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20 replies
  1. Earl Louie says:

    Handling their own business? Their business is to get out of the way or be held accountable. Get off social media, collapse these fascist companies.

  2. Susan D says:

    They're not private companies anymore. This is how we are communicating in the 21st century.
    The only solution is to create parallel platforms we can all transition to.

  3. Bruno says:


    Pedocrats say big tech influence election, they just don't admit they target conservatives and not liberals.

    Block people is not free speech.

    Tell him to shut up, this guy is a joke

  4. Richard Green says:

    Business cannot void the rights of the people as it is not allowed to do so. Business is permitted to only what is permitted to the government and within its right to franchise. The government cannot allow what it is not allowed to do because that would be outside of its jurisdiction to allow. Simple if the government cannot promote harm to the nation than neither can a business that it created.

  5. Don Swietlik says:

    This guy is an A$$HAT two reasons free speech should be across the board not one sided under the 1 Amendment Section 2030 all that has to be done is change wording that coincide with the 1st Amendment meaning lawful!

  6. Rick Janosky says:

    How about if Google Twitter and YouTube each set up a site that contains the videos or tweets that did not meet its criteria. This becomes material they are detached from. No legal repercussions.

  7. Michael Wright says:

    Wrong. When they show blatant bias on a platform that is supposed to be public and those decisions have a huge effect on elections, they do not get to decide what I read or share. Their protection ends when they decide what we can see and share. They do not get to have it both ways. If they censor then they should be liable for EVERY post. They accept the responsibility for ALL content and should be sued for every false statement they don’t block. This egghead is WRONG!

  8. Man Moon says:

    The point that the internet was "invented" using tax payer dollars and is now regulated by rules should explain everything to this guy. Ignore his idiot and irrelevant comments. Reform section 230…..even these ceo's admit the have too much control.

  9. Suntouso says:

    This guy is a Commie ! Get rid of 230 section of the communications bill.
    Big tech has kicked me off just because I am a Constitutionalist or Conservative.

  10. Suntouso says:

    This guy is a Commie ! Get rid of 230 section of the communications bill.
    Big tech has kicked me off just because I am a Constitutionalist or Conservative.

  11. spots says:

    Wow this guy came over from CNN. What an idiot. He is the enemy. And girlie, just rollover and let me steamroll you? "like .. uh is that his role? pppffft. Go back to school and learn to interview.

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