
After New Yorkers fled the city in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, landlords expected they would come back, but residents have not returned as they’d hoped. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair explains.

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31 replies
  1. Russ Wollman says:

    Say what you will…NYC (Manhattan) was a great city, Sure, noisy, dirty, smelly, rarely pleasant, but unmatched opportunity and diversity and vitality.

    BUT NOW: DEAD. deBlasio and Cuomo have destroyed the city. That was what they wanted to do. Now they will run crying to the Federal Govt for money. Much as I love the city, I say, “NOT A DIME”.

  2. praisehauler says:

    Cotton candy masks at the Coronavirus Circus, a family favorite. "Step right up! $10 for three balls to knock down a small business and win a prize" "In this booth, we have Q the Political Fortune Teller and in Center Ring under the big tent, DR Fauci never has the same show twice" "Don't forget to visit the Cuomo Nursinghome Horror House and the Democrat House of Mirrors where everything is skewed"

  3. Vreeland Gardner says:

    I see many comments here blaming this on landlords charging high rents, what you need to realize is the reason for the high rents is the exorbitant taxes that are charged , plus all the extra fees added on
    The city is so badly run, and looks like things will be getting a lot worse
    A young Rudy Giuliani is what the city needs

  4. Marchant2 says:

    Uninformed people make all sorts of judgements about the cost of living in NYC as if the cost of living in any large metropolis in any developed nation is any different. This is how it is. Once we're past this pandemic, people will be flocking back to New York if the rents are more affordable, and then they'll go right back up to where they were again.

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