
NASA recently released high definition images of Mars. One America’s Salina Arredondo has the details.

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49 replies
  1. wobblethief says:

    I was impressed that oan actually reported non partisan news, then I read the comments. everything is a conspiracy to you guys isn't it? sad…

  2. Deborah says:

    So we're littering fake Mars with garbage vehicles because their lifetime is limited & they no longer function. Then, we abandon them & send more.

  3. Phenogen says:

    Best fake photos yet. Depending on which Earth site was used only a matter of time before the spanners, pyramids, rabbits, hominids are discovered as well.
    Wonder if they made a large plaster model of Mars yet or will it just be more CGI and studio time?

  4. MAGACOP says:

    NASA gets $20 Billion of our tax dollars a year and for what?
    Some pictures?
    NASA should be disbanded.

    Use that $20 Billion fixing up American cities.

  5. Scott Gust says:

    OAN that rover parachuting in is cg graphics and 4k isnt very high rez…notice he said 1.8billion pixels…lot more than 4k, please do more research

  6. William Bryce says:

    Why don't they go to the sites talked about in the Sumerian tablets. Like the face image. It would prove ancient people new more than we did and would not be considered myth but have actual fact to the stories.

  7. Ingested Red says:

    Still falling for these lying money grabbing brainwashers? It's absolutely laughable this footage. All that money you give them and they stitch together photos.😂😂
    The sooner you realise the HOAX and wake up, the better we'll all be.
    Let's go discover what they're hiding.
    60th parallel. 👀

  8. N K says:

    That's cool… how about releasing an unprecedented check to the government to help out all the people being forced to not work right now? NASA needs to be defunded, space exploration is fucking pointless right now, we have problems ON EARTH that need to be solved first.

  9. Karen O says:

    It's Beautiful! A shame i don't get 4K. Now wait – First thing noted are the words, "ALL REAL". WHY?
    I'll believe this when THE TESLA Arrives! Just Only after ? time there, 2 of 3 Rovers have 'died'? ~ how Sad.

  10. Dr. Hannibal Lester says:

    That NASA finally acknowledges Mars was once a wet world, makes me hopefull for what they will acknowledge next.

    Pyramids? Petroglyphs? Monoliths inscribed with inscrutable glyphs detailing the planet's turbulent past?

    I don't know, but I plan to hang out for a while to see what happens.

  11. herbielina says:

    The scientist guess Mars is -81 degrees below
    Zero. Fahrenheit.
    Now everyone knows, that lives in northern climes, that big & little machines are really hard to keep working when it’s below -50.
    Just saying. 🤣

  12. BeRational says:

    1st Amendment — Greater killer of American life than Covid19
    * In most other countries the press is hold accountable for telling the truth.
    * So not in USA and UK, where anyone can say anything, it will just be labeled as ‘opinion’
    * Propaganda channels like Fox Entertainment & OAN has built an existence on this.
    * Mixing 2% truth with 95% opinion and conspiracy theories that suit their agenda.
    * This is killing more Americans than Covid, just compare deaths with other countries where there is a responsible press.

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