I’ve said this before but I don’t sleep very well. I’ve been on and off every possible type of gross medication to try and slow my brain down, also every natural plant and remedy you can think of, and unfortunately with medications and yes even plant based, they work too well. Meaning so well I get knocked out to the point I can’t dream. And so well the next day it takes my mind several hours to spiritually somewhat get in tune. Groggy. I don’t like it. 

The last few nights I’ve tried not to take anything to sleep, and the dreams that have been coming to me have been so vivid. Some random that may not mean anything, but some where I know God is speaking to me with symbols. Dreams have always been important to me. 

Some people think the Word of Wisdom (a guide for a healthy mind, body and spirit) is somehow a mechanism for religious leaders to manipulate people for control, even down to what they put in their bodies; when in reality, I believe getting our bodies and minds in alignment with the spiritual is how we personally can control many things that happen in our lives, spiritually speaking. 

And what I mean by that, is how can we really control anything spiritually in our lives, if we can’t control what we put into our bodies physically? Most Americans aren’t healthy. And this is to say nothing of the mind. Controlling our minds is just as important; and I’m convinced most are failing at that, especially me with my stupid phone addiction. It’s something I know I need to master but haven’t. 

I just woke up from a dream where I went back to 1997 in an auditorium at an old school I used to attend and I realized I was back in time. I started to try and convince people I was from the future. Once I explained that 9/11 was about to happen in a few years, I had their attention. They started asking questions. One guy tried to start a physical fight with me and I somehow ended up knocking him out with his own shoe he tried to throw at me. I know, weird. 

At the end of my dream, and before I woke up to write this down, someone said to me, “Okay, so what’s the main message you have for us?” I paused in my dream and thought about God and the last days prophecies. I then said, “We need to be spiritually and physically ready for what’s coming.” I tried to explain the economic crash of 2008 that was coming to them, but what kept coming to mind was being ready spiritually first, then physically second. 

One girl in my dream heard me speak and the only thing that she was concerned about how my words could help people come to Christ. I’m not sure jealous is the right word, but looking at how sincere she was, I longed for the spirit she had in her. Her light was shining. All she seemed to care about was that. Bringing people to Christ. Although I sometimes think I’m like that now on earth, it is nothing like I felt in my dream. She was glowing. 

So waking up today earlier than I wanted, after tossing and turning, flipping my pillow a million times to feel the cold side, I kept thinking about two things;  the frog in the boiling water (where we are at today vs. 1997) and how I believe we aren’t ready like we should be, especially with love. 

We are a very unhealthy people, especially spiritually speaking, especially as proclaiming Christians. The nature of this spiritual war has factors I don’t think we fully see. Factors in ourselves we can’t see. Lack of love being the biggest. 

I talk about love a lot, but after my dream I feel so much further away than I want to be. I think my problem is I’m a lot more concerned with being right, than loving the people I know are wrong. But being right about what’s happening is so important. Like the difference between Liberty and Captivity. It’s devastating how wide this division has gotten, especially in Utah how people have turned to Government for the answer, and not God. 

But then I see their point when they think following a church leader is doing the righteous thing. I truly understand. It’s just so sad to see that many churches around the world are being told what to do by the government, and they will comply. So it becomes what I believe is a very twisted version of what obedience should look like. 

So you have a group of people trying to listen to that still small voice (conscience or the WORD of God) and you have a group of people listening to whatever the church leaders tell them to do after the state tells church leaders what to do. Both groups trying to do the right thing but are now pitted between one another with their best foot forward in their faith. It’s incredibly sad. Both “sides” see themselves as right. 

But here’s what I believe the truth is. 

Ultimately we will be judged on our intent of our hearts. Who we have become when we arrive to reunite with Him. How much light we have. Because God is light. 

Whether we are right or wrong tactically (religiously or even how we worship), I believe intent goes a very long way with God. And if that intent (again even if we are wrong) is driven by the love of toward God and our neighbors, we are going to be okay. That’s how justice works with a God who’s mercy will always overpower justice if our intent is pure. 

I want to testify this life is the time to prepare to meet God again after our opportunity to be tested. Even if we stumble and fall over and over. The test is to see if we will get back up, not if, but WHEN we fall. I believe we came here on this earth to be tested to see if we will do all the things God asked us, and we promised to do, before He sent us down (Jer 1:5) – And as mortals, this includes daily repentance. 

Jesus asked us to become like Him and the Father (Matt 5:48) and we have the opportunity to follow Him to that destination. But we first have to follow Him to become like Him. Following Jesus is the key. And until we see that our lives are somewhat patterned after His life, it won’t make sense. Our path is like His path. His path was to lead the way for our paths. It’s one in the same. (John 17:21-23) 

Being a true disciple was never meant to be easy. Easy is just being told what to do by the world without question. If it were that simple, there would be no growth. We all have to be spiritually born again, answer the calling to our individual missions God has given us, live out our mission with the gift of the Holy Ghost (John 10:27), usually with a lot of opposition, go through painful trials and sometimes mini gethsemanes, take up our own individual crosses daily, and ultimately be willing to die for what we believe. That’s the path. And it can sometimes be very painful.(See Matt 16:24-25)

We weren’t meant to just be angels in heaven, but actual Godly beings with Eternal potential and posterity (See Rev 3:21) That’s the Plan of Salvation. Anything less than that isn’t what God has in store for us. He wants to share everything He has with us and more. (See John 10:33-34) 

There’s a reason for all of this. Jesus Christ lived and died to make it all possible. And we WILL see Him again. I know that’s true. If I were really coming back from the future or in a dream, that’s the message I would share. We need to get ready because He is ready for us.