
With the mainstream media releasing dramatic reports by the hour of the mortality rates from coronavirus, One America News wanted to help give those numbers some perspective. Pearson Sharp breaks down the latest figures and explains why Americans still have reason to hope.

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42 replies
  1. Jerry W. Ellis II says:

    the other day we were talking: in the Bible, God tells ancient Israel (His Nation) to quarantine their sick. but today, we've done the exact opposite: we've quarantined the healthy and shut our country down. that lead Dr. on Trump's task force is bad, bad, bad 🤬

  2. 22uces Patriot Warrior says:

    What about the Children being rescued from Cages and tunnels… ??? How about the US Naval ships… Surrounding South America both coastlines??? Where's your investigative reporter … Don't fall in line with Fox Cnn MSNBC ect….

  3. Raymond Sanchez says:

    Ya this is a sham. Do an investigation into. Communist. John. Kerry and you will see the plot to destroy. Americans lifestyle. Do. You. Dare. See. The. Truth

  4. Bobber says:

    Main stream media could not destroy Trump so the only way to dispatch his success is to destroy America buy negating his progress. Yes: they are that desperate and treasonous.

  5. Marcia McCants says:

    Tell me why Suicide, traffic accidents and the final total are the primary numbers showing the decimal point? Display for viewers the names of pressing issues with the most alarming longer written decimal point numbers IJS improve your game @OAN

  6. Jason Linden says:

    The media isn’t saying the world is ending. That is a lie this video puts forward. Those statistics given are manipulative and deceptive. 60 million H1N1 cases was an estimate of the total infections, not the number confirmed cases. Confirmed cases of H1N1 16 weeks in was 33,000 for the U.S… We are now 10X that only 4-6 weeks in with COVID-19. Your dissemination of false information is extremely dangerous at a time like this.

  7. Warren G. says:

    It's the End for them, the corrupt and wicked are being exposed for who they are. For all the world to see. Remember this at the ballot box , vote these liars on the Left out ! Republican, Democrats and Independents vote these establishment liars out !

  8. ATWORLDSEND says:

    Where the fuck did those numbers come from? I can't find anything even close to a match. Not from the CDC, not from NEJM, not from anywhere, even Google disagrees. Did this just pull those numbers out of his ass? How is that even possible with all the words that coming out of it? This news channel is more full of bullshit than a steer farm in Texas!🖕

  9. Marc Battaglia says:

    Were not all goin through this together the dems an the media wouldnt be fearmongering if they were on the American peoples side talking fear but What do you expect from parisites, they already proved their Anti American an we all see it now

  10. Barbara Garvin says:

    FUCK THE LYING 'MAINSTREAM MEDIA'. i'll never believe a thing they have to say. i love how one kid has died 4 times in 4 countries, once, as a girl. FUCK THEM!!!

  11. Lakshan Elikewela says:

    News Stations as yours is a reason why the US is under the current situation with this many infected! Its pathetic to see even after such devastating results people still undermining the virus. And this will be the very reason why the pandemic will eat you inside out.

  12. William Wyler says:

    While his data on the number of deaths from other sources is true, he never really mentions the fact that the main reason that COVID-19 is a concern is that the number of cases is continuously rising. We haven't yet seen a dramatic enough curve to not consider this a threat.

    Not to mention that 2/3 of people post-infection managed to recover while 1/3 have died. This is in the U.S. alone.

    Please, if you do the proper amount of research from multiple sources, it's not hard to see that this is an issue.

    Trust the research, not the news.

    Peace and love, stay healthy everyone.

  13. little pigs says:

    By the way, you can't compare the Covid19 to car death and such! It something you can't see or jump out of the way as it passes,Soo let's just get to the point!!! America long live Trump 🇺🇸🦈 sincerely Kansas

  14. Jo Scrivani says:

    It's a demonic as well as man made virus , the demonic dems. Are satan's minions, and fear is a liar just like these traitor dems. Fear not !!! Or satan wins this battle ! But as We know he shall Loss the War !!!

  15. Goyim United says:

    Love how everyone is saying it's real, but offer no evidence to support the claim. Oh they people who are profiting from it says it's real so I guess that means it must be real…

  16. Jamesjean Alexander says:

    Excuse me! But is anyone having problems with there phones? Getting u tub? And or making calls I've tried calling a hospital in AZ and having problems getting through! And just now I can't get another u tub connection?

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