
Many New Yorkers agreed with President Trump’s move to defund cities plagued by anarchy. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair has their responses.

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49 replies
  1. fatamorrighan says:

    Um.. he does have an army Fredo! Threatening the president is a crime! NY should crash and burn because people support those idiots! Until they demand the democrats leave, the shouldn't get federal funding!

  2. niko skyrnd says:

    The governor of NY is very funny, all blamed on the president. If you can't handle the city, it's better to step down from mayor. Before Trump became president of NY it was also chaotic, many New Yorkers moved south, because, very high costs, assassinations, gun shootings, overpopulation and many more.

    Look at now the covid 19 pandemic, many billionaires are moving south because of high taxes and many people are out of work.

    You are no different from the Governor of COMMIEFORNIA. Just as much talk and no action.

  3. Ernst Rogers says:

    Cuomo does not speak for New Yorkers. As a matter of fact, Andrew boy better be careful because the next time he walks down New York he may find himself at the end of a rope from the gangs that he supports.

  4. love & respect says:

    6 day's later 💨💨💨 he's in record saying He knew how bad Covid19 was SINCE February 🤒… What😳 😳😳😳🤤!!!! He was just playing it safe not to panic people!!! Who's the lliar🤔. Go Trump just press the little red button nuclear time☝ …..

  5. Celeste Bivin says:

    Back in the day that little threat to the president would have been seen as treason. Too bad treason's not punishable by death anymore.

    And I wonder when people are going to start suing him for the death of their elderly loved ones?

  6. T da man says:

    Cuomo brothers are idiots! Idiots. What do u think will happen if Trump goes N.Y.? A ton of secret service and security. Sound like threats towards POTUS to me. That’s a crime.

  7. Stetson says:

    Amen! The American People in the Normal States have been sick for years of seeing our tax dollars going to line the pockets of democratic ran states that keep electing democrats who do nothing but allow the states to become toxic waste dumps for drug addicts, illegal aliens and criminals and then blame it on everyone but themselves. Defund them……its time the American people fought back and gave the democratic party hell because their entire existence has always been about making the elite wealthy richer while making slaves out of the poor…..and to those that want to argue with me about it tell me why in the 1800s every single member of the democratic party almost decided to leave the union and create their own country in the south in order to keep getting wealthy off slavery and poor working farmers as well….then they instituted a drafted forcing every man between the ages of 16 and 72 to serve at least 2 years in the southern army forcing men who didnt even own slaves or believe in slavery to fight and die to help democrats try to keep their slavery and greedy money earned off slavery…..learn history and how democrats fought like hell on earth to keep women from ever having a right to vote in the early 1900s…..learn history and find out how the democraic party fought like hell to keep african americans from having equal rights and the ability to vote……learn history and you will find out the democratic party is why Martin Luther King was killed. Go to a public library and check out books on the history of America…you will read all about the true history of everyone that lived in American the last 400 years going back to the earliest settlers and you will never read a thing about 99 percent of the truth in a school class room because the democrats wont allow the truth to be taught but you will find books in library reference sectiosn written by historians that will tell it like it happened. The democratic party started the KKK same as they have BLM all to keep people in fear and try to force their will and keep getting rich off the poor!

  8. BB says:

    Cuomo and his brother Fredo are both worms.
    It is so obvious he doesn't have the balls to be a kindergarten teacher let alone Governor!

  9. Colonial Roofing of North Carolina says:

    Completely agree the dems have been for 200 years the problem in our country, thats the reason the Republican party was formed in the first place to combat slavery for ome but to also stand against a party that has throughout the history of our country used the people for thier gains, to a point of civil war once and trying to do it again, the safest part is the weakness of people that would let these rich so called leaders use them to do their dirty work, thier was only one causality in the civil war of the rich leaders amd that was Lincoln that was fighting against the dems, just like today, the rest got richer while 600 hundred thousand Americans died, and they'll do it for them again acting like these rich elites care about the peoples life while sacrificing them on a field of battle that they started, peace to America and some commonsense in Jesus name.

  10. Mohammad Almasood says:

    This Fake do nothing Governor And the foulest cursed Mayor both together destroying the NYC City. But they love to put all the blame on the President Trump for nothing . He doesn’t even live in the NYC City anymore ???!!! Both of them are not good for the NYC City And for its business . Facts are Facts . Both of them are doing so nasty 🤢 propaganda against the President Trump . No more votes for Democrats .

  11. Barby Bubbles says:

    Sounds like a threat that should be upheld in the legal system. Public threats like that are actually illegal! Why is he allowed to get away with threatening anyone let alone the president of the United States regardless of how he thinks or feels about his political stance?!

  12. Trixie Pooh says:

    What is wrong with these Dims? They sound like communists! This is downright frightening ! Cut their money – all monies and then remove them from office and send them to prison!

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