Brian Fansher says:

    So Nancy is more interested in saving the jobs of 1,000 non essential employees than helping the 20+ Million Americans who have lost their jobs, many of them essential. Pelosi is demonic filth.

  5. William Galindo says:

    Talk about conflict of interest…
    Pelosi being a board member thus
    including 25m into the ppp bill then
    not passing it unless the amount was accepted. She's probably a board member of planned parenthood also. Biachs' gotta go!

  6. Miller Forester says:

    The AFI awards are presented yearly at the Kennedy Center. All of our prior Presidents have attended this ceremony. Why is President Trump absent from this annual event?

  7. marlene katz says:

    Another female head of an agency, the Red Cross, couldn't account for billions of dollars but told obama's congress she needed more money, which also disappeared. Should have checked her bank account too.

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