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46 replies
  1. rb67mustang says:

    Well, I said goodbye to Netflicks a while back due to their Despicable film about Jesus. If Netflix made such a film about Muhamad, the owners of Netflix would have multiple death threats against them, yet they are more than happy to Blaspheme Jesus.

  2. Joy W says:

    More importantly, what is the matter w/their parent(s)…….if they have any, or are they part of the underground kidnapped kids MADE to do this?🤷🏽‍♀️

  3. Jesus is King says:

    If you want to live in a nation that seeks righteousness vote for our President. He seeks for Americans to have a good job and a good quality of life. Liberty, freedom, and justice for all. But if you want a nation that looks like Portland or so many of these other cities that have been ripped to shreds vote for the left. The left is a party that slanders and does not hesitate to bear false witness against others only for their blood thirsty quest for power. America will turn into a moral sewer if we do not turn back to morality and God’s word. When the lawless win it is over for everyone. And in revolutions usually the ones who started the revolution are the first to go. Wake up America. Turn back to God before it is too late. With the left we will descend into a globalist nightmare like so much of the world. Choose a party that protects the unborn, Choose a party that stands for freedom, God and prosperity. If we vote the left we should expect the imminent arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ and there will be justice for all then. The moraless who want to plunge our country into pure hell and chaos will get true justice. And those who fought the good fight of faith, stood for God, family values, and work will ascend into the clouds with our Savior. God will wipe away every tear from our eye. And eye has not seen and ear has not heard what God has prepared for his own

  4. Minuška says:

    Netflix must be full of pedophiles. I already canceled my subscription. No more stupid and morally wrong movies in my house. Sad 😢 on you Netflix.

  5. Chad Nation says:

    This is very disturbing however , I have a close friend who watched the movie and said there were no breast exposed ! If you want to keep folks from believing your reports ? No ? Then don’t add shock values = lies with the information! Trying to promote you guys and this sort of thing is a slap in the face

  6. tonguetattered says:

    Sept 14, 2020. 'Today' on TV just defended 'Cuties'. The director said, 'watch it before you judge it' and 'it is a statement against the sexualization of children'… Guess we no longer need to use logic anymore. Then it moves on to blame the group Qanon…

  7. Alan Simmns says:

    Legally this Movie isn’t Child Pornography, I’m more offended by the Evening News than this🤦‍♂️, and here what I do when anything offends me, I look away or Don’t watch it🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.. guess those complaining have never seen the movies “ Kids” or Pretty Babies with Brooke Shields, also Amazon sells books from David Hamilton.. Again don’t like something Don’t look at it! Morality is different depending on time and place! The dance scenes in Cuties are a bit Risqué for the American Culture , but does not Legally Violate any Laws..

  8. Marta Caballero says:

    Were the Hell are the authorities???? Why is nothing being done about it and Netflix is the go to your handle it by just not showing it.

    That's not enough! I'm tired of having to placate the most disturbed individuals in society because of PC culture!!! Examples need to be made to stop the acceptance of deviant and immoral behavior be the criminal left.

  9. Cynthia Kukman says:

    I'm a conservative, this is a French film, I didn't see a child's breast. This film is actually showing what happens when you allow kids to have access to social media, watch TV and movies and Music videos like Cardi B.. it actually shows what happens in an eleven year old girls life. My daughter, at 11, looked like an 8 year old but all her friends were going through puberty. My daughter was teased and bullied so much so she started wearing a bra and stuffing it. I think mothers especially should watch this film because your daughters aren't as innocent as you think they are. This movie isn't about a dance troop, these girls made up their own dance and entered a competition. The main girl, Amy, realizes she sold herself out into being something she is not and runs home, puts on age appropriate clothing and goes outside and starts jumping rope with some people, as she jumps she jumps higher and higher and smiles more and more, I'm assuming she realizes that being a child is better than worrying about how to impress boys and her peers. It actually was a good film…I actually have issue with people who would be turned on by 11yr old children. This movie probably is too tame for them.

  10. mdntwriter59 says:

    Canceled mine two days ago when I heard about it thank you so much for speaking out I am a father of two older women now but they were little girls one time and I can’t even imagine enough said

  11. Mark Key says:

    I just cancelled as well. I've been with them since day one but this goes beyond the pale. Make sure when you cancel select "other" as your reason and then let them know how you feel about child porn. I chatted with a Netflix rep and she basically said "not all of our shows will meet your expectations" and then I asked how'd she feel if it was her daughter up on that screen, dead silence. So long Netflix it was a good thing at one time but I refuse to send money to people that think this kind of disgusting behavior is acceptable. May shame fall like locusts on all your houses.

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